ER/Studio - Embarcadero Technologies Product Documentation

ER/Studio - Embarcadero Technologies Product Documentation ER/Studio - Embarcadero Technologies Product Documentation
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USING ER/STUDIO > DEVELOPING THE PHYSICAL MODEL • No Sort: (NOSORT) If selected, specifies to not sort the data when the index is rebuilt. • Reverse Byte Order: If selected, reverses the bytes of each column indexed (except the rowid) while keeping the column order. By reversing the keys of the index, the insertions will be distributed across all leaf keys in the index. • Enable Compression: (COMPRESS) Select to enable index compression. Compression can repress duplication of keys in non-unique indexes. For concatenated indexes (indexes with multiple columns), the compress option can reduce the size of the index by more than half. For concatenated indexes (indexes with multiple columns), compression can reduce the size of the index by more than half. The compress option allows you to specify the prefix length for multiple column indexes. • Prefix Length: This is the prefix length for multiple column indexes. • Tablespace: Displays the tablespace on which the table index is stored. • No Logging: Select, if you do not want the DLL operations to be logged in the redo file. This can reduce index creation and updates by up to 30%. • Pct Free: (PCTFREE) Specifies the maximum percentage of space in each data block to reserve for future updates. This reserved space helps to avoid row migration and chaining caused by an update operation that extends a data row's length. Tables that won’t be updated should have this value set to 0. • Initial Trans: (INITTRANS) Specifies the number of DML transactions for which space is initially reserved in the data block header. Oracle stores control information in the data block to indicate which rows in the block contain committed and uncommitted changes. The amount of history that is retained is controlled by this parameter. If too many transactions concurrently modify the same data block in a very short period, Oracle may not have sufficient history information to determine whether a row has been updated by a too recent transaction. Initial Transactions limit the minimum number of concurrent transactions that can update a data block to avoid the overhead of allocating a transaction entry dynamically. Specify a higher value for indexes that may experience many transactions updating the same blocks. • Max Trans: (MAXTRANS) Specifies the maximum number of concurrent transactions that can update a data block to avoid performance problems. Once the space reserved by INITRANS is depleted, space for additional transaction entries is allocated out of any available free space. Once allocated, this space effectively becomes a permanent part of the block header. This parameter limits the number of transaction entries that can concurrently use data in a data block and therefore limits the amount of free space that can be allocated for transaction entries in a data block. • Parallel: Selects Oracle's parallel query option. You can achieve substantial performance gains by using Oracle's parallel query option. • Degrees: Specifies the number of query server processes that should be used in the operation. • Instances: Specifies how you want the parallel query partitioned between the parallel servers. • Initial Extent: (INITEXTENT) Specifies the initial number of data blocks that Oracle should reserve. Oracle will reserve the number of data blocks that correspond to the initial extent for that table’s rows. • Next Extent: (NEXT) Specifies the size in kilobytes of the next extent. You should monitor this figure against the largest available chunk of free space in the tablespace. If a table cannot allocate its next extent, it will no longer be able to extend and, therefore, cannot accept additional data. • Pct Increase: (PCTINCREASE) Specifies the percentage by which the next extent should grow over the previous extent's size. Be careful when setting Percent Increase because it magnifies how an object grows and, therefore, can materially affect available free space in a tablespace. • Min Extents: (MINEXTENTS) Specifies the number of extents to allocate when the segment is created. Controls free space fragmentation by making sure that every used or free extent is at least as large as the value you specify. • Max Extents: (MAXEXTENTS) Specifies the maximum number of extents that Oracle can allocate to the index. Once this limit is reached, Oracle prevents further growth of the cluster and cannot accept additional data. Carefully monitor the number extents already allocated to the index with this limit. EMBARCADERO TECHNOLOGIES > ER/STUDIO® 8.0.3 USER GUIDE 168

USING ER/STUDIO > DEVELOPING THE PHYSICAL MODEL • Free Lists: (FREELISTS) Specifies the number of free lists to apply to the table. The default and minimum value is 1. Free lists can help manage the allocation of data blocks when concurrent processes are issued against the index. Oracle uses the free list to determine which data block to use when an INSERT operation occurs. Oracle allows table and indexes to be defined with multiple free lists. All tables and index free lists should be set to the high-water mark of concurrent INSERT or UPDATE activity. For example, if the index has up to 20 end users performing INSERTs at any time, then the index should have FREELISTS=20.Too low a value for free lists will cause poor Oracle performance. An increase in FREELISTS or FREELIST GROUPS can alleviate segment header contention. • Free List Groups: (FREELIST GROUPS) Applicable only if you are using Oracle with the Parallel Server option in parallel mode. Specifies the number of free list groups which allow the table to have several segment headers. This enables multiple tasks to insert into the index; thereby alleviating segment header contention. Free list groups should be set to the number of Oracle Parallel Server instances that access the index. For partitioned objects and cases of segment header contention, free list groups my be set for non-RAC systems. • Buffer Pools: (BUFFER_POOL) Specifies the memory structure or buffer pool that is used for caching data blocks in memory, providing faster data access. • DEFAULT: Caches data blocks in the default buffer pool. • KEEP: Retains the object in memory to avoid I/O conflicts. • RECYCLE: Moves data blocks from memory as soon as they are no longer in use, thereby saving cache space. Options tab Options available depend on the database platform selected. For information on the index options available for your database platform, click a link below: • Hitachi HiRDB Index Options • IBM DB2 for AS/400, Common Server, and UDB Versions 5 through 9 Index Options • IBM DB2 for OS/390 Index Options • Informix Index Options • Interbase Index Options • Microsoft Access and SQL Server Index Options • MySQL Index Options • NCR Teradata Index Options • Oracle 7 Index Options • Postgre SQL Index Options • Sybase Index Options Hitachi HiRDB Index Options • Unique: (UNIQUE) If selected, specifies that the index key contains no duplicate values and therefore every row in the table is in some way unique. If not selected, a non-unique index is created that lets table rows have duplicate values in the columns that define the index. IBM DB2 for AS/400, Common Server, and UDB Versions 5 through 9 Index Options • Unique: (UNIQUE) If selected, specifies that the index key contains no duplicate values and therefore every row in the table is in some way unique. If not selected, a non-unique index is created that lets table rows have duplicate values in the columns that define the index. EMBARCADERO TECHNOLOGIES > ER/STUDIO® 8.0.3 USER GUIDE 169


• No Sort: (NOSORT) If selected, specifies to not sort the data when the index is rebuilt.<br />

• Reverse Byte Order: If selected, reverses the bytes of each column indexed (except the rowid) while keeping<br />

the column order. By reversing the keys of the index, the insertions will be distributed across all leaf keys in the<br />

index.<br />

• Enable Compression: (COMPRESS) Select to enable index compression. Compression can repress duplication<br />

of keys in non-unique indexes. For concatenated indexes (indexes with multiple columns), the compress option<br />

can reduce the size of the index by more than half. For concatenated indexes (indexes with multiple columns),<br />

compression can reduce the size of the index by more than half. The compress option allows you to specify the<br />

prefix length for multiple column indexes.<br />

• Prefix Length: This is the prefix length for multiple column indexes.<br />

• Tablespace: Displays the tablespace on which the table index is stored.<br />

• No Logging: Select, if you do not want the DLL operations to be logged in the redo file. This can reduce index<br />

creation and updates by up to 30%.<br />

• Pct Free: (PCTFREE) Specifies the maximum percentage of space in each data block to reserve for future<br />

updates. This reserved space helps to avoid row migration and chaining caused by an update operation that<br />

extends a data row's length. Tables that won’t be updated should have this value set to 0.<br />

• Initial Trans: (INITTRANS) Specifies the number of DML transactions for which space is initially reserved in the<br />

data block header. Oracle stores control information in the data block to indicate which rows in the block contain<br />

committed and uncommitted changes. The amount of history that is retained is controlled by this parameter. If too<br />

many transactions concurrently modify the same data block in a very short period, Oracle may not have sufficient<br />

history information to determine whether a row has been updated by a too recent transaction. Initial Transactions<br />

limit the minimum number of concurrent transactions that can update a data block to avoid the overhead of<br />

allocating a transaction entry dynamically. Specify a higher value for indexes that may experience many<br />

transactions updating the same blocks.<br />

• Max Trans: (MAXTRANS) Specifies the maximum number of concurrent transactions that can update a data block<br />

to avoid performance problems. Once the space reserved by INITRANS is depleted, space for additional<br />

transaction entries is allocated out of any available free space. Once allocated, this space effectively becomes a<br />

permanent part of the block header. This parameter limits the number of transaction entries that can concurrently<br />

use data in a data block and therefore limits the amount of free space that can be allocated for transaction entries<br />

in a data block.<br />

• Parallel: Selects Oracle's parallel query option. You can achieve substantial performance gains by using Oracle's<br />

parallel query option.<br />

• Degrees: Specifies the number of query server processes that should be used in the operation.<br />

• Instances: Specifies how you want the parallel query partitioned between the parallel servers.<br />

• Initial Extent: (INITEXTENT) Specifies the initial number of data blocks that Oracle should reserve. Oracle will<br />

reserve the number of data blocks that correspond to the initial extent for that table’s rows.<br />

• Next Extent: (NEXT) Specifies the size in kilobytes of the next extent. You should monitor this figure against the<br />

largest available chunk of free space in the tablespace. If a table cannot allocate its next extent, it will no longer<br />

be able to extend and, therefore, cannot accept additional data.<br />

• Pct Increase: (PCTINCREASE) Specifies the percentage by which the next extent should grow over the previous<br />

extent's size. Be careful when setting Percent Increase because it magnifies how an object grows and, therefore,<br />

can materially affect available free space in a tablespace.<br />

• Min Extents: (MINEXTENTS) Specifies the number of extents to allocate when the segment is created. Controls<br />

free space fragmentation by making sure that every used or free extent is at least as large as the value you<br />

specify.<br />

• Max Extents: (MAXEXTENTS) Specifies the maximum number of extents that Oracle can allocate to the index.<br />

Once this limit is reached, Oracle prevents further growth of the cluster and cannot accept additional data.<br />

Carefully monitor the number extents already allocated to the index with this limit.<br />

EMBARCAD<strong>ER</strong>O TECHNOLOGIES > <strong>ER</strong>/STUDIO® 8.0.3 US<strong>ER</strong> GUIDE 168

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