Jojo over heaven

from ichbinmehnlich More from this publisher

11644When one is splashed with blood while wearing the stone mask, theybecome vampires really without exception. But, how much of their consciousmind from "before then" remains seems to depend on the person.For example, the man who was the target of my accidental humanexperiment, as far as I know the first victim of the stone mask, even though hewas turned into a vampire, he became something not much different from azombie. An incarnation of appetite and a lust for slaughter.--- I was a bitconfused as well, so I cannot say this with certainty, but I think I can justifiablysay that he lost his sanity and sense of reason.He did not have a fragment of personality left.So it would seem that there depending on the strength of one's mind,the effect differs from individual to individual.So while there are those that lose their ego when the needles push ontheir brain, that become a monster in both mind and body, there are also thosewho are able to become a vampire and have their sanity remain.......Well, that is what I think, but in truth, I may have had already lostmy sanity, ego, and sense of reason long before that.One cannot tell if they themselves are sane.But I am fine as long as I remain being me.Even if I have ceased being human.If I am me, that is enough.--- As long as I remain the proud self that I am,Dio.Not Dio Brando.No Dio Joestar.D-I-O.As long as I continue being purely DIO--- that is what matters above allelse.

117Being cornered into putting on the stone mask one hundred years ago, Imight go so far to call it an act of desperation. But still, I am fortunate that myreason...... that myself still remained.However, my good fortune ends there, and truly just there. Because inthe end, after that, mere minutes after that, I would end up losing to JonathanJoestar's explosive power.Even though I was able to eradicate the police squadron with myvampire power, I was "burned to death" by Jonathan Joestar along with the entireJoestar mansion.Seven years ago, along with that mansion I had so many memories in---I was "burned to death."No, to be precise, it was not the flames that killed me. If it were onlyflames, I could have escaped.--- With the vampire's recovery ability, I shouldhave been able to escape.But I couldn't.By the Joestar house's guardian spirit, by the goddess of love, I wasskewered--- I was burned.


Being cornered into putting on the stone mask one hundred years ago, I

might go so far to call it an act of desperation. But still, I am fortunate that my

reason...... that myself still remained.

However, my good fortune ends there, and truly just there. Because in

the end, after that, mere minutes after that, I would end up losing to Jonathan

Joestar's explosive power.

Even though I was able to eradicate the police squadron with my

vampire power, I was "burned to death" by Jonathan Joestar along with the entire

Joestar mansion.

Seven years ago, along with that mansion I had so many memories in---

I was "burned to death."

No, to be precise, it was not the flames that killed me. If it were only

flames, I could have escaped.--- With the vampire's recovery ability, I should

have been able to escape.

But I couldn't.

By the Joestar house's guardian spirit, by the goddess of love, I was

skewered--- I was burned.

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