George the Greytown Wizard

The townspeople did not care for their town and it became untidy and run down. One night all colour left the town and it turned a dreadful grey. The people called on George to bring the colour back. He tried unsuccessfully until he met Rhiannon who was a young artist. Together they solved the problem

The townspeople did not care for their town and it became untidy and run down. One night all colour left the town and it turned a dreadful grey. The people called on George to bring the colour back. He tried unsuccessfully until he met Rhiannon who was a young artist. Together they solved the problem


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the grey world through their lace curtains, only scurrying out to buy groceries.

Then one day, several weeks later, there was a knock on Georgeʼs door. He

opened it to find a group of the townʼs leading citizens, consisting of the Mayor,

the Town Clerk and all the people who accompanied them wherever they went.

“George,” the Mayor said, clearing his voice, his hat in his hands. “I am

leading this delegation to beg you to use your skills as a wizard and bring the

colour back into Wannabe. We have consulted with all the experts in grey

fog contaminations around the country, such as the wizards, the professors,

the scientists, the doctors and nobody can help us. We come to you as a last

resort. You live in this town. You know its people. You might be able to lead

us in the right direction.”

“Come in Mr. Mayor, Mr. Town Clerk and delegates. Come in to my humble

home and weʼll discuss the matter.” George led the way into his kitchen. He

quickly gathered his books off the chairs and table, making sure that the book

that mentioned the grey contamination was on the bottom of the stack.

After everyone was settled, George started to speak carefully. He did not wish

to let on that he had even some knowledge of how to reverse the grey curse.

“Mr. Mayor, ladies and gentlemen, my name is...” he began.

The Mayor interrupted, “donʼt worry about the formalities, George. Just give

us any information that you may have about this unfortunate occurrence.” But

George was not about to let the Mayor or any of his entourage push him into

making hasty statements.

“Well Mr. Mayor, itʼs like this,” George explained. “If all the experts donʼt know

what to do, how can you expect me, George the wizard, to undo what has

been done?”

The Mayor answered, “Now George if you truly love our town, you will do your

best to rid us of this grey affliction.”

“Mr. Mayor,” George replied, “Iʼm but a humble apprentice wizard. True, I can

do simple spells. However, reversing the grey curse requires a very advanced

knowledge of wizardry, which I donʼt have right now. In fact it is knowledge that

I, or any of my colleagues in the trade, may never acquire. It would require

a very advanced spell. All I know is how to move things around and up and


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