16-10-2021 The Asian Independent

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16-10-2021 to 31-10-2021 17

Unicef official warns of worsening situation in Afghanistan

United Nations : The already dire

situation faced by Afghan civilians

will get worse, and the humanitarian

needs of children and women will

increase over the coming months, a

Unicef official said.

"The situation is critical, and it will

only get worse," UNICEF Deputy

Executive Director Omar Abdi told

reporters at the UN Headquarters in

New York, adding that the humanitarian

needs will increase amidst "a

severe drought and consequent water

scarcity, an uncertain security environment,

continued displacement, the

devastating socio-economic consequences

of the Covid-19 pandemic

and the onset of winter".

Even before the Taliban takeover in

August, at least 10 million children

across the country were in need of

humanitarian assistance to survive,

Abdi said, and at least 1 million of

these children are at risk of dying due

to severe acute malnutrition without

immediate treatment, reports Xinhua

news agency.

The health system and social services

are on the verge of collapse, as

medical supplies are running dangerously

low, and cases of measles and

acute watery diarrhoea are on the rise,

Abdi said.

The economic system is also on the

verge of collapse, he added, noting

many teachers and health workers

have not been paid in at least two

months, and yet they continue to work.

The official also said that the education

gains of the past two decades

must be strengthened, not rolled back.

The number of children enrolled in

schools increased from 1 million in

2001, most of them boys, to almost 10

million children, including 4 million

girls, at present.

The number of schools tripled,

from 6,000 to 18,000. Despite this

progress, 4.2 million children are out

of school, including 2.6 million girls,

he noted.

The Unicef, the UN and humanitarian

partners are sparing no effort to

overcome financial shortfalls, logistical

challenges, and an increasingly

complex geopolitical situation to support

the millions of women, men and

children in Afghanistan who depend

on humanitarian assistance and protection,

the official added.

Educational Institutions, Morning Assemblies & Students

Continue Page 5

Morning assembly is an integral part of

the educational institutions. Almost all the

educational institutions conduct morning

assemblies which include prayers, information

of latest happenings, inspiring thoughts,

speech, national anthem, etc. A good institution

is always particular about their morning

assembly schedule. However, some parents,

as well as students, consider morning assemblies

as a total waste of time. In fact, few students

are always in a lookout to find excuses

to escape from the morning assembly. But,

morning assembly is important for a student's

development. It is essential to understand that

morning assembly is not just about standing

in long queues and singing prayers or national

anthem, but it’s something beyond just

prayers. All the activities carried out in morning

assembly by the students and school staff

have a great influence in every point of life.

The positive effects of attending assemblies

can be felt throughout life. During a morning

assembly, all the students of an educational

institution stand at the same place, as a part of

an institution regardless of their age, culture,

religion, gender, etc. A feeling of unity is

aroused by this act. This feeling of unity stays

forever in the student’s mind and it leads to a

happy society. The students get to know

about their institution and its achievements in

Social Education Voluntary

Association (SEVA) Trust UK, a

Bedford based charity supported by

SEVA Trust UK (India) who are working

for the betterment of education,

health and environment has opened a

new office and a free digital learning

centre in the state of Haryana in India.

On this occasion Naresh Mittal,

Chairman of SEVA Trust UK (India

Operations) and Deputy Chairman

Tejinderpal Singh that that Trust has

been undertaking most of its educational

projects in the state of Punjab and

now more projects will be delivered in

Haryana that can be managed from our

new local office.

The main objective of the trust is to

provide quality education to the needy

students from the rural areas so that talent

can be brought out from these

remote areas. Supported by Altruist

Technologies Pvt. Ltd, through this initiative

of free learning, students will be

given free onlinecoaching using the best

teaching staff and coaches.

a better way because of the discussions that

are conducted by teachers and

students during the assembly.

The headmaster or the principal

addresses all the students and

give valuable moral teachings

for life. This speech of principal

is the thing that can change

the perspective of students.

Each and every word of this

speech is the reflection of the

experience and values. When

students endure these experiences,

it helps them to lead a

successful life. This morning

speech/address from the principal

acts as a strong pillar in

the moral development of students.

Morning assemblies

also consist of news report reading or

thoughts delivering. Some institutions also

encourage the students to showcase small

play delivering some meaningful lesson. All

these activities, give a chance to every student

to be a part of activities. In this way,

confidence is built in the students. Morning

assembly is the best platform to encourage

the students who have achieved something in

academics or extra-curricular activities.

When the achievers are awarded in front of

Naresh Mittal said that to date SEVA

Trusthas already provided scholarships,

educational equipment to over 500



everyone, they feel encouraged. This encouragement

gives them the enthusiasm

to achieve more.

Furthermore, it inspires other students

to perform better in order to

become one of the achievers.

These morning assemblies are a

good idea for discussing the problems

faced by the students or discussing

any activity happening in

the institution that can lead to a

bad effect on a student’s life. For

instance, the act of indiscipline or

immoral behaviour by some students

can be discussed so that it

can be prevented. Student as a

whole understands the problems

and try to find out the solution.

This instills discipline in them.

Thus, morning assembly is a crucial part of

educational teachings.

At the end I suggest that an educational

institute must have a well-planned morning

assembly accompanied with morning prayer,

national anthem, speech, news, the thought of

the day, acknowledgment of achievers and

address by the institution's authorities. Every

day it is necessary to inspire our students

with life teachings that facilitate their mental

and spiritual development.

Fadnavis: MVA govt 'most corrupt',

betrayed public mandate in 2019

The parties like Congress are scared because PM Narendra Modiji

will not rest till he uproots corruption in the country," Fadnavis

asserted. Alleging that massive 'dalali' (middlemen deals) are going

on, Fadnavis declared that as long as corruption exists in the state,

the central agencies would keep coming here.

The BJP leader also alleged that the MVA ministers are having

a 'software' for indulging in 'vasuli' (extortion), and other

corrupt activities are going on in full swing in the state. On the

CM's call to his party workers to "learn from West Bengal",

Fadnavis asked whether the CM wanted to make Maharashtra a

"lawless state" like West Bengal, and said the BJP would fight it

tooth-and-nail. Slamming the CM's challenge to the BJP to

"topple the MVA government", Fadnavis said that the CM was

speaking only out of 'sheer frustration', and claimed the BJP is

not interested in bringing down the government which would

collapse on its own.

Rejecting Thackeray's charges, Fadnavis reiterated that the Shiv

Sena had betrayed the people's mandate in the 2019 assembly elections

by allying with the Nationalist Congress Party-Congress to

form the MVA government, in the name of fulfilling the promise

made to the late Balasaheb Thackeray to have a Shiv Sainik as the

CM. "If you were so keen to make a Sainik the CM, then why did

you bypass all other senior leaders in your party? It was always your

personal ambition to become the CM - nothing wrong in this - but at

least drop this mask now," Fadnavis said. The BJP leader's response

came to Thackeray's thunderous speech at the Shiv Sena's annual

Dassehra rally held in Shanmukhananda Hall.

Bedford charity joins forces with Indian Charities and Private

Sector to offer free digital learning to disadvantaged students

needy children in the last 4 years. "We

have supported many rural schools

including setting up a solar plant, providingfree

tablets, projectors and other

e-equipment to students and rural

schools. Apart from this, the Trust also

organises health, environmental, social

awareness programs and supporting

local communities from low income

backgrounds" said Mittal.

Founder Chairman of SEVA Trust

UK Charan Sekhon, said "We have supported

over 700 students and over 300

families in the UK facing hardships during

Corona pandemic.Now we have set

up a new project in Bedford to support

people fleeing from Afghanistan. In

addition to all the community support

work SEVA Trust teams are doing in the

UK, we are trying to play our sincere

part in serving communities in India and

set up SEVA Trust India Team. We not

have a really strong team working in

India. This new office and digitallearning

centre is another positive stepto

reach out more students and needy people

in north India. We feel it is important

to support the youth, girls empowerment

and developing technical skills at

the early education stage to ensure a

prosper future for the youth from disadvantaged


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