George the Greytown Wizard

The townspeople did not care for their town and it became untidy and run down. One night all colour left the town and it turned a dreadful grey. The people called on George to bring the colour back. He tried unsuccessfully until he met Rhiannon who was a young artist. Together they solved the problem The townspeople did not care for their town and it became untidy and run down. One night all colour left the town and it turned a dreadful grey. The people called on George to bring the colour back. He tried unsuccessfully until he met Rhiannon who was a young artist. Together they solved the problem



The Town Clerk and his wife hurried to the square. People shouted at him,“This is a matter for the Council. Itʼs up to our elected representatives to fixup this mess.”Another person suggested, “Perhaps Wannabe is not the only town thatʼsgrey. Perhaps Gottabe and Longtobe are grey. Perhaps the whole world isgrey.” People fell silent at such a depressing prospect.The Town Clerk called out, “Silence! Thereʼs no point in jumping to conclusions.The first thing to do is to check out how far this grey contagion has spread.Then weʼll form a committee to evaluate and report on the issue before Councilcontemplates any action.” People agreed that this was the best thing to do.They congratulated themselves on electing such capable and wise leadersas the Town Clerk, the Mayor and all the Councillors.As soon as the council offices had opened for business in the nearby townsthe Town Clerk confirmed that Wannabe was the only town that had turnedgrey. The other Town Clerks all said, “I donʼt believe it,” when they heardabout the town turning grey. In no time flat, Wannabe was flooded with curioussightseers who came and looked and shuddered and quickly left.the spellGeorge hurried home from the meeting in the town square, his mind racing.“It must be a spell inflicted on the town by some mischievous magician, Iʼll bet.But what can be done, can be undone,” he told the world, ”and I, George themagician, can do the undoing. I will bring back colour to Wannabe.” Georgedid not realise it at the time, but the undoing of such grey devastation wasbeyond a mere apprentice, self-taught magician. Even the most experiencedof magicians would have proceeded carefully before making such a grandioseclaim.When George arrived home he pulled all his dusty books on every conceivablekind of magic off the book shelves and started to read. After reading for threedays, six hours and twenty seven minutes, he found that the grey curse wascaused by:Particles of human apathy and neglect drift up and collect in thestratosphere. They cling together to form a poisonous grey mist. In13


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