Jojo over heaven

from ichbinmehnlich More from this publisher

348I killed him by poisoning.It's regrettable that the sensation of killing has weakened for me, butthat's really nothing but a meaningless feeling of self-satisfaction. I don't killbecause I wish for some feeling in response.I did not kill my father as a result of some emotion like "anger" or"resentment And I certainly did not do it to make myself feel "exhilaratedI simply took care of him.Yes, took care. Fitting words.Like doing a household chore.I did what I had to do. There was no need for superfluous emotion.What was crucial was to make sure the act did not create any problemsin my life. There was nothing more important to me than the life I was going tolead."The life I was going to lead Thinking back on it as a being that was notable to live as a human, it's awfully ironic.... But regardless, it was for that reasonthat I poisoned him.Probably due to his constant drinking, my father was feeling ill at thetime and had to stay in bed---- and I gallantly prepared medicine for my father. Itended to his every need.I just replaced his medicine with poison.That way no one would suspect me.A devoted son, something rare for that town---- In other words, typicalfor that foolish woman's son---- cared heavily for his father, but despite hisefforts, the father died of illness.It would be such a scenario.Of course, I could afford no mistakes in regards to which poison to use. Ihad to be sure it was a poison that would not be discovered---- one that wouldleave no evidence.It could be done gradually, over a period of months.

35That way it would be easy to adapt if an unlikely scenario were to occur--- So for that reason I carefully regulated the amount of poison used. Sometimes Iwould intermingle it with ordinary flour. I had to take my time and kill himgradually.I was in luck.In a nearby city even darker than the one I lived in---- A place calledOgre Street, I heard there was a Chinese man that handled questionable Orientalmedicines. If by using a secret medicine from a country not known to Westernmedicine I would be able to kill my father while leaving no evidence and nopossibility for future trouble.When I came to that conclusion, I, Dio, was "relievedBy simply reaching that, I somehow felt I was saved. To use this phrase,perhaps it is because I am writing it in this notebook, perhaps it is merely theresult of sentimentality, but...I felt the sensation that I "could go to heaven"Dio, no matter what happens, live nobly and with pride. If you do that,you'll surely be able to go to heaven."It was as though mother's teachings, the teachings I had long discardedas rubbish, came fully to life.At the time, I even felt that killing my father, poisoning him, was like agood deed done for the sake of going to heaven.It seemed to me that killing Father was the most noble, proud act I couldachieve.Seemed?No, I was convinced.That if I killed Father, I would be able to get to heaven.I believed that I would be happy and my life after that would go well.I was certain I would be able to take back everything that I lost,everything that had been taken from me---- Looking back on that now, how verywrong I was.That was nothing from the beginning.



I killed him by poisoning.

It's regrettable that the sensation of killing has weakened for me, but

that's really nothing but a meaningless feeling of self-satisfaction. I don't kill

because I wish for some feeling in response.

I did not kill my father as a result of some emotion like "anger" or

"resentment And I certainly did not do it to make myself feel "exhilarated

I simply took care of him.

Yes, took care. Fitting words.

Like doing a household chore.

I did what I had to do. There was no need for superfluous emotion.

What was crucial was to make sure the act did not create any problems

in my life. There was nothing more important to me than the life I was going to


"The life I was going to lead Thinking back on it as a being that was not

able to live as a human, it's awfully ironic.... But regardless, it was for that reason

that I poisoned him.

Probably due to his constant drinking, my father was feeling ill at the

time and had to stay in bed---- and I gallantly prepared medicine for my father. I

tended to his every need.

I just replaced his medicine with poison.

That way no one would suspect me.

A devoted son, something rare for that town---- In other words, typical

for that foolish woman's son---- cared heavily for his father, but despite his

efforts, the father died of illness.

It would be such a scenario.

Of course, I could afford no mistakes in regards to which poison to use. I

had to be sure it was a poison that would not be discovered---- one that would

leave no evidence.

It could be done gradually, over a period of months.

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