Jojo over heaven

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If you do that, you can't go to heaven.

Heaven, heaven, heaven.

And every time, it irritated me----- my childhood mind learned severe

irritation. I thought of them as irrational words.

I couldn't forgive my mother.

That's why whenever I would see my drunken father commit violence

against my mother, it actually made me feel relieved. "Serves you ri I


Thinking about it now, it seems rather foolish but...... as a young child, I

liked my father more than my mother. I felt my low-life, insignificant, hopeless

father was far better than my noble, proud mother.

If my mother was a "giver" or perhaps a "donor then I think I could say

my father was a "taker

Thinking back on my connection with the Joestar Family, a fated

connection spanning over 100 years, his habit of stealing may have been the

impetus...... What he "took" from George Joestar was the cause.

I never once saw him work.

I never saw him work or earn anything for himself.

Through random gambling, swindle-like acts and extortion, he "took"

cash and food from people in town he never "earned," he only "took. He was

always doing that. The way he lived his life up until his death was the exact

opposite of my mother's.

And in that town, the one that was right was my father. My father's way

of living was honest and correct.

At the very least, I thought that the way my father lived so uninhibited

and cunningly was cool. I wouldn't say I looked up to him, but I would say I

respected him.

It really does seem foolish looking back on it now, but...... I was not in my

proper senses, but I thought of the way he lived as very skillful. He was always

taking from the weak. And in response to necessity, or even not in response to

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