St Mary Redcliffe Prayers for the Week 2021 10 17

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<strong>Prayers</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> week<br />

Sunday <strong>17</strong> th October <strong>2021</strong> – The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity<br />

Our Church Community<br />

Those we know who need our prayers: Christa, Cecile, Georgina, Angela, Jill, Cilla, Hazel, Phil,<br />

Milcah, Sylvia, Caroline, Maui, Peter and his family<br />

Those who have died recently: Elizabeth Molyneux, Iris McCallum<br />

Those who have died this week in years passed: Gwendoline Davies, Geoffrey Hancock,<br />

Harriet Davies, Bronwydd Derham, Megan Evans<br />

Prayer <strong>for</strong> this time of Coronavirus<br />

Keep us, good Lord,<br />

under <strong>the</strong> shadow of your mercy<br />

in this time of uncertainty and distress.<br />

Sustain and support <strong>the</strong> anxious and fearful,<br />

and lift up all who are brought low;<br />

that we may rejoice in your com<strong>for</strong>t<br />

knowing that nothing can separate us from your love<br />

in Christ Jesus our Lord.<br />

Amen.<br />

Sunday <strong>17</strong> th October - The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity<br />

Events and Anniversaries: "International Day <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Eradication of Poverty<br />

<strong>17</strong>71 (250) The première of Mozart’s pastoral opera Ascanio in Alba, in Milan, Italy. Mozart was<br />

aged 15."<br />

Happening today: Baptism of Taliah<br />

Anglican Communion: The Church of <strong>the</strong> Province of West Africa<br />

Diocese: North West Swindon and Lydiard Millicent, Vicar: Revd Tudor Roberts,<br />

Associate Minister: Revd Tricia Roberts<br />

Deanery: Derek Maddox, <strong>St</strong> Andrew’s, Hartcliffe, Withywood Centre<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff: The Vergers, Mat<strong>the</strong>w, Judith, Paul, Sally<br />

Church Community: SMR members in Care Homes<br />

Wider Community: The lonely

Monday 18 th October - Luke <strong>the</strong> Evangelist<br />

Events and Anniversaries: 1951, Snowdonia National Park was established<br />

Anglican Communion: The Diocese of Goma – Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo<br />

Diocese: Prison Chaplaincy, Revd. Elizabeth Perry, Revd Anja Thomson, Revd Tricia Roberts<br />

Deanery: Deanery Leadership Team<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff; The Music Department, Andrew, Graham, Claire<br />

Church community: The Vestment Team<br />

Wider local community: Booster vaccination arrangements<br />

Tuesday 19 th October<br />

Happening today: High Sheriff’s Legal Service<br />

Anglican Communion: The Diocese of Gombe – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)<br />

(Jos Province)<br />

Diocese: Doynton: Holy Trinity, Vicar: Revd Timothy Bell, Curate: Revd Rob <strong>St</strong>ewart, LLM’s: Mrs<br />

<strong>Mary</strong> Bell, Mr <strong>St</strong>ephen Burgess<br />

Deanery: Cathy Gardner, Filwood Park, <strong>St</strong> Barnabas<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff: The Office, Sarah P, Rebecca, Heloise, Rhys<br />

Church community: Our Curates and <strong>the</strong>ir families<br />

Wider local community: Local hotels<br />

Wednesday 20 th October<br />

Anglican Communion: The Diocese of Grafton – The Anglican Church of Australia (New South<br />

Wales Province)<br />

Diocese: Dyrham: <strong>St</strong> Peter, Vicar: Revd Timothy Bell, Curate: Revd Rob <strong>St</strong>ewart,<br />

LLM’s: Mrs <strong>Mary</strong> Bell, Mr <strong>St</strong>ephen Burgess<br />

Deanery: Becky Waring, Area Dean, <strong>St</strong> Martin’s, Knowle<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff: The Outreach Department, David, Sarah Y, Sarah J, Phil, Ria, Dionne<br />

Church community: SMR members in Sheltered Housing<br />

Wider local community: The anxious

Thursday 21 st October<br />

Anglican Communion: The Diocese of Grahamstown – The Anglican Church of Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Africa<br />

Diocese: Wick: <strong>St</strong> Bartholomew, Vicar: Revd Timothy Bell, Curate: Revd Rob <strong>St</strong>ewart,<br />

LLM’s: Mrs <strong>Mary</strong> Bell, Mr <strong>St</strong>ephen Burgess<br />

Deanery: Anthony Everitt, Assoc. Priest, <strong>St</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Redcliffe</strong><br />

<strong>St</strong>aff: The Ministry Team, Dan, Kat, Aggy, Anthony, Peter, <strong>St</strong>ephen, Simon, Becky<br />

Church community: The Bellringers<br />

Wider local community: All who use Temple Meads <strong>St</strong>ation<br />

Friday 22 nd October<br />

Events and Anniversaries: 2001 Apple released <strong>the</strong> first iPod digital music player<br />

Anglican Communion: The Diocese of Guadalcanal – The Anglican Church of Melanesia<br />

Diocese: Withywood, Priest-in-Charge: Revd Derek Maddox,<br />

Associate Minister: Revd Paul Hunter<br />

Deanery: Laura Verrall-Kelly, Curate, <strong>St</strong> Martins Knowle<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff: The Vergers, Mat<strong>the</strong>w, Judith, Paul, Sally<br />

Church community: Welcomers at services<br />

Wider local community: The Prime Minister and his Advisers<br />

Saturday 23 rd October<br />

Events and Anniversaries: 1921, <strong>the</strong> death of John Boyd Dunlop, Scottish inventor who<br />

developed pneumatic rubber tyres and founded Dunlop Tyres<br />

Happening today: Pipe Walk<br />

Anglican Communion: The Diocese of Guatemala – Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de<br />

America<br />

Diocese: Brinkworth: <strong>St</strong> Michael & All Angels, Rector: Revd <strong>St</strong>eve Wilkinson (Woodbridge<br />

Benefice), Associate Minister: Revd Mike Graham, Curate: Revd Matt <strong>St</strong>one,<br />

LLM: Mrs Hea<strong>the</strong>r Lee<br />

Deanery: <strong>St</strong>eve Hawkins, Holy Nativity Knowle<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff: The Music Department, Andrew, Graham, Claire<br />

Church community: The Churchwardens<br />

Wider local community: People suffering from Long Covid

Sunday 24 th October - The Last Sunday after Trinity<br />

Events and Anniversaries: 1946, The first photos of Earth from space were taken by US<br />

scientists using a V-2 rocket captured from Germany following WWII<br />

Anglican Communion: The Extra-Provincial Churches<br />

Diocese: Dauntsey: <strong>St</strong> James <strong>the</strong> Great. Rector: Revd <strong>St</strong>eve Wilkinson (Woodbridge Benefice),<br />

Associate Minister: Revd Mike Graham, Curate: Revd Matt <strong>St</strong>one, LLM: Mrs Hea<strong>the</strong>r Lee<br />

Deanery: Dan Tyndall, <strong>St</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Redcliffe</strong><br />

<strong>St</strong>aff: The Office, Sarah P, Rebecca, Heloise, Rhys<br />

Church Community: Our Tea and Coffee Teams<br />

Wider Community: Those seeking employment

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