George the Greytown Wizard

The townspeople did not care for their town and it became untidy and run down. One night all colour left the town and it turned a dreadful grey. The people called on George to bring the colour back. He tried unsuccessfully until he met Rhiannon who was a young artist. Together they solved the problem The townspeople did not care for their town and it became untidy and run down. One night all colour left the town and it turned a dreadful grey. The people called on George to bring the colour back. He tried unsuccessfully until he met Rhiannon who was a young artist. Together they solved the problem



He rubbed the ointment and nothing happened. For a moment Georgepanicked. He suddenly did not feel very confident. He really needed a bigsuccess to reassure himself that he was indeed a wise wizard.Rhiannonʼs parents suggested, “Perhaps you didnʼt use enough ointment.”Then George remembered that it takes of few minutes for most spells to work.“You must learn patience,” he told himself, over and over again. So he waitedfor the spell to work, counting the minutes under his breath.Slowly Rhiannonʼs eyes opened, a little at a time. She smiled and sat up.“What a wonderful sleep Iʼve had,” she said. As she awoke, all the colourreturned to the room. They raced to the windows and sure enough, the colourhad returned to the town.Then there was a loud knocking on the door. A large group of townspeoplehad run to Rhiannonʼs little house. They were very excited and shouted.“Look, all the colour has come back.” They turned to George and fired onequestion after another at him.“Did you cast a colour spell George?” a neighbour shouted.“Will the colour remain?” the Mayor asked.“What kind of spell was it, George?” an old man asked.“Does Rhiannon have to go on drawing for the colour to remain?” Rhiannonʼsmother asked anxiously.George answered their questions with the patience of a good teacher. Heexplained that the town had turned grey because it was not loved by thetownspeople. They hung their heads in shame at their former untidy, uncaringbehaviour.Then George told them that the cure for the grey curse was the combinationof talent with wisdom, which was distilled in an ointment with other secretingredients. He was not about to give them all the details. “Iʼve got to keep themystery intact. This is an example of the ʻneed to knowʼ principle,” he thought.“But,” George added, saving the most important part of the spell for last. “Ifyou had not started to love your town again, none of this would have been45

He rubbed the ointment and nothing happened. For a moment George

panicked. He suddenly did not feel very confident. He really needed a big

success to reassure himself that he was indeed a wise wizard.

Rhiannonʼs parents suggested, “Perhaps you didnʼt use enough ointment.”

Then George remembered that it takes of few minutes for most spells to work.

“You must learn patience,” he told himself, over and over again. So he waited

for the spell to work, counting the minutes under his breath.

Slowly Rhiannonʼs eyes opened, a little at a time. She smiled and sat up.

“What a wonderful sleep Iʼve had,” she said. As she awoke, all the colour

returned to the room. They raced to the windows and sure enough, the colour

had returned to the town.

Then there was a loud knocking on the door. A large group of townspeople

had run to Rhiannonʼs little house. They were very excited and shouted.

“Look, all the colour has come back.” They turned to George and fired one

question after another at him.

“Did you cast a colour spell George?” a neighbour shouted.

“Will the colour remain?” the Mayor asked.

“What kind of spell was it, George?” an old man asked.

“Does Rhiannon have to go on drawing for the colour to remain?” Rhiannonʼs

mother asked anxiously.

George answered their questions with the patience of a good teacher. He

explained that the town had turned grey because it was not loved by the

townspeople. They hung their heads in shame at their former untidy, uncaring


Then George told them that the cure for the grey curse was the combination

of talent with wisdom, which was distilled in an ointment with other secret

ingredients. He was not about to give them all the details. “Iʼve got to keep the

mystery intact. This is an example of the ʻneed to knowʼ principle,” he thought.

“But,” George added, saving the most important part of the spell for last. “If

you had not started to love your town again, none of this would have been


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