George the Greytown Wizard

The townspeople did not care for their town and it became untidy and run down. One night all colour left the town and it turned a dreadful grey. The people called on George to bring the colour back. He tried unsuccessfully until he met Rhiannon who was a young artist. Together they solved the problem The townspeople did not care for their town and it became untidy and run down. One night all colour left the town and it turned a dreadful grey. The people called on George to bring the colour back. He tried unsuccessfully until he met Rhiannon who was a young artist. Together they solved the problem



The fog drifted over the owls keeping watch over Wannabe from the oak trees,turning them to a greyer shade of grey. Then the fog settled on the green frogswho lived in the parkʼs pond, turning them grey. The green grass around thepond turned grey. Gradually that dark night, the fog spread all over Wannabe,turning everything and everybody it touched to a monotonous shade of grey.By morning there was not a sliver of colour to be found anywhere in thatmiserable town.When George awoke that morning, the first thing he remembered was theconfrontation in the street the previous day. Then he remembered the dreadfulvision he had dreamed during the night about Wannabe turning grey. Heblinked his eyes and rubbed them with his grey hand. When he was fullyawake, George looked at his hand in astonishment. He looked around hisgrey bedroom. He raced to the mirror and his grey reflection stared back athim in horror.“Some black wizard had turned me and my house all grey,” he roared. Thenhe went outside and was even more shocked to see that everything was grey.He went for a frantic walk around town to find that every street was grey, everytree, every blade of grass, every bird, every person and even the sky was grey.the grey townThe Town Clerk had not noticed that everything had turned grey. He wasbusy calculating how much money the new taxes imposed on the town wouldraise. Suddenly his wife cried in anguish when their daughter got out of bedthat morning. “My daughterʼs beautiful red hair has turned to grey.” Then shelooked in the mirror, “My own hair has turned to grey!” She screamed andfainted.“Oh my goodness!” the Town Clerk said. “Perhaps the new taxes are reallytoo high.” Then he became deeply distressed “I canʼt see the colour of mymoney,” he complained bitterly to the slumped form of his unconscious wife.When the rest of the townspeople awoke, it was as though their worstnightmares had come true. “Whatʼs happened to our town?” they asked eachother in bewilderment. They quickly forgot their plans for the day and joinedthe gathering crowd in the grey town square.11


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