Jojo over heaven

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But the problem was how those 10 chips are classified.

So we are dividing them into a black and white ratio.

For a righteous man like Jonathan Joestar, those 10 chips would likely all

be white.--- A 10:0 ratio being a good person.

My mother would be the same way.

A 10:0 good person.--- A holy woman.

And for me, or someone like Jack the Ripper or Enya the Hag's son J. Geil,

I am sure that the 10 chips would be pitch black.--- People with a 0:10 ratio.

I am trying to collect 36 people with 10 black chips.

That is a calculation even a child could do.--- 36 times 10, 360.

360 is a number that represents a circle.--- A circle, and at the same time,

a "clock

36 souls, if my soul at least is added to them--- "time" completes a cycle.

Yes. More than 36 souls indicate more than one full revolution.

"Time" will---- make a "full circuit

That is the process for going to heaven, the guide.

......I write that as if I know everything there is to know about it, but at

the present moment, I must say that it is not complete. If this thinking is correct,

in order to put "that" into practice, I require the courage to temporarily discard

my Stand.

What I require is "courage

I require the courage to discard my Stand.--- My rotting Stand will father

and absorb the souls of 36 sinners.

And from there, "someone new" will be born.

By doing that, the "born being" will be awoken.--- The 14 words uttered

by the friend I can trust represent intelligence--- The "friend" trusts me.

I will become a "friend

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