George the Greytown Wizard

The townspeople did not care for their town and it became untidy and run down. One night all colour left the town and it turned a dreadful grey. The people called on George to bring the colour back. He tried unsuccessfully until he met Rhiannon who was a young artist. Together they solved the problem

The townspeople did not care for their town and it became untidy and run down. One night all colour left the town and it turned a dreadful grey. The people called on George to bring the colour back. He tried unsuccessfully until he met Rhiannon who was a young artist. Together they solved the problem


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Her father replied in a soothing tone, “I am sure itʼs a simple case of overwork.

When she gets enough sleep, she will wake up and life will return to normal.”

But Rhiannonʼs mother was not comforted. When the sleep continued for some

days, Rhiannonʼs mother cried, “Weʼll have to call in the doctors. Oh dear!

Usually by the time they come itʼs too late and the patient is beyond their help.”

“Thatʼs not the right attitude,” Rhiannonʼs father said. “Donʼt be pessimistic.

As they say, ‘a stitch in time saves nine’, or was it ‘while there’s life there’s

hope’. No that wasn’t it. I know “your glass is half empty not half full’, no it’d

be the other way round.”

“Oh shut up old man,” his wife cried. “Iʼm not interested in what they say! I just

want Rhiannon to wake up!” And she wept into her apron.

Anyway her parents called in the doctors. One by one they tried to wake

Rhiannon up, but without success. They tutt, tutt, tutted amongst themselves

and unanimously claimed that Rhiannon had the sleeping sickness because

she had worn herself out by doing too much drawing. Her parents sadly

thought that perhaps they were right and that Rhiannon was destined to remain

a sleeping princess, that is a least until some prince turned up to do his thing.

After the failure of conventional medicine, Rhiannonʼs parents started to think

that there might be another way to awake the sleeping Rhiannon. “Perhaps

we need a magic spell to wake her,” they suggested to each other. “You never

know,” they reassured each other, “that perhaps a way-out alternatives might

just do the trick and wake her up.” They heard that George had returned, so

they decided to give him a try.

All the colours in Wannabe faded back to the old shades of grey. The

townspeople became very depressed again. Nobody laughed or smiled any

more, not even the smallest child. Meanwhile Rhiannon slept on.

the grey curse cure

When George arrived at Rhiannonʼs little house, he looked down on the

sleeping Rhiannon, wondering if he would be able to wake up the sleeping girl.

He was still a very inexperienced wizard, and by now he was a very nervous


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