202 FRIB Graduate Brochure


Remco Zegers Professor of Physics Keywords: Nuclear Astrophysics and Structure, Spectrometers, Weak Reaction Rates in Explosive Stellar Phenomena Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics About • MS, Technical Physics, State University of Groningen, 1995 • PhD, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Groningen, 1999 • Joined the laboratory in February 2003 • zegers@frib.msu.edu Research What makes a star explode and eject its material into space to create planets like earth? What is the mass of the neutrino? And what forces govern the properties of nuclei? Although these questions are very diverse, the research group that I lead uses a common tool to investigate all: charge-exchange reactions. In a nuclear reaction, a projectile nucleus collides with a target nucleus. In a charge-exchange reaction, they exchange a proton for a neutron. The strong nuclear force governs these reactions. But the underlying physics tells us about reactions induced by the weak nuclear force. These include electron capture and beta decay, which are important in astrophysical phenomena. We are especially interested in supernovae and processes that create elements in the universe. Another category of processes that we study are those that involve neutrinos. Such processes also have astrophysical applications. In addition, they help us better understand how these strange particles interact with matter. Biography I was born and stayed in the Netherlands until I finished my PhD in 1999 at the University of Groningen. My master’s degree was in Technical Physics, with a focus on materials science. I switched to experimental nuclear science and performed my thesis work on charge-exchange reactions and giant resonances at the dutch Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut, but it also included analysis of data from an experiment at the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility. After graduation, I went to Japan and worked as a postdoc at the SPring-8 facility (focusing on the photoproduction of kaons) and the Research Center for Nuclear Physics (focusing on nuclear charge-exchange reactions). In 2003, I joined NSCL and founded the charge-exchange research group. We do a wide variety of experiments, and play a leading role in the development of charge-exchange reactions with rare isotope beams, for example, by using the (p,n) and (d,2He) reactions in inverse kinematics. The primary focus is presently on astrophysical applications. Besides this research, I also led the planning for the highrigidity spectrometer for FRIB and currently serve as that project’s scientific spokesperson. How Students can Contribute as Part of my Research Team Students in my research group are active in the preparation, running, and interpretation of experiments performed at FRIB/NSCL or the Research Center for Nuclear Physics in Japan. In addition, we build detector systems for these experiments, such as the low-energy neutron detector array. Although we work closely with theorists and astrophysicists, we do a lot of the calculation ourselves, and students can be strongly engaged with these aspects as well. Therefore, research projects can be adapted to meet the interests of students in the group, and students can gain expertise in a broad range of topics, especially since we also work closely with other group at FRIB and beyond who have developed detector systems that we use in experiments. With the development of tools to study charge-exchange reactions with rare-isotope beams, we are very excited to study these reactions far from stability at FRIB. Selected Publications Experimental Constraint on Stellar Electron-Capture Rates from the 88Sr(t,3He+γ)88Rb reaction at 115 MeV/u, J. C. Zamora et al., Phys. Rev. C 100, 032801(R) (2019). Observation of the Isovector Giant Monopole Resonance via the Si-28 (Be-10, B-10* [1.74 MeV]) Reaction at 100 AMeV – M. Scott et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 172501 (2017) The Sensitivity of Core-Collapse Supernovae to nuclear Electron Capture – C. Sullivan et al., The Astrophysical Journal, 816, 44 (2015). 82 2022_FRIB_Graduate_Brochurev4.indd 82 10/29/2021 3:33:58 PM

Vladimir Zelevinsky Professor of Physics Keywords: Many-body Quantum Theory, Applications to Nuclei, Quantum Chaos, Weak Interactions, Fundamental Symmetries Theoretical Nuclear Physics About • MS, Physics, Moscow University, 1960 • PhD, Physics, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Novosibirsk, 1964 • Joined the laboratory in August 1992 • 2-volume textbook “Quantum Physics” was published by “Wiley” in 2011 • Textbook “Physics of Atomic Nuclei” (together with Alexander Volya) was published by “Wiley” in 2017 • zelevinsky@frib.msu.edu Research A complex nucleus is a great example of mesoscopic systems, in between microscopic and macroscopic worlds, with wealth of problems typical for both. This is a complicated life of many strongly interacting particles, with its average structure, vibrations and rotations, collective waves, superconducting pairing, fundamental symmetries and their violations, complicated decays and reactions. The interactions bring in chaotic motion and thermalization with no external heat bath. Apart from obvious technological and medical applications, we are now on the way to quantum informatics where nuclear analogs are very useful. How Students can Contribute as Part of my Research Team There are very promising directions of future research: collective motion in weakly-bound nuclei, alpha correlations along with normal pairing, quantum chaos, symmetries and their violation, and nuclear reactions as prototype for quantum-information processes. Selected Publications Nuclear level density, thermalization, chaos and collectivity. V. Zelevinsky and M. Horoi, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 105, 180 (2019). Quantum chaos and thermalization in isolated systems of interacting particles. F. Borgonovi, F.M. Izrailev, L.F. Santos, and V.Zelevinsky. Physics Reports 626, 1 (2016) Super-radiant dynamics, doorways, and resonances in nuclei and other open mesoscopic systems, N. Auerbach and V. Zelevinsky, Rep. Prog. Phys. 74, 106301 (2011) Biography I received my high education at Moscow State University, then post-graduate at Kurchatov Center of Nuclear Physics (Moscow) and at the Budker Institute (Novosibirsk) where I remained for many years, becoming Head of the Theory Division and Head of Theoretical Physics at Novosibirsk State University. I moved to Michigan State University in 1992. You can read more about mu life and career path in this recent article. My research interests are in many-body quantum physics. 83 2022_FRIB_Graduate_Brochurev4.indd 83 10/29/2021 3:33:58 PM

Vladimir Zelevinsky<br />

Professor of Physics<br />

Keywords: Many-body Quantum Theory, Applications to Nuclei, Quantum<br />

Chaos, Weak Interactions, Fundamental Symmetries<br />

Theoretical Nuclear Physics<br />

About<br />

• MS, Physics, Moscow University, 1960<br />

• PhD, Physics, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics<br />

Novosibirsk, 1964<br />

• Joined the laboratory in August 1992<br />

• 2-volume textbook “Quantum Physics” was<br />

published by “Wiley” in 2011<br />

• Textbook “Physics of Atomic Nuclei” (together with<br />

Alexander Volya) was published by “Wiley” in 2017<br />

• zelevinsky@frib.msu.edu<br />

Research<br />

A complex nucleus is a great example of mesoscopic<br />

systems, in between microscopic and macroscopic<br />

worlds, with wealth of problems typical for both. This is<br />

a complicated life of many strongly interacting particles,<br />

with its average structure, vibrations and rotations,<br />

collective waves, superconducting pairing, fundamental<br />

symmetries and their violations, complicated decays and<br />

reactions. The interactions bring in chaotic motion and<br />

thermalization with no external heat bath. Apart from<br />

obvious technological and medical applications, we are<br />

now on the way to quantum informatics where nuclear<br />

analogs are very useful.<br />

How Students can Contribute as Part<br />

of my Research Team<br />

There are very promising directions of future research:<br />

collective motion in weakly-bound nuclei, alpha<br />

correlations along with normal pairing, quantum chaos,<br />

symmetries and their violation, and nuclear reactions as<br />

prototype for quantum-information processes.<br />

Selected Publications<br />

Nuclear level density, thermalization, chaos and collectivity.<br />

V. Zelevinsky and M. Horoi, Progress in Particle and Nuclear<br />

Physics 105, 180 (2019).<br />

Quantum chaos and thermalization in isolated systems of<br />

interacting particles. F. Borgonovi, F.M. Izrailev, L.F. Santos,<br />

and V.Zelevinsky. Physics Reports 626, 1 (2016)<br />

Super-radiant dynamics, doorways, and resonances in nuclei<br />

and other open mesoscopic systems, N. Auerbach and V.<br />

Zelevinsky, Rep. Prog. Phys. 74, 106301 (2011)<br />

Biography<br />

I received my high education at Moscow State University,<br />

then post-graduate at Kurchatov Center of Nuclear Physics<br />

(Moscow) and at the Budker Institute (Novosibirsk) where<br />

I remained for many years, becoming Head of the Theory<br />

Division and Head of Theoretical Physics at Novosibirsk<br />

State University. I moved to Michigan State University in<br />

1992. You can read more about mu life and career path in<br />

this recent article. My research interests are in many-body<br />

quantum physics.<br />

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