Jojo over heaven

from ichbinmehnlich More from this publisher

138I was trying to create a zombie army.--- One could say that the fact that Iwas able to do things like resurrect the powerful, legendary knights who wereeven recorded in textbooks at the time, Tarkus and Bruford, as my own closeaides, was something of a byproduct of that.By doing that, I planned to increase my number of subordinates, gaincontrol of the town, eventually London, and later bring all of the world under mycontrol.--- Back then that is what I had as my "goalThat is what I believed would bring me "happinessOr perhaps, I believed that that was the path to going to "heavenNow, I think differently.I recognize the mistakes I made in my past.Standing at the pinnacle.--- Whether that is standing at the pinnacle ofan ecosystem, or at the top of a food chain, it is the same.--- And yet, standing atthe pinnacle is not exactly what you can call victory.True victory is the very act of gazing onto heaven.

13953I had a conversation I believe was with Enya the Hag.I asked her something like this:"What does it mean to 'live'?"For what reason do humans live?"To that, her answer was truly simple and also very practical-minded."To obtain that which they desire."If I am to summarize it, that is all that human life is."We want money, we want fame."We want food, we want love, we want lovers."Quite a realistic and truly great answer.But when one tries to obtain what they desire, conflict always arises.---If you lose that conflict and do not obtain the thing you wanted, you taste a senseof failure and defeat, you are wounded...... And in the next fight...You will end up feeling "fearAnd so, I said this to her."I believe that conquering 'fear' is what it means to 'live'.--- The one thatstands at the pinnacle of the world is the one that does not have the smallestfragment of fear!"And in response to that, Enya the Hag said something that seemed to meto be truly strange."Lord Dio...... What does someone as great as you have to 'fear'?"At that time, I answered, "The Joestar bloodline.--- I cannot make light ofthe Joestar bloodline."Enya scoffed at my words.--- Or rather, loudly enough for me to rebukeher. But now, things are going just as I thought then.The Stand users I have sent as assassins have been beaten one afteranother, and two among them joined the enemy. Even with all her laughing,Enya the Hag was beaten as well.--- And I ended up issuing the order to eliminateher. And now finally, I have allowed them to arrive in Egypt.


I was trying to create a zombie army.--- One could say that the fact that I

was able to do things like resurrect the powerful, legendary knights who were

even recorded in textbooks at the time, Tarkus and Bruford, as my own close

aides, was something of a byproduct of that.

By doing that, I planned to increase my number of subordinates, gain

control of the town, eventually London, and later bring all of the world under my

control.--- Back then that is what I had as my "goal

That is what I believed would bring me "happiness

Or perhaps, I believed that that was the path to going to "heaven

Now, I think differently.

I recognize the mistakes I made in my past.

Standing at the pinnacle.--- Whether that is standing at the pinnacle of

an ecosystem, or at the top of a food chain, it is the same.--- And yet, standing at

the pinnacle is not exactly what you can call victory.

True victory is the very act of gazing onto heaven.

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