Relative efficacy of different organic and inorganic fertilizers on the growth


J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2020It is evident from table-1 that fertilizers, cultivars andtheir interaction had significant effect on leave length(cm). In case of fertilizers, lengthy leaves (37.94cm)were recorded from plots where poultry manure wasapplied whereas shorter leaves (32.02cm) wereobtained from plot where NPK was applied. This is inconformity with the findings of Amujoyegbe et al.,(2007), Brady & weils (1999), Sharpley & Smith(1999) which states that application of poultrymanure enhances leave length, water holding capacityand chlorophyll content of the leave. In cultivars,highest leave length (36.43cm) was obtained fromplots where cultivar swat-1 was planted whereaslowest leave length (33.30cm) was noted from plotswhere cultivars sunset were planted. These findingare in line with those of Flore and Layne, (1999)reported variation in leave length in different cultivarsof onion due to genetic variation in onion cultivars. Incase of interaction between cultivars and fertilizers,maximum leave length (39.51cm) was recorded fromcultivar swat-1 when plants were fertilized with poultrymanure whereas minimum leave length (30.26cm) wasobtained from plant which were fertilized with NPK incultivars sunset plots.leaves were produced from plot which were fertilizedwith poultry manure. In case of cultivars, wider leaves(7.71mm) were produced by plots where cultivarswat-1 was planted whereas narrow leaves (7.40mm)were produced in plots where cultivar sunset wasplanted. These findings are in line with those ofMohanty (2001), Tripathy et al., (2013), Kushal et al.,(2015) and Sarkar et al., (2015) who reporteddifference in leaf width due to variation in geneticmakeup of variety and its suitability under differentclimatic condition. In case of interaction betweenfertilizers and cultivars, wider leaves (8.30mm) wereproduced when plants are fertilized with poultrymanure in cultivar swat-1 plots whereas narrow leaves(6.66mm) were obtained from cultivars sunset plotswhen it is fertilized with inorganic fertilizers NPK.Fig. 4. Leave Width (cm) as effected by differentfertilizers and cultivars.Fig. 3. Leave Length (cm) as effected by differentfertilizers and cultivars.Leave Width(mm)Leave width was significantly effected by differentfertilizers, cultivars and their interaction (Table 1). Incase of fertilizers, maximum leave width (8.26mm)was recorded from plots where poultry manure wasapplied as fertilizers whereas minimum leave width(6.91mm) was noted from plots where NPK wasapplied as fertilizer. These result are similar to that ofSchjegel, (1992) and Bendfeldt, (2002) where widerTable 1. Plant height (cm), No of leaves per plant,leave length (cm) and leave width (mm) as effected bydifferent fertilizers and varieties.TreatmentsPlantheight(cm)No ofleavesplant -1Leavelength(cm)LeaveWidth(mm)VarietiesSwat-147.37 A 10.04 A 36.43 A 7.71 ASunset41.77 B 07.02 B 33.30 B 7.40 BLSD 0.1348 0.6573 0.0610 0.1996FertilizersPoultry manure 47.74 A 10.35 A 37.94 A 08.26 AFarm Yard manure 45.85 B 08.90 B 35.95 B 07.70 BDAP43.35 C 07.45 C 33.55 C 07.35 CNPK41.34 D 07.42 C 32.02 D 06.91 DLSD 0.0871 0.5025 0.0446 0.0926InteractionVxF Fig-1 Fig-2 Fig-3 Fig-4Bulb Diameter (mm)Analysis of the data indicated that fertilizer, cultivarsand interaction between fertilizer and cultivars had112 | Ahmed et al.

J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2020significant effect on bulb diameter (Table 2). In caseof fertilizers, larger bulbs (65.19mm) was recordedfrom plants which were fertilized with poultrymanure whereas small bulbs (46.26mm) wereobtained from plants which were fertilized withinorganic fertilizer NPK. Poultry manure improvebulb diameter by providing more nutrients to theplants. These results are similar to those of (Metwally& Abdel-Bary, 1999) which reported that poultrymanure improve bulb diameter by enhancing the soilproperties and overcome leaching of nutrients fromroot zone and also similar results were obtained by(Ali et al., 2007) who stated that poultry manureenhances physical and chemical properties of onionand hence improve bulb diameter In cultivars,maximum bulb diameter (57.73mm) was noted fromcultivars swat-1 plots whereas minimum bulbdiameter (54.20mm) was obtained from cultivarssunset plants. A variation in bulb diameter ofdifferent cultivars might be due to genetic variationamong cultivars or better adoptability of somecultivars in specific environment as compared toothers (Shah et al., 2012). smaller bulb produced bycultivars sunset might be due to inability of thiscultivars to absorb nutrient and water from the soil(Khan et al., 2011) In case of interaction betweencultivars and fertilizers, more bulb diameter(68.26mm) was observed from cultivar swat-1 plotwhen fertilized with poultry manure whereas lessbulb diameter (44.81mm) was obtained from plantswhich were fertilized by inorganic fertilizers incultivars sunset plots.Fertilizer, cultivars and interaction between cultivarsand fertilizers had significant effect on bulb weight(Table 2). In case of fertilizers, highest bulb weight(103.30g) was recorded from plants which werefertilized with poultry manure whereas lowest bulbweight (52.80g) was obtained from plants whereinorganic fertilizers NPK was applied to the plots. Theincrease in bulb weight of onion might be due to thefact that poultry manure provides more nutrients tothe plants, soil structure become fertile and moreorganic matter is available to the crop whichenhances the uptake of nutrients and increases celldivision and rate of photosynthesis so the bulb weightis increased by metabolism of organic matter. Theseresults are in line with those with those of (Ewais etal., 2010 & EL-Shatanofy & Manar, 2011) whichreported that by application of poultry manure bulbweight of onion is increased significantly. In cultivars,maximum bulb weight (83.04g) was recorded fromplots where cultivars swat-1 was planted whereasminimum bulb weight (72.10g) was noted from plotswhen cultivar sunset was planted. Better performanceof swat-1 cultivar in term bulb weight might be due togenetic potential of this cultivars. In case of interactionbetween cultivar and fertilizers, bigger bulbs (108.31g)was obtained from cultivars swat-1 plants when it isfertilized with poultry manure whereas smaller bulbs(47.61g) was recorded from plants which were fertilizedwith inorganic fertilizer NPKFig. 6. Bulb weight (g) as effected by different bydifferent fertilizers and cultivars.Fig. 5. Bulb Diameter (mm) as effected by differentfertilizers and cultivars.Bulb weight (g)Bulb Yield (t/ha)Fertilizers, cultivars and their interaction hadsignificant effect on Bulb Yield (t/ha) (Table 2). Incase of fertilizers, maximum bulb yield (8.90t/ha)113 | Ahmed et al.

J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2020

It is evident from table-1 that fertilizers, cultivars and

their interaction had significant effect on leave length

(cm). In case of fertilizers, lengthy leaves (37.94cm)

were recorded from plots where poultry manure was

applied whereas shorter leaves (32.02cm) were

obtained from plot where NPK was applied. This is in

conformity with the findings of Amujoyegbe et al.,

(2007), Brady & weils (1999), Sharpley & Smith

(1999) which states that application of poultry

manure enhances leave length, water holding capacity

and chlorophyll content of the leave. In cultivars,

highest leave length (36.43cm) was obtained from

plots where cultivar swat-1 was planted whereas

lowest leave length (33.30cm) was noted from plots

where cultivars sunset were planted. These finding

are in line with those of Flore and Layne, (1999)

reported variation in leave length in different cultivars

of onion due to genetic variation in onion cultivars. In

case of interaction between cultivars and fertilizers,

maximum leave length (39.51cm) was recorded from

cultivar swat-1 when plants were fertilized with poultry

manure whereas minimum leave length (30.26cm) was

obtained from plant which were fertilized with NPK in

cultivars sunset plots.

leaves were produced from plot which were fertilized

with poultry manure. In case of cultivars, wider leaves

(7.71mm) were produced by plots where cultivar

swat-1 was planted whereas narrow leaves (7.40mm)

were produced in plots where cultivar sunset was

planted. These findings are in line with those of

Mohanty (2001), Tripathy et al., (2013), Kushal et al.,

(2015) and Sarkar et al., (2015) who reported

difference in leaf width due to variation in genetic

makeup of variety and its suitability under different

climatic condition. In case of interaction between

fertilizers and cultivars, wider leaves (8.30mm) were

produced when plants are fertilized with poultry

manure in cultivar swat-1 plots whereas narrow leaves

(6.66mm) were obtained from cultivars sunset plots

when it is fertilized with inorganic fertilizers NPK.

Fig. 4. Leave Width (cm) as effected by different

fertilizers and cultivars.

Fig. 3. Leave Length (cm) as effected by different

fertilizers and cultivars.

Leave Width(mm)

Leave width was significantly effected by different

fertilizers, cultivars and their interaction (Table 1). In

case of fertilizers, maximum leave width (8.26mm)

was recorded from plots where poultry manure was

applied as fertilizers whereas minimum leave width

(6.91mm) was noted from plots where NPK was

applied as fertilizer. These result are similar to that of

Schjegel, (1992) and Bendfeldt, (2002) where wider

Table 1. Plant height (cm), No of leaves per plant,

leave length (cm) and leave width (mm) as effected by

different fertilizers and varieties.





No of


plant -1









47.37 A 10.04 A 36.43 A 7.71 A


41.77 B 07.02 B 33.30 B 7.40 B

LSD 0.1348 0.6573 0.0610 0.1996


Poultry manure 47.74 A 10.35 A 37.94 A 08.26 A

Farm Yard manure 45.85 B 08.90 B 35.95 B 07.70 B


43.35 C 07.45 C 33.55 C 07.35 C


41.34 D 07.42 C 32.02 D 06.91 D

LSD 0.0871 0.5025 0.0446 0.0926


VxF Fig-1 Fig-2 Fig-3 Fig-4

Bulb Diameter (mm)

Analysis of the data indicated that fertilizer, cultivars

and interaction between fertilizer and cultivars had

112 | Ahmed et al.

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