Step Up Zine

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Step Up

with lilo & friends

As I was walking home from school today,

a man sitting at the void deck said “Hey!”

I ran to my lift as I got scared

The clothes he wore was torn really bad.


When I got home, my sister looked at me,

She asked me why I looked stiff as a TREE.

I said “On my way home, there was a man downstairs,

He looked like he couldn’t afford anything new to wear

She pulled me close and questioned me this

“Do you know what poverty is?”

My heart sank as she explained to me

I asked if there’s any way I could help voluntarily

She smiled and said “yup!

All you got to do is step up!

“How can I step up?” I asked myself

As the thought of poverty dwells

Poverty how to help

donate your toys





Tell your friends from school,

to raise awareness for poverty too



Spread the word

Make sure you are heard


Take a stand

Be their Friend

Stepping up is something quick to learn

When you give, ask nothing in return

Stepping up is the least you can do,

If you are kind, kindness will come back to you

Take the first step now !

As of October 2023,

Disney would be bringing happiness to many lives for the 100th year

Continue bringing happiness over the next few decades



Step Up

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