Jojo over heaven

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And, as I have been writing this, Vanilla Ice been annihilated, it seems.

Yes, annihilated.

Not defeated or killed or some such thing.--- With Vanilla Ice turned into

a zombie by my blood, it is likely that the sun's light has left him annihilated

without a trace.

While I would not call it a "blood connection but even outside his

loyalty, with my connection to him as master and servant, I could tell that

Vanilla Ice has been annihilated without receiving a report from anyone......

But then, with Nukesaku heading for Joseph Joestar's team, I no longer

have a single subordinate to report "the annihilation of Vanilla Ice" to me.

Losing a subordinate of the caliber of Vanilla Ice is...... quite a serious

blow. And for his end to be "annihilation I suppose I should say that a downside

to turning him into a zombie showed itself.

A downside has surfaced with all of my actions.

However, I cannot call this a mistake--- fate was merely on their side.

Even I am an ally of the Joestar bloodline.--- Or perhaps still being not fully

adapted to this body, Jonathan's body, I am perhaps naturally choosing actions

that are beneficial to them......

I am certainly a bit agitated.

And while I am not in a disgraceful panic...... With my subordinates

killed, my trusted retainers eliminated, by mansion exposed, myself left alone,

and now being in this exposed state, I of course am not pleased.

But even in this situation--- this desperate situation, I am sure that

because of what I can anticipate, I can face it with "resolve

If this was a future I'd seen and understood, then I think I could meet it

without any agitation.

I suppose it really is "heaven

I must see "heaven"--- go to "heaven" and become a true winner. I must

take victory.

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