ERA update_September 2021

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Introducing this impact report comes with mixed emotions. Concern and sadness as to some of the difficult situations

our partners have endured and are continuing to endure through this incredibly tough season.

But also a very real sense of thanks to God and the community of supporters who have donated, and continued

donating to our COVID19 appeal; and to the many individual/organisations who have taken those donations and

achieved nothing short of spectacular results.

Because of you we have been able to reach 21 nations;

many of the most vulnerable people groups with food,

hygiene kits, medical care and access to oxygen.

We have been humbled that even though many of you

have been impacted by this pandemic yourselves, you have

still sought to give and to keep on giving.

Even when as a country we seemed to be getting more on

top of things – you still understood that others were just

starting to enter the worst stages of their second, third

or fourth wave – and we were able to respond out of the

finances sent to us.

We are keeping this appeal open, as we are still hearing

heart-breaking stories from some of our partners.

If you would like to give please either contact us at the

office or www.elim.org.uk/Missions/Covid19


The majority of this

report is messages

from some of the

63,179 people who

have received your

donations; they

desire to send their

thanks and share

their stories.



people helped

through this ERA


The generosity to this appeal has been astounding and it has been deeply humbling and a priviledge for Elim

International Missions to be able to distribute funds directly into the hands of Elim missionaries and partners

to make a real, timely difference to people within their communities who have been in desperate need as a

result of the pandemic.

by July 2020

by August 2021

Giving by Elim

churches and


£40,000 £117,000

Elim International Missions, Elim International Centre, De Walden Road West Malvern, WR14 4DF

W: www.elim.org.uk/missions | T: +44(0)1684 588 940 | E: missions@elim.org.uk





City Gates Academy preparing food


Supporting teachers, hungry from school


Keith & Barbie Jackson - distributions in

South Africa

Countries assisted

“Maoz Israel are so very grateful for the

financial support for our Covid 19 relief

package that helped so many families in Israel.

With 25% of the population losing their jobs,

and no initial emergency fund from the government, we

were able to give direct financial support to families who had

no one else to turn to, who were praying for provision. Elim’s

support meant that these families could actually afford to

buy food.”

- Moaz Israel, Elim Global Partner

“I am surviving on what you give me. I have no

help from anyone else” - From Doris a Christian

lady who lost her job and has been unable to

work due to covid-19. ”

- through the work of Howard & Sue Coley,

Elim Missionaries, Spain

“The funds we received not only brought

immediate relief by providing food security to the

orphaned and vulnerable children but also lasting

relief through warm blankets in a cold winter. We were able to

ensure not one child would sleep without the gift of warmth.

Thank you for being part of Kingdom transformation one life at a


- Challenge Ministries, Global Partners, Eswatini

“We are so thankful to the Covid-19 ERA which

enabled us to take food packs to families who

were in great need, particularly when Coron was

in lockdown. Many could not work during this

time and so did not have finances for food. Being able to meet

practical needs has had a significant impact on opening hearts

to the gospel through seeing God’s love in action in this way and

we have been able to start a number of adult bible studies and

children’s clubs in the communities as a result of this.”

- James & Andrea Reeve, Elim Missionaries, Philippines

Elim International Missions, Elim International Centre, De Walden Road West Malvern, WR14 4DF

W: www.elim.org.uk/missions | T: +44(0)1684 588 940 | E: missions@elim.org.uk


Elim missionaries and global partners have been able to minister to people in ways that they wouldn’t have had the

opportunity to do so without the ERA food provision. The opportunities to pray for people, especially those not of the

Christian faith have been incredible and many lives have been touched through Spirit-led timely provision. Here are just a

few testimonies of His love in action.

“In one area a young man was severely ill with

Covid19 and there were no hospital beds available.

He was close to dying and he is a non Christian.

With the support sent by Elim Missions we could help him to

get oxygen cylinders for 3 days. He survived and he and his

wife and 2 kids are so thankful and are now coming to church

every week.

Once again on behalf of Carmel Ministries (India) we sincerely

thank Elim missions for all your love and prayers and support.”

Carmel Ministries, India



“Through the ERA we were not only able to

distribute many tonnes of dried food provision, but

we also took with us a message of hope.

In one community we held a meal where we shared the gospel

message and we saw 6 people from that community respond

to that simple gospel message. It was amazing to see houses,

not only receiving a gift and provision from people they weren’t

looking to, but they received something even more precious and

valuable; that personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour.”

John & Rachel McDonough, Elim Missionaries, Paraguay


“One night, we had just passed our 14 day

quarantine from having contracted covid. We were

feeling very tired, but received a phone call from

one of the elderly couples in the church. They were desperate

for help as John (named changed for privacy) was feeling very

ill and struggling to breath.

Regi, being a trained nurse, rushed over there to make an

assessment. It was clear that John should have gone to

hospital but was fearful due to the cost as they don’t have any

insurance. Regi immediately told them not to worry about the

cost - God has provided! They rushed John into the hospital

where he spent the next 5 days getting the help he needed!

The doctor said that if they had waited another 24 hours John

would not have made it. John is a retired pastor who has given

his life to serving the church. In this moment the church came

and served him and his wife! Thank you Elim for saving his life!”

Richard & Regi Ellerington, Elim Missionaries, South Africa


“It was heart-breaking to hear the story of a female

pastor in Cambodia who had received money from

donors to buy food for her church members but had been

instructed not to keep any food for herself. Her situation had

become bleak, due to her mother-in-law going into hospital

and the needs of the orphan children in the village, she found

herself and her 2 year old daughter with very little food and

income. She remained faithful to what had been asked of her

and prayed as to who she should give the last remaining food

parcels to. She gave them away despite her own situation of

hunger. Elim Cambodia’s church planting team happened to visit

her sometime after and as she welcomed them into her home,

she was overcome with emotion as she didn’t have enough

food to offer them. The team were able not only to bless her

with a food package but to pray with her and encourage her in

her faithfulness. She said that God had blessed her. She was

so thankful. She had said that before she felt like no one had

wanted to help the pastors, who were also in need at this time,

but she was so thankful for what she had received that day.”


Elim International Missions, Elim International Centre, De Walden Road West Malvern, WR14 4DF

W: www.elim.org.uk/missions | T: +44(0)1684 588 940 | E: missions@elim.org.uk



In April 2021, many of you will recall the news

channels sharing of the desperate situation in India

as their new cases of Covid 19 were over 400,000

daily! As the news reports shared of the panic and

despair of an overwhelmed health system and a

death count that was out of control, we began to

hear of Elim pastors and partners in need of major


Around this time nations such as the Philippines and

Nepal were also struggling with increasing cases and

deaths. As the challenges increased, through the

generosity of our donors we were able to support in

their hour of greatest need.

“The distribution team faced loads of challenges on

transporting the relief items due to monsoon rain and

bad roads. However, the relief program was successfully

delivered to the needy. Most of them are single, aged

people, mentally ill person for longer time, vulnerable and

dalit people group whose village have been badly affected

by the Covid-19 and unable to go out for work.”

- United Vision Nepal

“She is a housewife, she is the only one in their family who

believes in Jesus Christ. Her husband was a non-believer.

Initially, he won’t allow her to go to church and to pray to

God. He is a driver, doing small trips to make money. In

that lockdown, he has no work outside and by receiving

this help he came to know the power of prayers she did

for their family. Started coming to church as nobody cared

about them in that pandemic but God has seen their

struggle and fulfill their needs. She was very happy now

as a family she can come and worship God and she is very

thankful for this great help which helped to transform their

family into Christ.”

- Oasis Ministries, India, Elim Global Partner

“This pandemic has impacted each and everyone’s life in

every part of the world. In India, particularly where our

ministry works, people who live on daily wages, lepers,

orphans suffered as there is no where they can go for help,

but at this moment of crisis through the generosity and

unshakeable resolve of ERA fundraisers and supporters we

were able to provide food, medicines, masks, sanitiziers

and more importantly oxygen to these people. Each and

everyone them sends thank you to all the ERA team.”

- Pastor Prasad, India

“We have a family that

live on the dumpsite here

on Coron, Philippines, the

children attend one of the

children’s clubs and the

parents one of our adult

Bible studies. Prior to the

last lockdown, thanks to

Elim ERA funds we at City

Gates Coron were able

to give them a food pack.

They have since said that

they were so grateful because if it hadn’t been for the

food pack they would have had a week with no food

before the local government support was received, we

have heard similar comments as this from many of our


- James & Andrea Reeves, Coron, Philippines

“We are so grateful and thankful for every single donor

who contributed to support the covid victims in India your

prayers and support has blessed us in a great measure

beyond words , it helps us to feed the victims and help

medicines to some victims we are so blessed and your

support shown great impact in the community. Thanks to

Elim Missions.”

- Carmel Ministries, India

Elim International Missions, Elim International Centre, De Walden Road West Malvern, WR14 4DF

W: www.elim.org.uk/missions | T: +44(0)1684 588 940 | E: missions@elim.org.uk

Prayer on the

streets of India

- April 2021


This appeal will continue as many nations

continue to cope with the pandemic,

with many still using lockdowns as a

means to control the virus. The impact

of lockdowns for poor families who need

to work to be able to provide food on the

table each day, can be devastating. The

ERA-Covid19 funding is a literal lifeline to




We will therefore stand alongside our

Elim Global Partners, Missionaries and

Members to continue to feed the world

through this unpredictable time.


Bank Transfer

Account Number: 01439364

Sort Code: 309187

Reference: ERA Covid-19

Once you have completed the bank transfer, please

can you email missions@elim.org.uk with your

name and the amount of your donation.

In April 2021 when we heard the news of the devastation the

pandemic was having in India and how so many Elim pastors

and global partners were suffering with illness and loss of

loved ones, we were stirred to begin a global prayer meeting.

Many of the Elim family, pastors and partners in India, Nepal,

Philippines and other nations, joined together on zoom to pray.

This global prayer time continues today: Join us on Tuesday

7am and/or 7pm for 30 minutes of prayer.

The zoom link can be sourced at www.pray-for-the-nations.



Payable to Elim Missions, marked ‘ERA COVID-19’

on the reverse.

Send to:

Elim International Missions,

Elim International Centre,

De Walden Road, West Malvern, WR14 4DF.

Please include a note with your name, address &

email and whether you would like us to claim Gift


Would you like to have a missionary join your

Online Prayer meeting?


If you would like more information about the appeal

or the payment options available to you, please call

the Elim Missions office on 01684 588 940

During Covid19 many local church prayer meetings have

transitioned to online. This has enabled our missionaries and

partners to join a meeting and give reports of what they are

involved with, testimonies of what God is doing and join with

the local church to pray.

Please contact the office (missions@elim.org.uk) if you would

like to arrange for someone to join one of your meetings.

Elim International Missions, Elim International Centre, De Walden Road West Malvern, WR14 4DF

W: www.elim.org.uk/missions | T: +44(0)1684 588 940 | E: missions@elim.org.uk

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