Jojo over heaven

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I got....... not quite emotional, rather just sentimental, so I have decided

to skip to the next page. Ridiculous. The way I was writing there made it seem as

if I was writing a will.

I have already been killed by Jonathan.


Haven't I?--- And somehow, now I may be feeling something like a

sensation that my "life is in danger --- But such a thing is misapprehension. I am

not opposing Jonathan now. I am only opposing Jonathan's descendants.

I am only facing people who have "inherited" from Jonathan, not

Jonathan himself. I should not have anything to be afraid of--- anything to feel

anxiety or fear about.

But let us say...... Let us say for argument s sake that not long from now I

was to be "defeated" by them.--- That would be something I would not want to

know in the form of some vague feeling of "apprehension but rather with


In that case, I could "prepare" myself.

I can fight with "resolve

Just as naturally as after 10 o'clock comes before 11 o'clock--- And after

11 o'clock comes 12 o'clock.

If one can see the future like the ticking of a clock--- if they can know of

the future, then humans, anyone, can form a "resolve

......Pucci quickly returned to America.

Now that Enya the Hag has died, there may no longer be any reason for

me to be stealthy in my meetings with him, but now in place of Enya's

surveillance, I have the Joestar group approaching me.

It would be unsavory for them to learn of Pucci.

I do not want them knowing Pucci has anything to do with me.--- We did

not do it last time, but this time, just to be safe, I sent him home with a


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