Jojo over heaven

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I will put these in order.

The things necessary to go to heaven.

"The souls of over 36 sinners

"The 14 words

"A friend I can trust from the bottom of my heart

And my Stand--- the Stand of "time

"The World

Yes, it is all right.--- I am moving forward. I am making progress.

Along with the passage of time, I am properly, firmly, moving forward

with an unwavering pace.--- No matter what I lack or what I have lost, that much

is certain.--- That alone is something about which I have no doubt.

I may have missed a chance, but this is good timing.

Because here I will write why "the souls of over 36 sinners" is necessary.-

-- Up until this point I have pontificated about them as core "material" for going

to heaven, but thanks to Boingo's great efforts, I have decided.

My own resolve--- at this point, I have considerably, fairly, formed it.

Of course, that resolve is not, not nearly, enough to go to heaven--- I

wrote how the sum total of necessary souls was decided long ago. But what about

the quantity of souls? What about the mass of an individual creature's soul?

Let us say for argument's sake that there are 10.

Seeing as a basis of 10 is the easiest number for a human, or for a

vampire, to "divide --- Of every number base, base 10 is the most widely spread.

And the reason for that is that humans have a total of 10 fingers between their

two hands, it seems.

So I will be using that as my foundation here as well.

Let us give these souls ratios of goodness and evil. It would seem that

most humans are balanced at a ratio of 5:5.--- Daniel J. D'Arby is able to divide

the souls he has turned into chips down further into even more chips, but the

limit of that is 10 chips.

When I learned that, I felt that my assumption of the quantity in a soul

being "10" was correct.

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