
Staycation was my second assessment for the module Create the Concept

Staycation was my second assessment for the module Create the Concept


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W h y ta k i n g a s tay c at i o n i s g o o d

for the mind, body and soul







Staycation: Why is a staycation not just a


Walkers Paradise: Walking routes in North


Mental Health & the colour Blue: The Science

behind why the beach is such a calming

place for many people.

Adventure Everywhere: The endless options

of adventure activities along the North Devon


Climbers Haven: An interview with Steven






a holiday spent in one’s home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving

day trips to local attractions.

Why is a staycation not just a holiday?

In recent years the phrase staycation has taken

over, it originates from America and was created

during the 2008 financial crisis, most Americans

couldn’t afford to leave the country so began to

explore their local areas, simply put a staycation

is to holiday within the country you permanently

reside. There has been an increase in stigma

around the staycation, some communities look

down on a staycation as if it were less than a

foreign holiday, but many feel that this is not the


During the global Coronavirus pandemic of 2020

staycations became increasing more popular.

Something that was born out of economic crisis

became the only option after most countries

closed their boarders. Although taking a holiday

in your home country may have been the last

choice for some families, other families know no


In 2020 City Suites (2020) surveyed 2,000 adults

to see where and if they were going to travel

that year. 24.9% said they would prefer to stay

in the UK until there was a vaccine. 24.7% said

they would travel abroad as soon as they were

allowed. Whereas 17.76% said regardless of the

Coronavirus pandemic they prefer to only holiday

in the UK. A study by Campanile UK in 2018 also

showed that 93% of Brits would prefer to spend

more time exploring the UK rather than taking

foreign holidays (Sims, 2018).

There is evidence that Brits were falling back in

love with their own beaches’ pre-pandemic, so

the prices of staycations were already on the

rise. The pandemic left Brits with no option but to

holiday at home which furthermore increased the

prices of staycations. In 2021 the average family

holiday in Cornwall costs £5k for a week selfcatered,

whereas the same holiday in Turkey

would cost £2.5k (Aspinall, 2021).

These increasingly unaffordable prices may

soon mean families who would choose to holiday

in the UK may choose to head abroad to save

some cash. This is a huge shame as not only

are staycations great for local businesses they

are also much better for the planet, taking a

staycation rather than a flight will reduce a

family’s carbon footprint massively in aid helping

slow down the rate of global warming. It is our

hope that coming out of the pandemic prices will

level out and more people will choose to explore

their home countries.

Aspinall, G (2021) Can we talk about how ridiculously expensive it is to holiday in the UK. [online] Available from: <https://graziadaily.co.uk/life/travel/holiday-uk-cost/> [Accessed 13 July


City Suites (2020) Staycation Statistics UK 2020 [online] Available from: <https://www.citysuites.com/en/blog/staycation-statistics-uk-2020/> [Accessed 13 July 2021]

Sims, R (2018) Survey reveals 93% of Brits want to explore more of the UK. [online] Available from: <https://bdaily.co.uk/articles/2018/08/29/survey-reveals-93-of-Brits-want-to-exploremore-of-the-uk>

[Accessed 13 July 2021]










saunton sands

The North Devon coastline comes under the Areas of

Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) title and with that

comes some of the most breath-taking walks in England.

There are walks suitable for all walking capabilities, as

well as many with wheelchair and pushchair access.

The South West Coastal Path runs around the entire coastline

of Devon, Cornwall and Dorset giving walkers great access to

the cliffs and beaches. Many of the walks in North Devon connect

onto the South West Coastal Path at some point. The National Trust own

a lot of the grounds around the coastline so have amazing access and signposting to help you find your

way. The extra perk of the National Trust sites is that there is never a café too far away, whether that

be one owned by the National Trust or a local.

On the map above the purple dotted line shows the route of the South West Coastal Path, it comes

through Woolacombe, Putsborough, around Baggy Point, into Croyde Bay and out through Saunton

Sands towards Barnstaple. Woolacombe to Braunton (the visible purple line) is 15 miles so for the

experienced walker this may be a good option. There are also many shorter walks such as the circular

route around Baggy Point. This is a fan favourite as it’s a hot spot for outdoor adventure sports, while

walking you might be lucky enough to see a coasteering group or even some rock climbers on the cliff

edge. Follow the red line for the Baggy Point Circular.

No matter which direction you choose to walk you will be flooded with natural beauty, wildlife and

colourful woodland. The North Devon Coastline is great for birdwatchers and those looking to explore

new and vast coastlines.


Mental Health

& The Colour


The Science behind why the beach is

such a calming place for many people

For most people the thought of a day at the

beach releases an overwhelming sense of

calm throughout their body. Some may say

this is due to happy memories of family

holidays at the seaside but is there a deeper

psychology behind this sense of joy.

Marine biologist Dr Wallace J. Nichols

author of Blue Mind (2014) wrote: “we

are beginning to learn that our brains are

hardwired to react positively to water and

that being near it can calm and connect us,

increase innovation and insight, and even

heal what’s broken. is book Blue ind

dives deeper into how the ocean and water

can have positive effects on both your metal

and physical health.

Cognitive Psychologist ailey van Braam

(2021) has conducted research into the

meaning and symbolism of colours and

has found that the colour blue can be

linked to feelings of calmness and serenity,

which can increase idea generation and

productivity furthermore adding a feeling of


So, when you feel like you may be stuck in

a rut or in need of a break from your day

to day activates, a trip to the beach could

significantly boost your mood. our brain

will be flooded with the colour blue along

with the calming white noise of the ocean

allowing you to totally refresh your mind and

revitalise your day.

If you are feeling even more adventurous

take a dip in the ocean! Cold water swimming

has been proven to improve circulation,

boost your immune system and reduce

stress. After a nice cold water swim people

report to have a natural high (IPRS 2021).

Dr Wallace J. Nichols (2014) How the colour blue can help our mental wellbeing. [Online] Available from:<https://www.remotemission.com/blog/how-the-colour-blue-can-help-ourmental-wellbeing>

[Accessed 12 July 2021]

Hailey van Braam (2021) Colour Blue: Psychology, meaning, symbolism and more. [online] Available from:<https://www.colorpsychology.org/blue/> [Accessed 12 July 2021]

IPRIS (2021) 8 Benefits of Cold Water Swimming. [online] Available from:<https://www.iprshealth.com/news/8-benefits-of-cold-water-swimming/> [Accessed 12 July 2021]







The North Devon beaches

are a hub for adventure

sports and attract visitors

from all over the country for

that reason. Whether you

are a first-time adventurist or

have been doing it all your life

you’ll feel right at home here.


Surf Lessons start from £35

per person for a half day of

group tuition with multiple

companies running lessons

across all beaches. You can

also book private lessons

with some companies at a

higher price.


Baggy Point is a very popular

spot for coasteering. We

always suggest you do this

with a guide who knows the

area so that you are jumping

in the safest places. Guided

sessions from Coastline

Sports start from £38 per

person with all equipment



North Devon attracts climbers

from all over the country for its

vast cliff edges and beautiful

views. You have a guide join

you in Baggy Point or Valley

of the rocks starting from £65

per person for a group of

two and above. You need no

previous experience for this


Other available activates include:

Stand up Paddle boards,

Kayaking, Kitesurfing,

Watersking and Wakeboarding.


“ ”

Croyde has alwyas been my favourite beach, I

love how at one with nature I feel when I am

there. The freedom of the water on my feet,

sand between my toes and sun on my face.

- Dom Jones, walker






What originally attracted you to climbing?

Originally I was attracted through indoor climbing,

basically a way of introducing a bit of risk and

excitement into my life on an everyday basis. It

also allowed me to spend quailty time with friends.

How do you feel climbing benefits your mental

& physical health?

It’s a great mental test, particularly when you get

into a situation that seems severe and dangerous.

It puts everything into perspective... everyday

anxieties suddenly seem pretty trivial. Physically

it’s great for core strength, although I am very much

an amateur so not the best example of a physical

specimen. It can also have negative impacts too,

I quite often get tendinitis from climbing too much.

An interview with steven woodhouse

What do you like the most about North Devon?

I love Devon in general, but the sea cliffs, flora and

fauna all make for a magical experience and the

wildlife is probably the most important aspect for


What would you say to someone who wanted

to begin climbing but didn’t knwo where to


I would say 100% go with it! I began at my local

indoor climbing gym where I was surrounded by

people of all different skill levels. Climbing has

an amazing community where everyone helps

you progress. It wasn’t until I was confident in the

climbing gym, and that I had met more experienced

climbers that I ventured into outdoor climbing.





“ ”

When I surf I feel so at one with

nature, it refreshes my body.

- Amir Kenbar, surfer


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