Jojo over heaven

from ichbinmehnlich More from this publisher

19678Anyhow, I am out of time.I will calm down and turn to a new page. I must calm down for now.Do not get excited.--- Yes, this is no situation to be on a high. I amalways tripped up at times like this, aren't I? Ah, yes. Enrico Pucci said that attimes like this, it is a good idea to count prime numbers. Prime numbers aresolitary numbers that cannot be divided by anything but 1 and themselves.Solitude gives one strength.I will enumerate the prime numbers.2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83,89, 97---- hmm.It doesn't seem to be working as well as he said it would.But anyhow, I must calm down now.First, I will conclude the story from 100 years ago.While Polnareff rejected the chance I offered to him, if I was able tospeak to him a bit longer--- If I had demonstrated the just how unparalleled myStand, "The World" is to him a bit more, there is a possibility he would haveyielded but..."Gravity" pulled him towards his comrades.Joseph Joestar, Joutarou Kuujou and Noriaki Kakyouin broke through awall. And with the rays of the sun at his back, Jean Pierre Polnareff rejoined theirgroup.With the light of the sun being an inexorable weakness of mine, I had totemporarily move from that "locationEven with Kenny G.'s illusions gone, this mansion has a considerablycomplex construction.--- They will not be reaching me soon.However, it seems that Kakyouin has put Nukesaku in a bag and isbringing him with them, (it may be to protect him from the sun, but it is a rathercruel thing to do), so it is likely that they will reach me in the near future.

197So before that, I must finish writing about my "discovery I am notafraid of Joseph Joestar or Joutarou Kuujou as individuals, but utterly the Joestarbloodline that I am wary of.--- Like I should have 100 years ago.The holy woman, Erina Joestar.That holy woman, the first and last person to interfere with my plansback then, was determined to die with the man she had partnered with, Jonathan.Even if she had vowed to accompany him in sickness and health, joy andsorrow--- I doubt she vowed to die with him as well.This was a woman that was, for the sake of a man who had saved heronce as a child--- going to throw away her life.Astoundingly foolish.That was pure, honest, and beautiful.But hopelessly foolish.I thought, once again, that she was, truly, like my mother.--- And thisstirred up great hatred in me.Therefore, I could not forgive her.I could not allow such a woman to cuddle up with my body--- Jonathan'sbody.When that never was done to me...Why--- would she do it to someone like him?Mother.Mother.Mom."My mother, also......"Jonathan said that.He pointed to the corpse of a woman right next to them who seeminglyhad been running from zombies and, in the end, fallen down a staircase and washugging a baby.--- And he said this."That woman...... She is a mother who died covering her child."My mother...... died doing the same thing."Take that child...... take it and run, quickly!


So before that, I must finish writing about my "discovery I am not

afraid of Joseph Joestar or Joutarou Kuujou as individuals, but utterly the Joestar

bloodline that I am wary of.--- Like I should have 100 years ago.

The holy woman, Erina Joestar.

That holy woman, the first and last person to interfere with my plans

back then, was determined to die with the man she had partnered with, Jonathan.

Even if she had vowed to accompany him in sickness and health, joy and

sorrow--- I doubt she vowed to die with him as well.

This was a woman that was, for the sake of a man who had saved her

once as a child--- going to throw away her life.

Astoundingly foolish.

That was pure, honest, and beautiful.

But hopelessly foolish.

I thought, once again, that she was, truly, like my mother.--- And this

stirred up great hatred in me.

Therefore, I could not forgive her.

I could not allow such a woman to cuddle up with my body--- Jonathan's


When that never was done to me...

Why--- would she do it to someone like him?




"My mother, also......"

Jonathan said that.

He pointed to the corpse of a woman right next to them who seemingly

had been running from zombies and, in the end, fallen down a staircase and was

hugging a baby.--- And he said this.

"That woman...... She is a mother who died covering her child.

"My mother...... died doing the same thing.

"Take that child...... take it and run, quickly!

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