Jojo over heaven

from ichbinmehnlich More from this publisher

12448Now that I have calmed down, I will continue writing about one hundredyears ago.I lost.To Jonathan, no, to the Joestar father and son, I lost.--- I "died I was"killedBut I did not die.But I was not killed.--- I survived.At the very last moment, a pillar which had broken due to the firedestroyed the goddess statue that had skewered me.--- And so, I just managed tosurvive.If one could call that good luck, this is like that Chinaman said, I havegood luck. I suppose that's what it was. I was in a state from which I could notrecover for some time, a state that seemed beyond recovery, but regardless, Isurvived. I lived on.My life continued.Not as a human, but--- it continued.And it continues on now.I did not simply escape death, I survived.That is what I should say here.But for a time, I had to hide myself. I had become an immortal vampirewith a powerful recovery ability, but being restored from the verge of death tooktime and required considerable life force.--- So...So while I gained servants like Jack the Ripper and drank the blood ofyoung women, I simply waited for my body to recover.I recovered.And waited for the day I would have my revenge on Jonathan.But while I was doing that--- While I was putting all of my effort intorestoring my body, Jonathan acquired those blasted Ripple abilities.The energy of the sun, in a way, a celebration of humanity.

125Or one could also call it life or the soul itself. Those techniques--- Helearned those techniques which are specialized for exterminating vampires.He acquired them.I may have written this somewhere before, but the one that taught thosetechniques to Jonathan was a man named Will A. Zeppeli.--- He was Jonathan'smaster.From what I've heard, Jonathan had met up again with Erina Pendoltonfor the first time in many years and was walking down a street with her wherehe found Zeppeli, lying in wait. He suddenly healed one of Jonathan's brokenbones, and kindly informed him that I, Dio, was still alive, and that he must learnthe laws of the Ripple.What a laugh.No, I cannot laugh that.It honestly makes me angry.It seems that no matter how far he goes, Jonathan is still an "inheritor --- He never had to search for a way to defeat me.He never had to travel deep into the mountains of Tibet and ask to betrained.Far from it, the fact that I--- the person one could call his arch enemy,was still alive, he did not even have to investigate for himself.In fact, I'm sure he thought something like "I'll just try to quickly forgetall about it" regarding me and the stone mask.That was the type he was--- The kind of man that would separatehimself from "murderThe type of man that could forget the taste of the bread he ate.And the type that would carelessly try to return to his daily life.---Though I, Dio, was of course thankful for that.--- But he was "given" to by Zeppeliand "inherited" from him.The Ripple technique.And the fate of the stone mask.He "inherited" them.



Now that I have calmed down, I will continue writing about one hundred

years ago.

I lost.

To Jonathan, no, to the Joestar father and son, I lost.--- I "died I was


But I did not die.

But I was not killed.--- I survived.

At the very last moment, a pillar which had broken due to the fire

destroyed the goddess statue that had skewered me.--- And so, I just managed to


If one could call that good luck, this is like that Chinaman said, I have

good luck. I suppose that's what it was. I was in a state from which I could not

recover for some time, a state that seemed beyond recovery, but regardless, I

survived. I lived on.

My life continued.

Not as a human, but--- it continued.

And it continues on now.

I did not simply escape death, I survived.

That is what I should say here.

But for a time, I had to hide myself. I had become an immortal vampire

with a powerful recovery ability, but being restored from the verge of death took

time and required considerable life force.--- So...

So while I gained servants like Jack the Ripper and drank the blood of

young women, I simply waited for my body to recover.

I recovered.

And waited for the day I would have my revenge on Jonathan.

But while I was doing that--- While I was putting all of my effort into

restoring my body, Jonathan acquired those blasted Ripple abilities.

The energy of the sun, in a way, a celebration of humanity.

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