Jojo over heaven

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It seems that Jonathan acquired the Ripple techniques quite easily.--- Of

course, he went through some degree of rigorous training, but with just a week or

two of, how shall I say this... "something like effort he became able to use the

Ripple...... Ah, honestly, how do I write this? To speak openly, it honestly annoys


Something that I and most other humans cannot do, he learned quite

easily. Like he was given it, inherited it, or he had it all along.--- Regardless, he

managed to learn it some way or another.

Perhaps it's talent.

An aptitude only one in 10,000 has or something.

With something nonsensical like that--- he easily caught up to me, who

had made heavy sacrifices and transcended humanity.

"Takers" and "inheritors

Is there really that much of a difference between the two?

......I wonder if from the beginning I had known that there "were

differences" and that "differences will arise" in the future, I would have had

"resolve" from the very start?

If I had known about the future, would I have become happy?

At the very least, more than Jonathan.--- Of course I don't know what

sort of resolve or preparedness Jonathan had, nor do I very much want to know.

In order to exterminate me now that I had become a monster, he came

to the city deep within the mountains where I was hiding in order to recover,


It was a town built in the middle ages for knights that served kings to

train. And in that era, they made use of the natural land formation of it being

surrounded by mountains on three sides and erected a prison.

Of course, the reason I chose Windnights as my place to recuperate was

because of that prison.--- As I have written many times before, fiendish humans

more easily make good zombies.

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