Top Fears That Keep People From CPR AED Training

When people suffer cardiac arrest outside of medical premises, the biggest difference between those who survive and those who do not is the person who performed CPR AED on the survivors. Read more When people suffer cardiac arrest outside of medical premises, the biggest difference between those who survive and those who do not is the person who performed CPR AED on the survivors. Read more


When people suffer cardiac arrest outside of medical premises, thebiggest difference between those who survive and those who do not is theperson who performed CPR AED on the survivors.The difference isthat stark. CPRAED Training candouble or eventriple the chance ofsurvival. And forthose who suffercardiac arrestoutside of medicalpremises, survivingoften meansgetting CPR from aperson who maynot be a medicalprofessional.

That is why it is so essential for everyone to undergo CPR AEDTraining, and be willing to deliver it if need be. But the most surprisingelement is that cardiac arrest victims do not get CPR performed from apasser-by as frequently as they could. Many of the times people hesitateto perform CPR even if they have undergone thorough training, andeven though they could save someone’s life.Here are some common fears and misconceptions that keep peoplefrom providing lifesaving skills when it’s an emergency.Fear of Doing it Wrong.As per recent reports, 70% of Americans do not have the confidence toperform CPR in an emergency situation taking to the fear of goingwrong. This is where hands-only CPR comes in. It is very lesscomplicated than the traditional version. With CPR AED TrainingOnline, it is very easy for people to learn and administer CPR with nomedical training. There is only one step – push hard and fast in thecenter of the chest. Today, anyone can learn and administer CPR witheasy and hassle-free CPR Courses available online. And this processwill only take minutes.

When people suffer cardiac arrest outside of medical premises, the

biggest difference between those who survive and those who do not is the

person who performed CPR AED on the survivors.

The difference is

that stark. CPR

AED Training can

double or even

triple the chance of

survival. And for

those who suffer

cardiac arrest

outside of medical

premises, surviving

often means

getting CPR from a

person who may

not be a medical


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