16-10-2021 The Asian Independent

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16-10-2021 to 31-10-2021


Iran reaches out to Russia, China for help

to counter Turkey-backed Azerbaijan

New Delhi : Iran has advised

Azerbaijan to be cautious of "devil's

costly traps" and avoid making false

statements which could permanently

damage the relations between the two


While addressing a virtual meeting

of the Commonwealth of Independent

States (CIS) Council of Heads of State

on Friday, President of Azerbaijan

Ilham Aliyev had accused Iran of conspiring

with Armenia and promoting

drug trafficking for nearly three

decades. Aliyev said that by regaining

control over a 130-kilometer section

of the state border with Iran that had

been under Armenian control for nearly

30 years, Azerbaijan has closed the

drug trafficking route from Iran

through Armenia's Jabrayil region to

Armenia and then to Europe.

"The volume of heroin seized by us

in other areas of the Azerbaijani-

Iranian border has doubled compared

to the same period last year. This

means that for about 30 years,

Armenia, together with Iran, used the

then occupied territories of Azerbaijan

for drug trafficking to Europe," said

the President of Azerbaijan.

Reacting strongly to the comments,

Tehran said that "ignoring the principles

and requirements of the neighbourhood

and making false and

unconstructive statements" is not a

sign of good faith and prudence.

"Accusation against a country that the

world recognises as a hero in the fight

against drugs has no effect other than

invalidating the speaker's words.

Beware of the devil's costly traps,"

said Secretary of Iran's Supreme

National Security Council (SNSC) Ali

Shamkhani in a series of tweets.

Iran's Foreign Ministry also strongly

rejected the "astonishing new allegations"

made by Aliyev, calling them

"fabricated". Tehran emphasised the

"leading role" played by Iran in the

fight against drug trafficking, highlighting

that thousands of martyrs and

wounded Iranians during the past four

decades in the fight against this "ominous

phenomenon" is part of the country's

committed and continuous efforts

on this path and which has been

acknowledged by relevant international

institutions over and over again.

"Unfortunately, it seems that

despite the private and positive messages

received from Baku in different

calls, there is an intention on the part

of Baku to make baseless media statements,

which, of course, will be

answered in due manner," said Iran's

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed


Countering 'Three Brothers'

The fresh war of words is the latest

addition to the escalating tensions

between the two neighbours which

share a 700-km long border.

Tehran is becoming increasingly

Islamic State suffers big blow

as West Africa leader dies

New Delhi : In a big blow to

radical Islam, the leader of the

Islamic State West Africa

Province (ISWAP) Abu Musab al-

Barnawi is dead, Nigerias top

general has said. "I can authoritatively

confirm to you that Abu

Musab is dead," Lucky Irabor, the

chief of defence staff, told

reporters at the presidential villa

in Abuja, without elaborating.

ISWAP, led by Al Barnawi since

2016, is an offshoot of the infamous

Boko Haram terror group,

which has created havoc in West

Africa. Analysts believe that the

death of Al Barnawi is expected to

have a positive impact on the

region. The terror master controlled large

swathes of territory, imposed taxes on the

local population. He also earned substantial

income by controlling fishing in north

Borno areas, apart from funding and material

support that he received from ISIS, the

Nigerian newspaper Daily Trust reported.

Al-Barnawi had also established many

nodes in the Lake Chad islands, the launching

pad for attacks in three countries -

Nigeria, Niger and Chad. The daily said

that Al-Barnawi had died in late August but

did not give any details.

Al Barnawi's death has delivered yet

another heavy blow to the Islamist movement

in West Africa. Boko Haram leader

Abubakar Shekau was killed in May.

Adnan Abu Walid al-Sahrawi of Islamic

State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) has also

died this year.

Al Barnawi rose to the highest rank in

ISWAP after a bitter power struggle with

Shekou, who pledged allegiance to the

Islamic State in 2015. But ISIS passed on

the leadership mantle to Al Barnawi, who

had a wide following in Boko Haram. Al

Barnawi's father was Muhammed Yusuf,

the founding father of Boko Haram. As a

result, Al Barnawi inherited the loyalty of

many Boko Haram fighters after Yusuf was

killed by Nigerian police in 2009, sparking

a nationwide insurrection.

The ISIS which was in the lookout

to co-opt Boko Haram, finally chose

Al-Barnawi as ISWAP leader over the

rebellious Shekou.

India Narrative had reported earlier

that Shekou was killed in May after

ISWAP assaulted his stronghold in the

Sambisa Forest area.

According to the Nigerian news

website HumAngle, after his bodyguards

were killed or captured, Shekau

surrendered, and tried to cut a deal

with ISWAP. But after he was asked to

issue a humiliating surrender statement,

Shekau blew himself up, detonating

a suicide vest that he was wearing.

All people present during the

negotiations were also instantly killed.

"Africa is going to be the battleground

of jihad for the next 20 years and it's going

to replace the Middle East," BBC quoted

US State Department's coordinator for

counter-terrorism, ambassador Nathan

Sales as saying.

Since Shekau's death, the Nigerian

armed forces say that thousands of Boko

Haram fighters have surrendered to them,

Reuters is reporting. Last month, France

announced that its forces had killed the

ISGS leader al-Sahrawi. ISGS is Islamic

State's affiliate in the Sahel, a strip of land

below the Sahara Desert that includes

countries such as Mali, Niger and Burkina


worried about the rising Azerbaijani

nationalism inside Iran, where over 25

percent of the population is ethnic

Azeri. Analysts believe that in the

name of "combatting Islamophobia"

and promoting "peaceful co-existence"

of Muslim communities all

over the world, Azerbaijan is busy

nurturing a trilateral partnership with

Turkey and Pakistan to increase its

influence on the Azeris of Iran, especially

after the Nagorno-Karabakh

conflict. The trio also held a two-week

long trilateral exercise 'Three Brothers

- 2021' in Baku mid-September in

which special forces from the three

countries focused on targeting threats

and fostering interoperability.

Referring Azerbaijan, Turkey and

Pakistan as "close friends and brothers",

Commander of the Azerbaijani

Special Forces Lieutenant General H

Mirzayev said that Ankara and

Islamabad's support "from the first

day" of the 44-day counter-offensive

operations launched by Azerbaijan

against the Armenian armed forces

says a lot about the close ties enjoyed

between "our" people.

"Today, cooperation between our

countries in all areas is at the highest

level. Important measures are being

taken to further strengthen and develop

our relations to ensure the region's

and peoples' security," said Mirzayev.

Infuriated Iran then held a military

drill codenamed Fatehan-e Khaybar

(Conquerors of Khyber) along its

Azeri borders, saying that it will not

tolerate foreign presence in the northwest

region of the country.

Tehran reaches out to Moscow

Tehran has also intensified diplomatic

efforts to play an active role in

the region which is witnessing some

intense geopolitical activity after the

Taliban's return in Afghanistan.

Amirabdollahian also told Jeyhun

Bayramov, the foreign Minister of

Azerbaijan, on the sidelines of the UN

General Assembly that "third parties

should not be allowed" to affect the

good relations between the two countries.

On October 14 - "at the initiative

of the Iranian side" - Russia's Minister

of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov held

a telephonic conversation with his

Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir

Abdollahian. According to the Russian

foreign ministry, the situation around

the Joint Comprehensive Plan of

Action on the Iranian nuclear program

was examined as both parties "synchronized

watches" on key issues of

the bilateral agenda, which were discussed

during the talks between the

two ministers in Moscow on October

6. On Friday, Abdollahian also dialled

China's State Councillor and Foreign

Minister Wang Yi and updated him on

the resumption of talks between Iran

and the European Union, which took

place on Friday. The two sides also

expressed their readiness to implement

the 25-year cooperation document

and agreed that the talks will

continue at the same level in Brussels

in the coming weeks.

Youths blackmail K'taka

women over nude pics,

extorts Rs 5 lakhs

Bengaluru : Police

in Karnataka have

launched a manhunt for

two youths in connection

with blackmailing a

woman over nude photos

and videos and

extorting Rs 5 lakhs

from her.

A complaint has been

lodged with the

Basavanagudi Women's

police station in Bengaluru by the 21-year victim in this regard.

She has alleged that the two accused, identified as Chiraag

and Harshith from Bengaluru who met her on Instagram, took

her to a room, gave her juice laced with sedatives and then captured

the images and the video. According to the complaint,

Chiraag came in contact with the victim on September 5, 2020.

They developed a bond, after which they exchanged numbers

and started speaking regularly. Taking advantage, the accused

brought the victim to Mysuru on September 26 on the pretext of

introducing her to his parents. But instead of taking her home,

he took her to a lodging. In the room, he had given juice laced

with sedatives and the victim had become unconscious, according

to the police.

The victim also mentioned in the complaint that accused

Chiraag and his friend Harshith removed her clothes and captured

photos and videos when she was unconscious.

When she woke up later, the accused showed her the photos

and videos and demanded the ransom. The two threatened her

that they would upload the material on social media if the ransom

was not paid. "I have given the accused Rs 5 lakhs. In spite

of that, they have blackmailed me and locked me up in a hotel

room and threatening me to give more money," she said in the

complaint. The police are investigating the case.

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