Cruel and Unacceptable.

I'm being denied access to attend Saul’s inquest via video link- I'm being denied a voice and meaningful participation in the process of investigation and accountability into the premeditated death of my son.. The inequality of arms is an unacceptable abuse of power and injustice to conceal the facts to insure harmful practices stay hidden in the shadows of abuse and corruption. Inquests following state related deaths are intended to seek the truth and expose abuses of state power - Not be party to it.

I'm being denied access to attend Saul’s inquest via video link- I'm being denied a voice and meaningful participation in the process of investigation and accountability into the premeditated death of my son.. The inequality of arms is an unacceptable abuse of power and injustice to conceal the facts to insure harmful practices stay hidden in the shadows of abuse and corruption. Inquests following state related deaths are intended to seek the truth and expose abuses of state power - Not be party to it.


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