Jojo over heaven

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18875"As long as they have conviction, there is nothing a human can't do!"Humans grow.--- I'll show you!"And with that witty remark, Jonathan broke through my VaporizationFreeze Technique by covering his gloves in flames, and ran the Ripple throughmy body.When I was blown back by the impact, I cut off my own head, I supposesomewhat like what Vanilla Ice did earlier, in order to protect my head and brain.I had already tested the fact that I could survive as just a head by testingthe theory on zombies.--- And also I knew that if I could get someone's body, Icould have a full body once again.And as I have already written, the only body I considered for making myown was Jonathan Joestar's.Therefore, I waited for a prime opportunity.An opportunity in which the other Ripple warriors and Speedwagonwould not interfere, a moment when I could fight Jonathan one-on-one.Of course, as just a head, I had some feelings of not wanting to be seenin front of people--- but I also had a desire to talk to Jonathan Joestar man-toman.I wished to have an honest talk with him beyond all status and connections.However, I brought a subordinate zombie with me and Jonathan was inthe middle of his honeymoon, so I could not be purely one-on-one with him.Understandable.I had become just a head so I could not move on my own.--- Andultimately, Jonathan is one blessed by "meetings so there is always someonenearby him.Back then, it was that holy woman--- Erina Pendolton.Though she had changed her name to Erina Joestar.I learned in a newspaper about their honeymoon boat en route toAmerica.---I thought it unlikely we would be interrupted on a boat.

189That my taking of Jonathan's body would not be interrupted.--- That waswhat I predicted, and as it turned out, that prediction was correct.And even if it was not--- if I had made a mistake, a boat is a place avampire should avoid, I suppose.There is a special quality of vampires that we cannot cross runningwater.--- There is also that we are weakened by crosses and dislike garlic andsuch, but those are all just myths to me. However, on this occasion only, Iperhaps should have heeded those superstitions.After I lured Jonathan down to a cabin below the ship's deck, I hit himwith two shots of "Space Ripper Stingy Eyes --- It was something of a sneakattack.I was no longer able to use the Vaporization Freeze Technique as just ahead, so if Jonathan had made the first move, I would have had no chance atvictory.--- But while that may be, I was the one to make the first move. I had nointention of making Jonathan suffer nor certainly to torment him.I aimed for between his eyes in order to end his life instantly withoutinflicting any pain.--- But his body twisted and avoided that, so my attack merelypierced Jonathan's throat.Although, by shooting his throat, he could no longer breathe. Andtherefore he could no longer harness the Ripple.--- So at that moment, my victorywas certain.It should have been certain.The reason why, in the end, it was taken to what I call a draw--- isbecause at that moment, Erina entered the cabin.A bad feeling she had, perhaps?Or maybe it was the bond of husband and wife?Or perhaps there was "gravity" enacting between the two of them?---Anyhow, the moment I shot Jonathan, she arrived.And Jonathan "explodedFor the first time, Jonathan displayed an explosive power--- that I was"afraid" of.


That my taking of Jonathan's body would not be interrupted.--- That was

what I predicted, and as it turned out, that prediction was correct.

And even if it was not--- if I had made a mistake, a boat is a place a

vampire should avoid, I suppose.

There is a special quality of vampires that we cannot cross running

water.--- There is also that we are weakened by crosses and dislike garlic and

such, but those are all just myths to me. However, on this occasion only, I

perhaps should have heeded those superstitions.

After I lured Jonathan down to a cabin below the ship's deck, I hit him

with two shots of "Space Ripper Stingy Eyes --- It was something of a sneak


I was no longer able to use the Vaporization Freeze Technique as just a

head, so if Jonathan had made the first move, I would have had no chance at

victory.--- But while that may be, I was the one to make the first move. I had no

intention of making Jonathan suffer nor certainly to torment him.

I aimed for between his eyes in order to end his life instantly without

inflicting any pain.--- But his body twisted and avoided that, so my attack merely

pierced Jonathan's throat.

Although, by shooting his throat, he could no longer breathe. And

therefore he could no longer harness the Ripple.--- So at that moment, my victory

was certain.

It should have been certain.

The reason why, in the end, it was taken to what I call a draw--- is

because at that moment, Erina entered the cabin.

A bad feeling she had, perhaps?

Or maybe it was the bond of husband and wife?

Or perhaps there was "gravity" enacting between the two of them?---

Anyhow, the moment I shot Jonathan, she arrived.

And Jonathan "exploded

For the first time, Jonathan displayed an explosive power--- that I was

"afraid" of.

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