24 Seven November 2021

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.


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Have you ever heard someone yell, “I’m not angry?” If you

have, then you’ve witnessed an unwanted feeling in action.

Disowned feelings are those prickly emotions that you

attempt to block out of awareness. You tell yourself you’re not

feeling them and give them the cold shoulder. Unfortunately,

ignoring unwanted feelings comes at a high cost.

The energy it takes to push away unwanted feelings

frequently leads to:

• Psychic tension that fuels mood disorders, such as anxiety

or depression.

• Psychosomatic symptoms, such as headaches, backaches,

digestive, or stomach issues.

• A loss of vitality, resulting in chronic exhaustion,

inattentiveness, or forgetfulness.

The Top 3 Unwanted Feelings

Though all feelings are valuable, some are more popular

than others. Unwanted feelings are generally unpopular

because they create discomfort or distress. The top three

disowned feelings that I’ve noticed in my psychotherapy

practice are:

1. Anger. The adage, “depression is anger turned inward,”

holds. To deny anger is to deny yourself a propitious source

of energy. Learning to access and focus your anger can relieve

depression and anxiety while also producing revitalizing

bursts of energy and clarity. Learning to process and express

your anger productively is definitely a life-changer.

2. Hurt. As a child, when your feelings were hurt, you

had a good cry and moved on. As an adult, hurt is much

more complex. Admitting that you’re hurt can feel shameful

and humiliating, particularly if you have a history of being

bullied. So you learned to deny hurt to protect yourself from

feeling vulnerable. Ironically, anytime someone proclaims,

“I’m not hurt” it’s very likely that they are. Learning to identify

when you’re hurt and verbalizing it frees you from a cycle of

shame, strengthens emotional boundaries, and elevates selfrespect.

3. Fear. While it’s fun to be afraid while watching scary

movies or visiting amusement parks, unbridled fear causes

escalating anxiety and panic in real life. Few people enjoy the

feeling of being out of control, so when fear strikes, you may

want to deny it or bulldoze over it. Unfortunately, fear denied

invites poor decision-making, destructive risk-taking, and

lapses in judgment.

The Damage Caused by Unwanted Feelings

Denying an unwanted feeling doesn’t resolve it; it simply

drives it out of your consciousness. It still there, but in

hiding. Sooner or later, like an annoying relative who

drops by unannounced, the feeling pops up again. You

find yourself caught in repetitive relationship patterns or


Every time you disown a feeling, you weaken your sense

of self. You water down your emotions until you don’t

even know what you’re feeling. The fallout is even more

discouraging: identity confusion, unhealthy relationships,

poor boundaries, and chronic disappointment, to name just

a few.

Unearthing and Honoring Your True Feelings

When feelings are honored and expressed, your core sense

of self strengthens; you are more focused and immediate.

Since you’re better attuned to yourself, you’re better attuned

to others. Authenticity becomes your guiding light, making it

much navigate through emotionally charged situations.

Of course, warming up to all your feelings takes time. It’s

a process of evolution—not revolution. Here are a few tips to

get you going.

• Take a deep dive into your feelings. Too often, we move

through life on automatic pilot, zoning out for hours in

front of a computer or numbing ourselves with substances,

mindless television, or social media. To redirect your attention

inward, you’ll need to set aside time for reflection. Journal

writing is a great way to get started. Every time you jot down

your thoughts and feelings, you bring more mindfulness

to your daily life. Feelings become less mysterious or

frightening; understanding your pure feelings fosters personal

enlightenment. Set a timer, write for a few minutes a day, and

slowly increase your journaling time.

• Work with a professional. There are more therapists

in the world than ever before in history. Art therapy, dance

therapy, mental health counseling, support groups, child and

family therapy, couples counseling, sex therapy … the list goes

on and on. And now, with teletherapy and virtual therapy, you

don’t even have to leave your home. If the idea of talking to a

professional is too frightening, start by opening up to a good

friend and sharing feelings that you often keep hidden.

• Reward yourself. Acknowledge your efforts, celebrate your

victories. Changing ingrained behaviors is one of the hardest

things in the world. It’s a lonely battle. That’s why you must

make time to reward yourself. I worked with a young woman

who suffered crippling social anxiety. As she started to assert

herself, she developed many catchphrases to encourage her,

such as “You got this,” “You’ll be glad later,” or “What have I

got to lose?” As she became a cheerleader for her own growth,

she made healthier choices and enjoyed more rewarding


About The Author


Sean Grover, LCSW, is a psychotherapist and the author of When

Kids Call the Shots: How to Seize Control from Your Darling Bully

and Enjoy Being a Parent Again.

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