16-10-2021 The Asian Independent

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14 16-10-2021 to 31-10-2021 NEWS


Farm fires in Punjab this year till now

less than last year's, but more than 2019

New Delhi. The government has

claimed that the number of farm

fires in Punjab, Haryana and

eight districts of Uttar Pradesh

falling in the NCR this season

have gone down compared to

last year. But the numbers for

Punjab till October 13, even if

way less than last year's, are

more than that in 2019.

It is the season of Kharif crop

harvesting in north-west India.

Despite measures by the multiple

government departments,

such as providing happy seeders

and harvester machines, the

farmers in Punjab and Haryana

resort to stubble burning with the

pollution ultimately travelling to

Delhi-NCR. The farmers resort

to stubble burning owing to short

window between harvesting

Kharif crop and sowing for Rabi.

Indian Space Research

Organisation (ISRO) has been

monitoring farm fires on a daily

basis for many years now.

According to the ISRO data, the

cumulative fire count from

October 1 till October 13 for the

year 2019 was 715; for 2020 it

was 2413 and this year, it is 842.

The numbers show that the

stubble burning, called Parali

burning in popular parlance, is

definitely less this year till

October 13 compared to last

year, but it is more than the number

of such incidents 2019.

Amritsar and Tarn Taran districts

lead almost all three years

among the most farm fire incident

districts, the others being

Amritsar, Ferozpur, Gurdaspur,

Kapurthala, FG Sahib and


The data for three years

shows that Amritsar registered

244 farm fires in 2019, 682

instances in 2020 and till Oct 13

this year, the number stands at

211; Tarn Taran district registered

143 farm fires in 2019, 598

in the year 2020 and 211 till Oct

13 this year; Ferozpur registered

30 farm fires in 2019, 138 in

year 2020 and 31 till now this

year; Gurdaspur had 22 farm

fires in 2019, 162 in 2020 and

just 34 this year till Oct 13;

Kapurthala registered 20, 69 and

41 farm fire incidents in 2019,

2020 and 2021 respectively;

Faridkot registered 11, 52 and 17

while FG Sahib registered 06, 48

and 46 incidents in 2019, 2020

and 2021 till October 13 respectively.

On Friday, the government

claimed that paddy residue burning

events have reduced by

69.49 per cent in Punjab, by

18.28 per cent in Haryana and by

47.61 per cent in the eight NCR

districts of Uttar Pradesh during

the one-month period since

September 15 compared to the

same period last year.

There are two main reasons

why despite so many far farms

this year, the air pollution levels

are considerably less till now.

One, the harvesting of paddy

crop has not picked up as yet as

much as it should have been

because of the delay in withdrawal

of monsoon and second,

the wind direction and velocity

was not favourable for transferring

air pollution to Delhi-NCR

till Thursday.

Data from the Agriculture

Ministry has shown that paddy

harvesting is complete only on

5.51 per cent of the 411.46 lakh

Ha across India. "Even in Punjab

the inclement weather has meant

that the farmers had delayed harvesting

the kharif crop. That will

further narrow down the window

and the farm fire instances are

set to rise," said an official from


According to data from

Punjab, the total paddy crop

area in both Punjab and

Haryana is estimated to be at 31

lakh Ha this year, of which as

much as 26 Ha is under nonbasmati

rice that causes the

stubble burning problem.

Farmers prefer particular variety/varieties

that are offered

substantial value under the government's

Minimum Support

Price (MSP).

This year, after the formation

of the permanent

Commission for Air Quality

Management for Delhi NCR

and Surrounding Areas

(CAQM), the Union Ministers

for Environment and

Agriculture had taken personal

interest and held multiple meetings,

some together, some individually,

with the officials and

political leadership from

Punjab and Haryana both.

Efforts were made by Punjab

government for bio-decomposition

of parali over 5 lakh Ha,

one such meeting on September

23 was informed.

The India Meteorological

Department (IMD) has indicated

that there would be rainfall

in north-west India on October

16 and 17, after which it is likely

that there would be stronger

winds towards Delhi that can

lead to increased air pollution.

System of Air Quality and

Weather Forecasting And

Research (SAFAR) at the

Indian Institute of Tropical

Meteorology (IITM), Pune is a

research-based initiative integrating

multiple factors and

issues forecast for air quality

for Delhi and three other cities.

SAFAR has also been tracking

farm fire incidents based on

satellite images from ISRO and


Explained senior IITM scientist

and Director, SAFAR,

Gufrain Beig: "Till the time

monsoon does not withdraw,

there are no calm weather conditions.

Therefore, late withdrawal

of monsoon means local

dust and long-range dust transport

was more. Therefore, the

PM10 particles are more at this

time and PM2.5 particles that

are unhealthier are relatively

very less compared to last


"When monsoon withdrawal

is complete, not just the wind

speed and direction, the temperature

too will then matter.

Then Delhi-NCR will have

more air pollution from parali

burning travelling towards it,"

he said. The CAQM has been

regularly talking with not just

Punjab but also with Haryana

and Uttar Pradesh for ensuring

strict implementation of the

action plan and the framework

to curb paddy residue burning

as per the protocol. CAQM has

also held series of meetings

with state government officials

including the district collectors/

district magistrates of Punjab,

Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh.

"From Monday onwards,

after this two-day likely rain in

northwest India, will we be able

to gauge the correct scenario

vis-a-vis stubble burning.

Whether or not our efforts at

restricting farm fires are successful

will be known then,"

said an officer from the

Environment Ministry, who has

kept tabs at the development,

but did not want to be quoted

by name.

PIA official was held at gunpoint

for hours by Taliban commanders

New Delhi. The Pakistan

International Airlines (PIA) suspended

its flights to Kabul after

what it called "heavy handed"

interference by Taliban authorities,

including arbitrary rule

changes and intimidation of

staff, The News reported.

The PIA said that ever since

the new Taliban government was

formed, its staff in Kabul had

faced last-minute changes in regulations

and flight permissions

along with "highly intimidating

behaviour" by Taliban commanders.

It said its country representative

had been held at gunpoint

for hours at one point and was

only freed after the Pakistan

Embassy in Kabul intervened,

the report said.

The suspension of flight operations

came as the Taliban government

ordered the airline, the

only international company

operating regularly out of Kabul,

to cut ticket prices to levels seen

before the fall of the Westernbacked

Afghan government in


A PIA spokesman told Geo

News that operations have been

suspended for an "unspecified

period" and that the decision was

taken in the backdrop of "inappropriate

behaviour" demonstrated

by the Afghan authorities.

Undesirable conditions for

the operation of international

flights in Kabul and the Taliban

government's "last minute

changes in decisions" are also

part of the reason PIA made the

move, the spokesman said.

The PIA said it has decided

that no aircraft will go to Kabul

without insurance, the report


Earlier, the Taliban had

warned the PIA and Afghan carrier

Kam Air that their Afghan

operations risked being blocked

unless they agreed to cut ticket

prices, which have reached levels

increasingly out of reach for

most Afghans.

With most international airlines

no longer flying to

Afghanistan, tickets for flights

to Islamabad were selling for as

much as $2,500 on PIA,

according to travel agents in

Kabul, compared to $120-$150

before. The Afghan transport

ministry had said in a statement

that prices on the route should

"be adjusted to correspond with

the conditions of a ticket before

the victory of the Islamic

Emirate" or the flights would

be stopped. It had urged passengers

and others to report any

violations. Flights between

Afghanistan and Pakistan have

been severely limited since

Kabul airport was reopened last

month in the wake of the chaotic

evacuation of more than

100,000 Westerners and vulnerable

Afghans following the

Taliban take over. With a

mounting economic crisis

adding to the worries about

Afghanistan's future under the

Taliban, there has been heavy

demand for flights out and the

main passport office in Kabul

has been besieged by people

trying to get travel documents

since it reopened earlier this

month. Demand for flights has

been further pushed by repeated

difficulties at land border crossings

into Pakistan.

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