George the Greytown Wizard

The townspeople did not care for their town and it became untidy and run down. One night all colour left the town and it turned a dreadful grey. The people called on George to bring the colour back. He tried unsuccessfully until he met Rhiannon who was a young artist. Together they solved the problem The townspeople did not care for their town and it became untidy and run down. One night all colour left the town and it turned a dreadful grey. The people called on George to bring the colour back. He tried unsuccessfully until he met Rhiannon who was a young artist. Together they solved the problem


George, the grey town wizardThe illustrations in this book are mostly black and white. In the olden daysbefore computers and other similar things were invented, books were printedon a printing press, thanks to Mr Caxton. It was very expensive to print colouredpictures so many books were printed in black and white. So I, as theauthor and illustrator of this book, created it in mainly black and white so thatit could be printed and sold cheaply.The invention of computer changed all of that. Coloured pictures are an instantreality which has added another dimension to every day life today. Howeverthis story of how the town of Wannabe lost its colour has a deeper meaningthan the economics of printing presses. The story traces how Wannabebecame Betterbe through the efforts of one magician, one artist and the townspeople who learned to love their town and the extraordinary people who livedin it.This story is also set in ancient times when magic was real and imaginationmade the impossible, possible. This story is dedicated to the real Rhiannon,my grand daughter whose artistic efforts are gobsmackingly good.6

the teasingGeorge was a wizard with ambition. He wanted to be the most famouswizard the town of Wannabe had ever known. In fact, he was the only wizard,as the town was too small to warrant two wizards. So it didnʼt matter whetherGeorge was a good or a bad wizard, since there was no competition.Now if he had been a well-to-do wizard, he would have attended a college tolearn wizardry. He also would have attended the wizardsʼ conventions held inthe capitals every year. But George was poor. He lived in a little house in anunfashionable part of the town. Being a self-taught wizard, George muddledalong. Most of the time his spells didnʼt work. But sometimes, with the simplestof spells, he would have a small success. So he would try even harder.The main problem with George was that he was that he was not quite a boy,and not quite a man. He was at the awkward in-between stage. His body hadgrown faster than his brain and, as a result, he was both clumsy and impatient,which was mostly the reason why his spells didnʼt work.The people of the town thought George was a bit of a joke. They laughed athim behind his back and sometimes to his face, which made him feel verymiserable.“Why do you laugh at me?” he would shout, raising his fists in anger.“Really George! Your spells are a fizzer and your clothes — those pantaloonsabove your knees are a fashion challenge,” they would reply, giggling.“When are you going to grow into long pants?” somebody asked mockingly.“Iʼll get long pants when I have enough money to pay the tailor and I donʼtknow why Iʼm telling you this — itʼs none of your business”, George wouldreply in a fury. The people laughed at him again.George decided to take the confrontation one step further. “You people canʼttalk,” he fumed. “Look at the way you trash your town. Nobody wants to pickup the bottles and paper you litter all over the place. Nobody wants to paintfences or weed gardens or keep the town tidy. Youʼre a greedy lot. All you care7

the teasing

George was a wizard with ambition. He wanted to be the most famous

wizard the town of Wannabe had ever known. In fact, he was the only wizard,

as the town was too small to warrant two wizards. So it didnʼt matter whether

George was a good or a bad wizard, since there was no competition.

Now if he had been a well-to-do wizard, he would have attended a college to

learn wizardry. He also would have attended the wizardsʼ conventions held in

the capitals every year. But George was poor. He lived in a little house in an

unfashionable part of the town. Being a self-taught wizard, George muddled

along. Most of the time his spells didnʼt work. But sometimes, with the simplest

of spells, he would have a small success. So he would try even harder.

The main problem with George was that he was that he was not quite a boy,

and not quite a man. He was at the awkward in-between stage. His body had

grown faster than his brain and, as a result, he was both clumsy and impatient,

which was mostly the reason why his spells didnʼt work.

The people of the town thought George was a bit of a joke. They laughed at

him behind his back and sometimes to his face, which made him feel very


“Why do you laugh at me?” he would shout, raising his fists in anger.

“Really George! Your spells are a fizzer and your clothes — those pantaloons

above your knees are a fashion challenge,” they would reply, giggling.

“When are you going to grow into long pants?” somebody asked mockingly.

“Iʼll get long pants when I have enough money to pay the tailor and I donʼt

know why Iʼm telling you this — itʼs none of your business”, George would

reply in a fury. The people laughed at him again.

George decided to take the confrontation one step further. “You people canʼt

talk,” he fumed. “Look at the way you trash your town. Nobody wants to pick

up the bottles and paper you litter all over the place. Nobody wants to paint

fences or weed gardens or keep the town tidy. Youʼre a greedy lot. All you care


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