Jojo over heaven

from ichbinmehnlich More from this publisher

140This is already beyond the point of "I must not make light of themThis is enough for me to regret my decision back then.I should have dealt with them with more serious effort.--- Whether thatis "running" or "yielding it is unavoidable that my search for the "way to get toheaven" would be delayed.Even now, I do not want to use the word "afraid --- But if I were to saythat now, I do not feel it would run counter to the truth.It is meaningless to bluff.I must recognize it plainly. I must persuade myself.Right now, I feel "anxietyAnd this anxiety is an obstruction in my life.It is something like the antithesis of the meaning of living.I am unprepared.Humans--- even I who has ceased being human, those that havesurpassed humanity are no exception--- humans, whoever they are, live in orderto conquer fear and anxiety and gain peace of mind.Gaining fame, control of others, and making money are all done for thesake of peace of mind.Marrying and making friends are also all for the sake of reaching peaceof mind.Serving a purpose to others.Striving for love and peace.It is all for the sake of obtaining peace of mind.--- Obtaining peace ofmind is humanity's goal.That is what I think.In that case--- If such "fear" and "anxiety" were formed with clear,unclouded "conviction it would be converted into having "peace of mindwouldn't it?At the stage I was at several months ago, I was already wary of theJoestar bloodline.--- But I was unable to make a decision.

141I believe I was thinking that I did not know how to shift it.--- Or perhapsbecause I thought that there was a very good chance that Enya's predictionswould be correct and they would have simply been eliminated by "Strength" orone of the like.--- No.I did, as a matter of fact, think that the possibility was high.That is why now I have this anxiety--- or perhaps these feelings ofinstability.Because I was not "preparedI become uneasy in situations I cannot predict.So even if the future is bleak, or prospects are bad, if I understand that---I am able to take in the situation that is the present with calm feelings."Preparedness" is "heavenThe more I think about it, the more I feel this thinking is correct.--- Thatis because one of the things my mother always said seems to connect with it."Dio, no matter what happens, live nobly and with pride. If you do that,you'll surely be able to go to heaven."Nobly and with pride.It is because of in that place of my roots, there was "resolve isn't it?---As long as there was that "preparedness perhaps even living that hellish life inthat bottom-rung town could feel like heaven, couldn't it?Heaven not filled with happiness.Knowing heaven is joy itself.--- Because if you know if it, that is enoughto have preparedness and resolve.Heaven is the future.It is tomorrow.In that case, when is tomorrow?It is at the place that the hands of the clock have advanced to.


This is already beyond the point of "I must not make light of them

This is enough for me to regret my decision back then.

I should have dealt with them with more serious effort.--- Whether that

is "running" or "yielding it is unavoidable that my search for the "way to get to

heaven" would be delayed.

Even now, I do not want to use the word "afraid --- But if I were to say

that now, I do not feel it would run counter to the truth.

It is meaningless to bluff.

I must recognize it plainly. I must persuade myself.

Right now, I feel "anxiety

And this anxiety is an obstruction in my life.

It is something like the antithesis of the meaning of living.

I am unprepared.

Humans--- even I who has ceased being human, those that have

surpassed humanity are no exception--- humans, whoever they are, live in order

to conquer fear and anxiety and gain peace of mind.

Gaining fame, control of others, and making money are all done for the

sake of peace of mind.

Marrying and making friends are also all for the sake of reaching peace

of mind.

Serving a purpose to others.

Striving for love and peace.

It is all for the sake of obtaining peace of mind.--- Obtaining peace of

mind is humanity's goal.

That is what I think.

In that case--- If such "fear" and "anxiety" were formed with clear,

unclouded "conviction it would be converted into having "peace of mind

wouldn't it?

At the stage I was at several months ago, I was already wary of the

Joestar bloodline.--- But I was unable to make a decision.

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