Jojo over heaven

from ichbinmehnlich More from this publisher

120Luck.Perhaps my bad luck started when I was born to Dario Brando and thatfoolish mother of mine.--- And Jonathan's good luck started, yes, when he wasborn as the heir to the Joestar family.So then is birth everything?Is your upbringing everything?I suppose Speedwagon's opinion was incorrect after all. Perhaps it is theenvironment that is everything---? Or perhaps being born evil is equal to beingborn into bad circumstances?Is whether you can go to "heaven" or not really fully dependent on yourbirth?I had decided that it was certain that my mother could not have come toheaven, but--- But what she actually went to "heaven" based on evaluation ofgood deeds during her lifetime, or perhaps some other reason I didn't pay anymind to?If that is the case, I am doing something extremely useless. Useless andmeaningless.Should I just throw this notebook away altogether?Perhaps that would be for the best--- Maybe if I can go to heaven, I canget there without doing anything, and if I can't, then no matter what I do, I stillwon't be able to.Effort is useless and resistance is futile.What if that is all there is to it?

12146Even if that is all there is to it, for now, I am going to write what I amestablishing right now to its end.Even if there is no meaning to it, I can at least complete it to takepleasure in the humor of it when re-reading it later.--- Because after I've beatenthe Joestar group and gotten completely adapted to my body, I may lose meaningin my life.So in preparation for such a time, I think I should prepare a bit of humorfor the same of having a better life.Anyhow, I'm a bit shaken up.My failures, while frustrating enough to begin with, are not very pleasantto remember and write down.In order to reclaim calmness, today I will only be writing about currentevents.I'll only be talking about what happened in these last few days.Steely Dan's "Lovers" has been defeated.And so have "Sun" and "Death ThirteenIt seems "Judgment" and "High Priestess" are already on the move, but Ialready do not think that they can stop the Joestar Group. Not in the least.These people that were originally direct subordinates of Enya the Hagare now acting on their own judgment.--- They are not waiting for me, Dio, toissue them commands, they are acting just to render achievements. I might go sofar as to say things are in a runaway state.Having lost control of them, I have no way of stopping them.--- Perhaps Ishould have used "flesh buds" on them before they became like this, but ofcourse the down side of that has already been proven.And the Stand user "The Fool"--- The "dog" Iggy has, as expected, beensecured by the Speedwagon Foundation.Speedwagon.That man.



Perhaps my bad luck started when I was born to Dario Brando and that

foolish mother of mine.--- And Jonathan's good luck started, yes, when he was

born as the heir to the Joestar family.

So then is birth everything?

Is your upbringing everything?

I suppose Speedwagon's opinion was incorrect after all. Perhaps it is the

environment that is everything---? Or perhaps being born evil is equal to being

born into bad circumstances?

Is whether you can go to "heaven" or not really fully dependent on your


I had decided that it was certain that my mother could not have come to

heaven, but--- But what she actually went to "heaven" based on evaluation of

good deeds during her lifetime, or perhaps some other reason I didn't pay any

mind to?

If that is the case, I am doing something extremely useless. Useless and


Should I just throw this notebook away altogether?

Perhaps that would be for the best--- Maybe if I can go to heaven, I can

get there without doing anything, and if I can't, then no matter what I do, I still

won't be able to.

Effort is useless and resistance is futile.

What if that is all there is to it?

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