16-10-2021 The Asian Independent

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16-10-2021 to 31-10-2021 ASIA


CPI-Maoist confirms death of top leader R.K. due to kidney failure

Hyderabad. The outlawed

Communist Party of India-

Maoist on Friday confirmed the

death of its top leader, Akkiraju

Haragopal alias Ramakrishna.

The Central Committee of

the banned outfit released a

statement announcing death of

63-year-old leader due to kidney

failure and other ailments.

According to the statement

signed by the party's

spokesman Abhay, he died at 6

a.m. on October 14 while

undergoing treatment.

Also known as Saket,

Madhu and Srinivas, R.K., as

he was most popularly known,

More than 30 dead in

Kandahar mosque blast

New Delhi. More than 30 people

have died while 90 others

have been injured after an

explosion tore through a Shia

mosque during Friday prayers

in the Afghan city of Kandahar,

the BBC reported.

Pictures from inside the Bibi

Fatima mosque show shattered

windows and bodies lying on

the ground with some other

worshippers trying to help.

The explosion's cause is not

yet clear, but it is suspected to

be a case of suicide bombing.

Witnesses said that there were

three blasts in the mosque.

IS-K, a local branch of the

Islamic State, is expected to

claim responsibility for the

attack, the BBC reported.

Kandahar is Afghanistan's

second largest city and the spiritual

birthplace of the Taliban,

so an attack in the city by IS-K,

which is extremely hostile

towards the Taliban, would be


Last Friday, a suicide attack

on another Shia mosque during

Friday prayers in the northern

city of Kunduz had killed at

least 50 people. IS-K had said

that it carried out the attack,

which was the deadliest since

the US forces left Afghanistan

at the end of August.

IS-K, a Sunni Muslim

group, is the most extreme

and violent of all the jihadi

militant groups in

Afghanistan. Sunni Muslim

extremists have targeted Shia

Muslims, whom they see as

heretics. IS-K has targeted

Afghan security forces, politicians

and ministries, the

Taliban, religious minorities,

including Shia Muslims and

Sikhs, US and Nato forces,

and international agencies,

including aid organisations,

the report said.

China agrees to cooperate in WHO's fresh Covid origin probe

Beijing. China has agreed to

support and participate in the

World Health Organisation's

(WHO) fresh probe to trace the

origins of the Covid-19 pandemic

that has globally infected

21.9 crore people while

claiming 45.5 lakh lives.

The WHO, this week,

launched a new task force --

Scientific Advisory Group on

the Origins of Novel Pathogens

(SAGO) -- of 26 global experts,

and called it "the last chance"

to find the Covid origins.

It is nearly two years since

the virus was first detected in

the Chinese city of Wuhan, yet

the question of how it first

emerged remains unclear.

Several studies/probes into the

was a Central Committee and

Politburo member.

Though the statement has

not mentioned the place where

the top Moist succumbed,

police sources had Thursday

said he died in south Bastar in


According to the statement,

R.K. suddenly developed a kidney

problem. Though he had

started receiving dialysis, his

kidneys failed. It claimed that

the party provided him the best

treatment but it proved futile.

Terming R.K.'s death a big

loss, the spokesman said his

last rites were performed

origins from scientists, governments,

and independent groups

have not yet solved whether the

virus jumped from animals to

humans in Wuhan markets or

leaked in a lab accident.

While China, since the

beginning has strongly refuted

the lab leak theory, its Foreign

Ministry said the country will

"continue to support and participate

in" (the probe), the South

China Morning Post quoted it

as saying.

At the same time, Beijing

has also called on the global

health body to uphold an

"objective, scientific"

approach, stating that it will

aoppose any political manipulation',

the report said.

amidst revolutionaries. The

party paid him tribute for the

"China will continue to support

and participate in the global

scientific origins tracing, and

resolutely oppose any form of

political manipulation,"

Chinese Foreign Ministry

spokesman Zhao Lijian was

quoted as saying on Thursday.

Zhao also appeared to leave

the door open to future field

role he played in strengthening

the organisation and serving it

in various roles.

Haragopal was born in

Palnadu region of Guntur district

of Andhra Pradesh in

1958. Son of a school teacher,

he did post-graduation and

worked as teacher for some

time along with his father.

Attracted by the revolutionary

politics, he took membership

of People's War in 1978.

He became active in the organisation

in 1982.

According to the statement,

he became Guntur district

Secretary in 1986 and was elevated

as state committee member

in 1992. Subsequently, he

led the organisation in south

Telangana for four years and in

2000 he became Andhra state

committee secretary. At the 9th

Congress of People's War in

2001, R.K. was elected a

Central Committee member.

In 2004, R.K. led the

People's War in the talks with

then Andhra Pradesh government.

"He placed the people's

demands before the government

and along with other delegates

discussed them effectively,"

said the statement.

The party alleged that after

missions in the country, the

report said.

A joint WHO-China inquiry,

whose findings were released

in March this year, had dismissed

the possibility that the

virus had emerged accidentally

from a laboratory as "extremely


Undermining its own report,

Director General Tedros

Adhanom Ghebreyesus in July,

proposed a second phase of

studies in Wuhan, which

includes audits of laboratories

and markets in the city, citing

that the investigation had been

hampered by a lack of data and

transparency from China.

On Thursday, Zhao said that

the first probe should be the

pulling out of talks, the government

started targeting the

Maoists and when it attempted

to kill Ramakrishna, the

Central Committee shifted him

to Andhra-Odisha border area

and gave him the charge of that

area. He worked as AOB

Secretary till 2014 and since

then, he was guiding the AOB

Committee. In 2018, the

Central Committee included

him in the politburo.

R.K. married Shirisha and

they had a son Munna alias

Pridhvi, who was killed in an

encounter with police in 2018

in Ramaguda.

Kerala's first artificial heart

implantation done successfully

Kochi. Kerala's first artificial

heart implantation was successfully

performed at a private

hospital on a 61-year-old

woman patient.

The cardiothoracic surgical

team at VPS Lakeshore hospital

implanted the Left

Ventricular Assist Device

(LVAD), an advanced and

unique mechanism designed to

aid patients suffering from

heart failure by helping the bottom

left chamber of the heart

(left ventricle) pump blood out

to the aorta and the rest of the


The patient, who has been

undergoing treatment for dilated

cardiomyopathy (DCM) for

the past six years, was admitted

to the hospital with cardiogenic

shock, breathing difficulty, and

hypotension on September 13.

Her condition deteriorated

with ongoing heart failure with

fluid in the lungs (pulmonary

oedema) and she was shifted to

ventilator support.

Even though the option to

bring her back to life was a

heart transplant, which needs a

donor heart and an unpredictable

waiting period, time

was running out and it was then

the doctors decided to implant

LVAD - an artificial heart.

With the family's consent,

the doctors, on October 8 performed

the nine-hour-long

extremely rare surgery which

saved her life.

Now the patient is safe and

sound, she has started taking

food orally, and is in the recovery

phase undergoing rehabilitation.

As per the medical team, she

can live an improved, long, and

normal life with this support.

D.S. Sujith, the cardiothoracic

surgeon who led the team

of professionals, said, as organ

donation is in a plateau phase in

Kerala, ventricular assist

device (artificial heart) is a

boon in the present scenario as

a bridge to transplant as well as

destination therapy.

foundation for future work and

"adhere to a global perspective",

the SCMP reported.

China had, initially, rejected the

second probe accusing the

WHO of "arrogance" and a

"disrespect for common sense".

The proposed members of

the SAGO group include six

experts who visited China as

part of the previous team.

Besides Covid, SAGO will

also look into the origins of

other high-risk pathogens, the

BBC reported.

SAGO's work may be the

"last chance to understand the

origins of this virus", Michael

Ryan, the WHO's emergencies

director, was quoted as


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