Keep your Equipment in Tip Top Condition


Keep your Equipment in Tip Top ConditionWater Jetting Solutions for Heat exchangers, Economisers and Boilers

Keep your Equipment in Tip Top Condition

Water Jetting Solutions for Heat exchangers, Economisers and Boilers

Is your Heat Exchanger efficiency on

the decline?

Without a regular deep clean, fouling and debris will reduce heat exchanger

efficiency and can, if left unchecked, cause industrial equipment and

processes to fail.

Heat exchangers and condenser tube bundles are fragile, immobile, and expensive.

Shut-downs can be caused by blocked or even partially fouled tubes and these can

cost hundreds of thousands of pounds — many times the cost of performing even the

most complex cleaning procedures. When performed correctly, however, heat exchanger

cleaning will improve performance and save money.

Head Office 0238 081 7160 London 0203 102 6840 Manchester 0161 457 1215

UHP Water Jetting Methods for Cleaning Boilers, Economisers and Heat


At RGL, we know ultra-high-pressure water jetting should be one of the first choices for every heat

exchanger cleaning program because it is effective and environmentally friendly. Using nothing

but water, it is possible to successfully remove deposits and scale from heat exchangers, tube

bundles and surrounding systems, without damaging the delicate tube materials.

Precision Industrial Water Jetting Solutions - | Cutting | Cleaning | Decommissioning | Surface Preparation

The systems RGL deploy can tackle vertical, horizontal, straight or

U-bend bundles with tubes as small as 10mm in diameter.

High-pressure water is a safe and controlled cleaning method that

won’t damage the wall of the tube. It also cleans the tube back to

its original surface and restores both flow capacity and heat transfer to

ensure optimum efficiency is regained.

Our jetting tools easily negotiate

curves to provide a thorough


Using water reduces the need for specialist disposal of potentially harmful solvents and detergents.

This also will help to lower the costs of cleaning and maintenance by negating the need for hazardous chemical

disposal services.

Head Office 0238 081 7160 London 0203 102 6840 Manchester 0161 457 1215

Case Study - Muntons Maltings - Stowmarket

Over the past 18 months, Muntons Brewery in Stowmarket had been suffering from the declining efficiency of

their condenser units. This meant that their Malt Extract batches were no longer meeting their high standards.

Our goal was to restore the efficiency levels of the Heat Exchanger/Condensers, this would result in

production operating with minimum downtime.

On this occasion, RGL assessed the Muntons situation and devised a way of deploying variously

sized and rotating jet nozzles to focus the power of UHP water (2800bar) on the contaminated

areas - cleaning it back to original specification.

The condenser face was cleaned manually using hand lances fitted with a rotary nozzle

which, when combined with Ultra-High-Pressure water provides an ideal and safe way of

removing the toughest deposits.

The inside surfaces of the tubes were cleaned using a similar technique but with

nozzles designed to unblock and polish. These heads are extremely effective at

removing thin, hard scale, carbons, coke, and polymers and leave a clean,

undamaged surface.

Using UHP instead of traditional HP water jetting resulted in the use of

significantly less water (approx. 50% less) which facilitated simplified

containment, treatment and disposal.

What the customer said - Graeme Flounders Engineering Team Leader at Muntons Plc.

“The production department had not been able to achieve

the targets required, this was causing a significant problem

as we maintain very high standards which includes

providing our customers on time in full. The process

Leaders informed Engineering that following RGLs visit

to Muntons the Condenser Clean has increased the

efficiency of the equipment to a level not seen for

many years”.

Precision Industrial Water Jetting Solutions - | Cutting | Cleaning | Decommissioning | Surface Preparation

Over the last four decades

the company has evolved

to become the one of

the leading authorities

on UHP water jetting -

supporting industrial and

civil engineering industries

with cutting, cleaning,

surface preparation and

hydrodemolition solutions.

Abrasive Water Jet Cutting

An abrasive water jet will cut through hard materials

such as steel without heat or sparks. This means it

is safe to use for cutting applications in hazardous

atmospheres where there is a risk of fire or explosion.

Surface Preparation of Steel

The most common cause of premature coating failure

on steel structures – such as bridges, storage tanks and

vessels – is poor surface preparation.

Monopile Cutting

Our remote-control internal pile cutting system enables

us to cut off piles below ground or seabed level.

Tank, Vessel and Column Cleaning

Industrial Tank cleaning by water jet is one of the most

efficient forms of restoring production efficiency. The

problems caused by build-up of contamination on

vessel sides, agitator shafts and blade surfaces can be

a major one

Pipeline Cleaning & Blockage Removal

It is well known that drains and pipes have a tendency

to “close up” due to the build-up of scale and sludge

which restricts flow leading to a slower process speed.

Industrial Boiler and Economiser Cleaning

It is well known that when a boiler and/or economiser

becomes choked it’s efficiency is greatly reduced. RGL

provide an efficient on-site cleaning service to restore

the efficiency of your Boiler.

Heat Exchanger & Tube Bundle Cleaning

Ultra-high-pressure water jetting is a highly effective,

non-destructive method of cleaning Shell and Tube

Heat Exchangers, Finfan Heat Exchangers and

Condenser Tube Bundles that have become blocked

or fouled.

Precision Concrete Removal

RGL have pioneered the introduction of “Ultra High

Pressure” water jetting into the hydrodemolition industry

and continue to build on our solid reputation that has

been developed over the past 35 years.

Surface Preparation/Scabbling of


UHP Water Jetting is typically used on large areas of

concrete to scabble or prepare the surface for over

coating. Wherever possible, we use our Limpet blast

head which incorporates powerful vacuum recovery of

both wastewater and debris

Scabbling and Laitance removal

Concrete scabbling is a safe and efficient method

of exposing the aggregate in concrete, creating a

roughened surface on to which, coatings, sealants,

adhesives or further concrete may be applied.

Refractory Lining Removal

Our hydrodemolition technique can be used for

removing refractory from boiler water walls, leaving the

delicate tubes undamaged and perfectly clean ready

for re-application of new refractory material

RGL Services

Unit 3 Mortimers Trading Estate Ower, Romsey SO51 6AL

Tel: 023 8081 7160


Registered in England No 01788078 VAT No GB 382 7844 15

RGL is a trading name of Rentajet Group Limited. Terms & Conditions apply


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