Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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Rules: Capricorn (sub-rules Aquarius) Exaltation: Libra

Detriment: Cancer (Leo) Fall: Aries

Represents: security, safety urge


Saturn, named after the Roman god of agriculture, was called the Greater Malefic in

earlier times. This Planet is known as the taskmaster of the horoscope. It rules organization,

discipline, responsibility, structure, goals, career opportunities, limitations,

conservatism, crystallized focus, restrictions, delays, theories, orthodoxy, tradition,

depth, time, patience, truth, wisdom, aging, and solidification. Saturn's action is

slow and enduring.

The Ancients also assigned certain Planetary values to the North and

South Nodes of the Moon, that is, the points in celestial longitude where the Moon

crosses over the ecliptic or path of the Sun. Luna's North Node is listed by its position

in the ephemeris and the South Node is always its exact opposite, having the

same number of degrees and minutes, but of the converse Sign. The Nodes of the

Moon are called:

CAPUT DRACONIS (The Head of theDragon) North Node b6

CAUDA DRACONIS (The Tail of theDragon) South Node '(J

The North Node is a point of gain, increase and added self-assurance. The South

Node is a point of release, decrease, and letting go.

The Days of the week are attributed to and (in some cases) named after the

seven ancient Planets and the gods who represented them. They are:

Norse Latin Saxon English

Sol Sun's Day Sunday

Luna Moon's Day Monday

Tyr Mars Tiw's Day Tuesday

Wotan Mercury Woden's Day Wednesday

Thor Jove (jupiter) Thor's Day Thursday

Freya Venus Frigg's Day Friday

Saturn Seterne's Day Saturday

The New Planets

Uranus was discovered on March 13, 1782.Neptune was discovered on September

24, 1846,and Pluto on January 21, 1930.These outer Planets did not have a prominent

place in early Order teachings, although the effect of CaputDraconis was said

to be similar to that of Neptune, and the influence of Cauda Draconis was supposed

to be similar to that of Uranus. Because these Planets are slow moving in

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