All Hail The Queers Photography Magazine

All Hail The Queers is a project that is dedicated to queers and queerness in all its glory. This photography magazine is one of the mediums that translate this project in colour. It features nine queer African artists and individuals that shared parts of their lives through photographs. They are living, breathing beings- visibly and unapologetically queer. All Hail The Queers is a project that is dedicated to queers and queerness in all its glory. This photography magazine is one of the mediums that translate this project in colour. It features nine queer African artists and individuals that shared parts of their lives through photographs. They are living, breathing beings- visibly and unapologetically queer.


Founder’s GreetingsTHOBELAI greet you with warmth and a clear heart of acceptance. As Imapped the foundations of this creation, I was confronted withthe different approaches of building this craft; pain and sufferingare smeared on our existence but that all there is to us? Are wethe remnants of our struggles? OF COURSE NOT. We areshimmering lights, we are stars bouncing poignantly on this earthand our magic cannot be contained in any straight line or box!We are the Queer Republic, the land beyond boarders andheteronormative perceptions. The truth has just put on a dragshow and this is not your average one-day show, this is not a showfor your entertainment- this is our lives layered in colour, this isqueerness in all its glory, these are living and breathing Gods.Everyone, All Hail The Queers!

Ed’s LetterIt was an absolute privilege to have been one ofthe first people to have read and experienced thisbeautifully executed work of art.This is a colourfully captivating read aboutidentity; living; proudly existing and the art oflove in all its forms. My hope is that every singleperson who reads this, is entranced by the art ofit all and that you discover something thatresonates with you. A massive thank you to allthe contributors for letting us a peak into yourprolific minds.To all our readers, welcome to the family and AllHail The Queers.-Zureal Malebaco

Founder’s Greetings








I greet you with warmth and a clear heart of acceptance. As I

mapped the foundations of this creation, I was confronted with

the different approaches of building this craft; pain and suffering

are smeared on our existence but that all there is to us? Are we

the remnants of our struggles? OF COURSE NOT. We are

shimmering lights, we are stars bouncing poignantly on this earth

and our magic cannot be contained in any straight line or box!

We are the Queer Republic, the land beyond boarders and

heteronormative perceptions. The truth has just put on a drag

show and this is not your average one-day show, this is not a show

for your entertainment- this is our lives layered in colour, this is

queerness in all its glory, these are living and breathing Gods.

Everyone, All Hail The Queers!

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