How To Choose Healthy Sweeteners


How To Choose Healthy Sweeteners?With the improvement of people’s health awareness, sweeteners are moreand more widely used. These sweeteners can stimulate the taste buds, butwill not be absorbed by the body. They are very good sugar substitutes.But there are many types of sweeteners, how to choose healthier sweeteners?A healthy sweetener should have the following characteristics:(1) High sweetness and low calories. As a sugar substitute, sweetenershave the advantages of high sweetness and low usage.(2) It has additional health benefits. In addition to providing sweetness,some sweeteners can also supplement other nutrients, such asmicronutrients.2(3) Does not raise blood sugar. The glycemic index is used to measurethe degree of elevated blood sugar and insulin levels. High blood sugarsweeteners can cause fat storage, insulin resistance, cardiovasculardisease, type 2 diabetes and increased oxidation.Among the natural sweeteners, Mogroside, stevia, and erythritol are allhealthy sweeteners suitable for low-calorie products.Stevia helps reduce the peak blood sugar and insulin levels after meals.Mogroside is rich in vitamins and has no calories.Erythritol has low calories and is an antioxidant polyol, so it helps toreduce the body’s oxidation by scavenging free radicals.

How To Choose Healthy Sweeteners?

With the improvement of people’s health awareness, sweeteners are more

and more widely used. These sweeteners can stimulate the taste buds, but

will not be absorbed by the body. They are very good sugar substitutes.

But there are many types of sweeteners, how to choose healthier sweeteners?

A healthy sweetener should have the following characteristics:

(1) High sweetness and low calories. As a sugar substitute, sweeteners

have the advantages of high sweetness and low usage.

(2) It has additional health benefits. In addition to providing sweetness,

some sweeteners can also supplement other nutrients, such as


2(3) Does not raise blood sugar. The glycemic index is used to measure

the degree of elevated blood sugar and insulin levels. High blood sugar

sweeteners can cause fat storage, insulin resistance, cardiovascular

disease, type 2 diabetes and increased oxidation.

Among the natural sweeteners, Mogroside, stevia, and erythritol are all

healthy sweeteners suitable for low-calorie products.

Stevia helps reduce the peak blood sugar and insulin levels after meals.

Mogroside is rich in vitamins and has no calories.

Erythritol has low calories and is an antioxidant polyol, so it helps to

reduce the body’s oxidation by scavenging free radicals.

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