Jojo over heaven

from ichbinmehnlich More from this publisher

203And unfortunately, I do not think I can get to heaven.At the rate I am going, I don't think I'll be able to get there.I am searching for how to get there. And as I am now, I've half found it,but...... I have already obtained the Stand "The World the one-way ticket toheaven, but as things stand, the way I am now, it does not seem I will be able toget there.That is the conclusion I must come to.Though I am not giving up, I currently am forced to admit that it will bedifficult...... It will be difficult for me to get there on my own power alone.What I require is a friend I can trust.He must be a human that can control his desire.He must be a human without desire for power, hunger or for fame, orlust. He must hold laws in higher esteem than he does man's laws----- WillI, Dio, ever be able to meet such a person?What one could call antithesis of me. That kind of person.No, I must meet him.I must meet such a friend.That is why, in preparation for meeting him, I am recording informationin this notebook."How to go to heavenAnd no matter what kind of events may come to pass, I am writing indetail in order to have the persuasive power to denote whether or not I reachedthe "way to get to heavenLeaving behind such a record is dangerous...... If this notebook were to beseen by, for example, someone like my old enemy Jonathan Joestar, it would bean unsavory situation.I do not want such people to know of my "goal

21If "he" or "they" knew of it, they would be sure to try to prevent me fromreaching it...... Of course, if they do interfere, all I need do is find and defeat them,but I am not currently prepared for that.I am still not completely accustomed to this body I stole from Jonathanone hundred years ago.In a word, I am "unsoundWith my stand, "The World I am still confident I could defeat them, butbe that as it may, when I consider my pride in such things, I realize all too keenlymy humiliating defeat one hundred years ago.So recording "how to go to heaven" like this is exceedingly risky---- but itis a risk I must venture to take.This is not something that will do to only be in my head; to besomething only I understand. It is necessary for me to organize it and put it intowriting so friends I have yet to meet are able to understand that method.So even if I am gone---- that method can still be realized.Taking up a pen like this at all is something I have not done in quite along time...... Perhaps it will do some good beyond organizing my thoughts. Howto put it... Yes, it reminds me of my days as a student. My time as a student whenI pretended to be Jonathan's friend.There are a great many things that I must do.I will likely have to travel the world in order to find my yet-unfoundfriend...... And I will have to do it with my own two legs. It may have been onehundred years ago, but in this world one hundred years in the future, finding aperson of such pure spirit is likely to be no easy task.And to win over such a pure person will be even more difficult...... Icannot turn them into a zombie or embed a "flesh bud" in them. It must be a"person I can have complete faith in It seems ridiculously unlike me to do sucha thing...... A sickening degree of difficulties lie ahead for me.That is why a record is needed.An objective record.A point of view not based on my opinions.


If "he" or "they" knew of it, they would be sure to try to prevent me from

reaching it...... Of course, if they do interfere, all I need do is find and defeat them,

but I am not currently prepared for that.

I am still not completely accustomed to this body I stole from Jonathan

one hundred years ago.

In a word, I am "unsound

With my stand, "The World I am still confident I could defeat them, but

be that as it may, when I consider my pride in such things, I realize all too keenly

my humiliating defeat one hundred years ago.

So recording "how to go to heaven" like this is exceedingly risky---- but it

is a risk I must venture to take.

This is not something that will do to only be in my head; to be

something only I understand. It is necessary for me to organize it and put it into

writing so friends I have yet to meet are able to understand that method.

So even if I am gone---- that method can still be realized.

Taking up a pen like this at all is something I have not done in quite a

long time...... Perhaps it will do some good beyond organizing my thoughts. How

to put it... Yes, it reminds me of my days as a student. My time as a student when

I pretended to be Jonathan's friend.

There are a great many things that I must do.

I will likely have to travel the world in order to find my yet-unfound

friend...... And I will have to do it with my own two legs. It may have been one

hundred years ago, but in this world one hundred years in the future, finding a

person of such pure spirit is likely to be no easy task.

And to win over such a pure person will be even more difficult...... I

cannot turn them into a zombie or embed a "flesh bud" in them. It must be a

"person I can have complete faith in It seems ridiculously unlike me to do such

a thing...... A sickening degree of difficulties lie ahead for me.

That is why a record is needed.

An objective record.

A point of view not based on my opinions.

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