Historic Trauma and Aboriginal Healing

by Cynthia C. Wesley-Esquimaux, Ph.D. and Magdalena Smolewski, Ph.D.

by Cynthia C. Wesley-Esquimaux, Ph.D. and Magdalena Smolewski, Ph.D.


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Chapter 2<br />

For many decades, researchers debated why <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people got involved in the fur trade at all.<br />

Perhaps Washburn (1967) was best able to explain it from an <strong>Aboriginal</strong> perspective. For the Indigenous<br />

people, the fur trade embodied traditional principles of gift giving. The trade became a source of major<br />

prestige items <strong>and</strong> a forum for social <strong>and</strong> ceremonial gratification. Rich (1960) makes a similar point in<br />

that the <strong>Aboriginal</strong> groups involved in the trade were unresponsive to artificial incentives for increasing<br />

the volume of pelts exchanged. If the price was raised by the Hudson Bay Company, the <strong>Aboriginal</strong><br />

would surrender fewer beaver skins with a limited supply of pelts being exchanged for a predictable<br />

number of Western necessities. The English wanted the beaver for the fur to be made into hats in<br />

Engl<strong>and</strong>, which was a symbol of high status <strong>and</strong> a fashion trend that lasted almost 300 years. As the<br />

beaver population declined rapidly in the eastern part of North America, the trade moved to the west.<br />

The hunters, who were already decimated by infectious diseases <strong>and</strong> had lost their tribal identities,<br />

largely became incorporated into other groups. Some groups completely changed their modes of<br />

production, such as the use of guns, to acquire goods that could be exchanged for European products.<br />

As the economic differentiation in those egalitarian societies became marked, people began competing<br />

for hunting territories <strong>and</strong> warfare increased. The English <strong>and</strong> the French used this as an opportunity<br />

to manipulate <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people <strong>and</strong> to recruit some as military allies. Internal conflicts in <strong>Aboriginal</strong><br />

groups deepened. People began to lose the sense of communal belonging, communal solidarity <strong>and</strong><br />

loyalty, <strong>and</strong> they began to lose themselves, as social <strong>and</strong> cultural beings, in the midst of massive capitalist<br />

intrusion.<br />

In addition, new forms of exchange brought new products <strong>and</strong> new foods that began to intrude on the<br />

indigenous diet, such as table salt <strong>and</strong> refined sugar. It is an obvious proposition that a people’s diet is<br />

a product of environment <strong>and</strong> tradition. Traditional foods were always (<strong>and</strong> still are) symbols of ethnic<br />

identity <strong>and</strong> a type of diet can be highly resistant to change that, in itself, can also be very adaptive.<br />

“Traditional” foods in the Americas (as anywhere else in the world) have been subject to cultural <strong>and</strong><br />

natural selection over a period of time. Today, nutritionists agree that any change is more likely to be<br />

deleterious. The shift from a diet consisting mostly of animal protein to dependence on introduced<br />

high-carbohydrate foods lowered disease resistance. It contributed directly to certain diseases such as<br />

diabetes <strong>and</strong> kidney disease. When a meat diet is changed to a diet high in sugar <strong>and</strong> flour, the change<br />

produces dental caries <strong>and</strong> a narrow dental arch with crowded, crooked teeth (Price, 1939). A diet rich<br />

in sodium contributes to hypertension; non-iodized salt in a diet causes endemic goiter: enlarged thyroid<br />

gl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> iodine deficiency lead to multiple neurological disorders (Buchbinder, 1977). The Western<br />

diet, high in refined starch, sugar <strong>and</strong> fat, but low in fibre, has been implicated in many diseases of<br />

cholesterol metabolism, such as obesity, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease <strong>and</strong> gall bladder disease.<br />

According to Burkitt (1973), diseases related to a diet lacking in fibre, such as diseases of the large<br />

bowel, vein problems <strong>and</strong> haemorrhoids, were seldom reported from hunter-gatherers.<br />

These nutritional stressors interacted synergistically with other stresses: epidemics, loss of cultural<br />

identity, dispossession <strong>and</strong> the loss of a social self. At one point, the pressures became so excessive <strong>and</strong><br />

so prolonged, that the people’s social <strong>and</strong> cultural defenses were exhausted. The effort to survive,<br />

generation after generation in the face of authentic, physical danger, contributed to maladaptive<br />

psychological adjustments <strong>and</strong> social pathologies, such as suicide, violence, drug <strong>and</strong> alcohol abuse,<br />

that we observe in contemporary <strong>Aboriginal</strong> societies. Survival of mind <strong>and</strong> body, both in an individual<br />

<strong>and</strong> social sense under conditions of excessive <strong>and</strong> abnormal pressures <strong>and</strong> deprivations, requires optimal<br />

adaptive responses. As studies of U.S. prisoners of war in Korea show, many people under siege cannot<br />


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