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Human Resources and Payroll

Twenty-twenty was, without doubt, one of the

hardest ever years for employees of the Diocese.

The Coronavirus crisis brought unprecedented challenges for

everyone. At the start of the first lockdown, when churches

were closed, we furloughed over 90% of our staff. Many

remain on furlough today. We also had 78 employees leave us

in 2020: 33 were unfortunately made redundant, 45 retired or

resigned for other reasons, many as a direct result of the Covid

crisis. We were fortunate that we lost none to the virus itself.

Those people who remained in work, worked harder than ever

before. We became experts overnight in remote working and

have all experienced the plethora of meeting platforms that

now exist online. When the churches reopened, staff in the

parishes became experts in PPE, social distancing, one-way

systems, safety notices and deep cleaning and we thank them

all for their efforts to get the churches safely reopened and to

keep them that way.

For HR and Payroll the Covid crisis created a monumental

volume of work. The furlough and flexi-furlough rules were

constantly changing, which frequently meant one step forward

and three back and generated significant ‘behind the scenes’

administrative pressures. We saw the amount of payroll

transactions increase by over 1000% per month for the period

that the furlough scheme was in place. We also brought the

payroll in-house as part of a cost saving exercise, which added

to the already massive workload. But everyone was paid and

the money we were able to reclaim via the Job Retention

Scheme has helped enormously across the whole Diocese in

these very difficult financial times.

We look to 2021 with hope that things will improve this year.

Thank you to all our employees who have supported the

clergy, parishioners and each other through these challenging

times and we pray for a return to something resembling

normality soon.


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