Jojo over heaven

from ichbinmehnlich More from this publisher

10036Right now, the Joestar group is being attacked by the team of J. Geil andHol Horse. I still have yet to receive a report on how it went.--- So with genuinepleasure, I will continue from where I left off yesterday.They've been disrupting my plans nonstop recently.However, thanks to that, it has become easier to remember things fromone hundred years ago--- It has truly been one hundred years since I've felt suchanxiety.As someone whose feelings run high in "entanglements" between men, Ibeat them mercilessly. I hadn't had a fight like that since my fist fight withJonathan seven years earlier, but techniques your body learns as a child are neverforgotten, no matter how much time passes.Be that as it may, I could not deny my disadvantage of the fight beingtwo on one, so I had planned on first beating up the first one, then finishing offthe other.Be it a Stand battle or not, numbers means everything in a fight.--- Soyou make a one-on-two fight into two one-on-one fights.This is a fundamental aspect of street fighting.And on the second man, I placed the "weapon" I had planned to use tokill Jonathan I was carrying, the stone mask.Then, I stabbed the first man who had been cowering away with a knife,spraying the stone mask in his blood.--- If I must say, this would be my "secondslice of bread wouldn't it?The "second slice of bread" and the "third slice of breadAs I expected, it had a bland taste.--- If I'm to go into it, even using theknife and the stone mask to kill them rather directly--- more directly than I hadwith my father, I can say it did not feel any more real.Ah, I cannot say anything could be done to change that.In that way, I had become like my father. Even if I say that murder---that "human experimentation was fueled by the liquor, fueled by the

101drunkenness, there is nothing that could change it. Honestly, if I had not beendrunk on that roadside, on that earthly street, I doubt I would have overtlycommitted murder.But while it may have been fueled by the liquor and been an utter fluke,it was good.--- If I had not committed murder there, I most likely would haveplaced the stone mask on Jonathan like I had originally planned.And when I think what would have happened had I done that, I shiver.--- No, perhaps it would be more correct to say I would shudder?Just thinking that I, Dio, and Jonathan's fates could have been switched--- is quite interesting.The one who would have become an immortal vampire may have beenJonathan.--- And then the one who would have become a Ripple warrior in orderto exterminate him may have been me, Dio.Intersecting fates.Reversing fates....Of course, while this is fascinating to think about, nothing of the sortactually happened. If it had happened, it would have been unbearable. It wouldbe appropriate to say it would be "no jokeBut I digress. Now then, the results of the human experiment.Once sprayed with blood, the bone needles instantly sprung out of thestone mask--- and the needles pierced the man's brain. At that moment, thestone mask glowed.It emitted a blindingly bright light--- No, perhaps that was an illusion.That at least was what I thought at that moment.Much like how a superb painting or a sculpture can seem like it isemitting light, I thought that was all I was seeing.--- But I was wrong.Having thought the man had died the moment the bone needles dug intohis brain, I turned my back to pick up my hat which had fallen off during thefight. And in that moment, he got up--- and attacked me.With a terrific power.With a body that had returned to its youth.


drunkenness, there is nothing that could change it. Honestly, if I had not been

drunk on that roadside, on that earthly street, I doubt I would have overtly

committed murder.

But while it may have been fueled by the liquor and been an utter fluke,

it was good.--- If I had not committed murder there, I most likely would have

placed the stone mask on Jonathan like I had originally planned.

And when I think what would have happened had I done that, I shiver.--

- No, perhaps it would be more correct to say I would shudder?

Just thinking that I, Dio, and Jonathan's fates could have been switched--

- is quite interesting.

The one who would have become an immortal vampire may have been

Jonathan.--- And then the one who would have become a Ripple warrior in order

to exterminate him may have been me, Dio.

Intersecting fates.

Reversing fates.

...Of course, while this is fascinating to think about, nothing of the sort

actually happened. If it had happened, it would have been unbearable. It would

be appropriate to say it would be "no joke

But I digress. Now then, the results of the human experiment.

Once sprayed with blood, the bone needles instantly sprung out of the

stone mask--- and the needles pierced the man's brain. At that moment, the

stone mask glowed.

It emitted a blindingly bright light--- No, perhaps that was an illusion.

That at least was what I thought at that moment.

Much like how a superb painting or a sculpture can seem like it is

emitting light, I thought that was all I was seeing.--- But I was wrong.

Having thought the man had died the moment the bone needles dug into

his brain, I turned my back to pick up my hat which had fallen off during the

fight. And in that moment, he got up--- and attacked me.

With a terrific power.

With a body that had returned to its youth.

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