202 FRIB Graduate Brochure


Dean Lee Professor of Physics Keywords: Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Reactions, Many-Body Theory, Superfluidity, Quantum Computing Theoretical Nuclear Physics About • PhD, Physics, Harvard University, 1998 • Joined the laboratory in August 2017 • leed@frib.msu.edu Research The Lee research group is focused on connecting fundamental physics to forefront experiments. The group studies many aspects of quantum few- and manybody systems. Together with collaborators, the group has developed lattice Monte Carlo methods that probe strongly-interacting systems and study superfluidity, nuclear clustering, phase transitions, and other emergent phenomena from first principles. The group also investigates many facets of the strong nuclear force, from the underlying symmetries of quantum chromodynamics to predictions for nuclear structure, reactions, and thermodynamics. How Students can Contribute as Part of my Research Team Much of the research in our group is motivated by the prospect of discovering something new. I am happy to work with students and postdocs who are excited by the discovery process and eager to chase all promising ideas to their logical conclusion. Selected Publications D. Frame, R. He, I. Ipsen, Da. Lee, De. Lee, E. Rrapaj, “Eigenvector continuation with subspace learning”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 032501 (2018). S. Elhatisari et al., “Nuclear binding near a quantum phase transition,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, no. 13, 132501 (2016). S. Elhatisari, D. Lee, G. Rupak, E. Epelbaum, H. Krebs, T.A. Lähde, T. Luu and U.-G. Meißner, “Ab initio alpha-alpha scattering,” Nature 528, 111 (2015). The group is also engaged in novel applications of new technologies for fundamental science. This includes lattice Monte Carlo simulations of quantum many-body systems using the latest supercomputing technologies. It also includes new algorithms for quantum computing such as the rodeo algorithm or the development of fast machine-learning emulators based on concepts such as eigenvector continuation. Biography I received my AB in physics in 1992 and PhD in theoretical particle physics in 1998, both from Harvard University. His PhD advisor was Howard Georgi. From 1998-2001, I joined the University of Massachusetts Amherst for my postdoctoral research under the supervision of John Donoghue, Eugene Golowich, and Barry Holstein. I joined North Carolina State University as an assistant professor in 2001, becoming associate professor in 2007, and full professor in 2012. In 2017, I moved to the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams at Michigan State University as Professor of Physics, jointly appointed in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. 56 2022_FRIB_Graduate_Brochurev4.indd 56 10/29/2021 3:33:53 PM

Steven Lidia Senior Physicist and Adjunct Professor of Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering Keywords: Accelerator Systems, Beam Diagnostics High-Performance Controls, Advanced Instrumentation, High Brightness Beams Accelerator Physics About • PhD, Physics, University of California at Davis, 1999 • Joined the laboratory in August 2016 • lidia@frib.msu.edu Research Contemporary and planned accelerator facilities are pushing against several development frontiers. Facilities like the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, the European Spallation Source, FAIR@ GSI, IFMIF, SARAF, and others are currently expanding the limits of the intensity frontier of proton and heavy ion beams. These high-intensity hadron beams are intrinsically useful for nuclear science as they permit exploration of low cross section reactions with reasonable experimental data collection rates. These same beams, however, also present distinct hazards to machine operation from uncontrolled beam losses. Optimum scientific performance of these facilities requires us to predict and measure the behavior of intense beams. The development of diagnostic techniques and advanced instrumentation allows the accelerator scientist to create and to tune beamlines that preserve beam quality measures while allowing for precise manipulation and measurement of the beam’s energy, intensity, trajectory, isotope content, and phase space density and correlations. We utilize sophisticated codes to model the dynamics of multicomponent particle beams and their electromagnetic, thermal, and nuclear interactions with materials and devices. We design sensor devices and components that enable us to make specific measurements of beam parameters. These sensors are paired with electronic signal acquisition, analysis, and control systems to provide timely data that permit beam tuning and to monitor beam behavior and beamline performance. These systems are built and tested in the laboratory before commissioning with beam. Like accelerator science, in general, development of diagnostic and control techniques involve the understanding and utilization of diverse subject matter from multiple physics and engineering sub-disciplines. prediction and measurement of beam instabilities; and development of electronics, firmware, and software to interface with these sensors. Specific instrumentation developments will enable non-intercepting bunch length and profile measurements, monitors for ion beam contaminant species and diffuse beam halo, machine learning techniques for integrating loss monitor networks, and compact sources of soft x-rays for nuclear structure measurements. Time-averaged phase space density measurements of 30 mA, 130 keV Li+ beam using scanning slit and slit Faraday cup. Selected Publications P. N. Ostroumov, S. Lidia, et al, “Beam commissioning in the first superconducting segment of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams”, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 22, 080101 (2019). P.A. Ni, F.M. Bieniosek, E. Henestroza and S.M. Lidia, “A multi-wavelength streak-optical- pyrometer for warmdense matter experiments at NDCX-I and NDCX-II”, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 733 (2014), 12-17. J. Coleman, S.M. Lidia, et. al., “Single-pulse and multipulse longitudinal phase space and temperature measurements of an intense ion beam”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 15, 070101 (2012). Current projects within the group are centered on measurements to understand the behavior of intense, multi-charge state ion beams; high sensitivity and high speed sensors and networks for beam loss monitoring; accurate beam profile monitoring and tomography; non-invasive beam profile measurement techniques; 57 2022_FRIB_Graduate_Brochurev4.indd 57 10/29/2021 3:33:53 PM

Dean Lee<br />

Professor of Physics<br />

Keywords: Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Reactions, Many-Body Theory,<br />

Superfluidity, Quantum Computing<br />

Theoretical Nuclear Physics<br />

About<br />

• PhD, Physics, Harvard University, 1998<br />

• Joined the laboratory in August 2017<br />

• leed@frib.msu.edu<br />

Research<br />

The Lee research group is focused on connecting<br />

fundamental physics to forefront experiments. The<br />

group studies many aspects of quantum few- and manybody<br />

systems. Together with collaborators, the group<br />

has developed lattice Monte Carlo methods that probe<br />

strongly-interacting systems and study superfluidity,<br />

nuclear clustering, phase transitions, and other emergent<br />

phenomena from first principles. The group also<br />

investigates many facets of the strong nuclear force, from<br />

the underlying symmetries of quantum chromodynamics<br />

to predictions for nuclear structure, reactions, and<br />

thermodynamics.<br />

How Students can Contribute as Part<br />

of my Research Team<br />

Much of the research in our group is motivated by the<br />

prospect of discovering something new. I am happy to<br />

work with students and postdocs who are excited by the<br />

discovery process and eager to chase all promising ideas<br />

to their logical conclusion.<br />

Selected Publications<br />

D. Frame, R. He, I. Ipsen, Da. Lee, De. Lee, E. Rrapaj,<br />

“Eigenvector continuation with subspace learning”, Phys.<br />

Rev. Lett. 121, 032501 (2018).<br />

S. Elhatisari et al., “Nuclear binding near a quantum phase<br />

transition,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, no. 13, 132501 (2016).<br />

S. Elhatisari, D. Lee, G. Rupak, E. Epelbaum, H. Krebs, T.A.<br />

Lähde, T. Luu and U.-G. Meißner, “Ab initio alpha-alpha<br />

scattering,” Nature 528, 111 (2015).<br />

The group is also engaged in novel applications of new<br />

technologies for fundamental science. This includes<br />

lattice Monte Carlo simulations of quantum many-body<br />

systems using the latest supercomputing technologies.<br />

It also includes new algorithms for quantum computing<br />

such as the rodeo algorithm or the development of fast<br />

machine-learning emulators based on concepts such as<br />

eigenvector continuation.<br />

Biography<br />

I received my AB in physics in 1992 and PhD in theoretical<br />

particle physics in 1998, both from Harvard University.<br />

His PhD advisor was Howard Georgi. From 1998-2001,<br />

I joined the University of Massachusetts Amherst for my<br />

postdoctoral research under the supervision of John<br />

Donoghue, Eugene Golowich, and Barry Holstein. I joined<br />

North Carolina State University as an assistant professor<br />

in 2001, becoming associate professor in 2007, and full<br />

professor in 2012. In 2017, I moved to the Facility for Rare<br />

Isotope Beams at Michigan State University as Professor<br />

of Physics, jointly appointed in the Department of Physics<br />

and Astronomy.<br />

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