Europe and North America Regional GCED Network

The report “Europe and North America Regional GCED Network” is based on a research project funded by Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) and Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens (BKMC) led by Lynette Shultz (Centre for Global Citizenship Education and Research, University of Alberta) and Massimiliano Tarozzi (International Research Centre on Global Citizenship Education, University of Bologna) as Principal Investigators. The research team was composed of Carrie Karsgaard and Carla Inguaggiato, with the support of Kester Muller and Francis Owusu.

The report “Europe and North America Regional GCED Network” is based on a research project funded by Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) and Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens (BKMC) led by Lynette Shultz (Centre for Global Citizenship Education and Research, University of Alberta) and Massimiliano Tarozzi (International Research Centre on Global Citizenship Education, University of Bologna) as Principal Investigators. The research team was composed of Carrie Karsgaard and Carla Inguaggiato, with the support of Kester Muller and Francis Owusu.


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