All Hail The Queers Photography Magazine

All Hail The Queers is a project that is dedicated to queers and queerness in all its glory. This photography magazine is one of the mediums that translate this project in colour. It features nine queer African artists and individuals that shared parts of their lives through photographs. They are living, breathing beings- visibly and unapologetically queer.

All Hail The Queers is a project that is dedicated to queers and queerness in all its glory. This photography magazine is one of the mediums that translate this project in colour. It features nine queer African artists and individuals that shared parts of their lives through photographs. They are living, breathing beings- visibly and unapologetically queer.


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We’ve listened to your hate, now we pen our love

Copyright © 2021 Zawadi The Art

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

reproduced in any written, electronic, recording or

photocopying without written permission from the founder

and the co-creators.

⚧️ Contents

Founder’s greetings p4

Ed’s letter p5

⚧️ ⚣

Returning to self | Zawadi The Art Purple

SiTaboo / Mal Muga Blue

In essence \ Leboh Green

In spoken words ¦ Tinashe Wakapila Yellow

Dudoir Photography | Corné du Plessis Orange

Retrospective Reflection / Lwanda Mputa Red

Moving yet stuck: a visit to Cullinan \ Carbon Brown

Letters to my love ¦ Thandi Elinah Mazibuko P,W,B

Soul’s Rhapsody | Jesse Barlow P,W,B

Founder’s Greetings








I greet you with warmth and a clear heart of acceptance. As I

mapped the foundations of this creation, I was confronted with

the different approaches of building this craft; pain and suffering

are smeared on our existence but that all there is to us? Are we

the remnants of our struggles? OF COURSE NOT. We are

shimmering lights, we are stars bouncing poignantly on this earth

and our magic cannot be contained in any straight line or box!

We are the Queer Republic, the land beyond boarders and

heteronormative perceptions. The truth has just put on a drag

show and this is not your average one-day show, this is not a show

for your entertainment- this is our lives layered in colour, this is

queerness in all its glory, these are living and breathing Gods.

Everyone, All Hail The Queers!

Ed’s Letter

It was an absolute privilege to have been one of

the first people to have read and experienced this

beautifully executed work of art.

This is a colourfully captivating read about

identity; living; proudly existing and the art of

love in all its forms. My hope is that every single

person who reads this, is entranced by the art of

it all and that you discover something that

resonates with you. A massive thank you to all

the contributors for letting us a peak into your

prolific minds.

To all our readers, welcome to the family and All

Hail The Queers.

-Zureal Malebaco

Zawadi The Art

Returning to self

Ke nna Mpho Vinolia Mashego

Ke morwedi wa Maki le Siphoso Mashego

Ke motau.

Ke motho wago bua kuwa shakwaneng,

shakwaneng ya kgomo le motho go phalang,

go phala motho asa jeweng.

Kgomo ke mallela teng,

gageshu rea tibela, re tibela pela letlateng.

Ke motho wa legola tlhogo mmele ke lekanele,

Ke maputlaganya a mmaphuthi,

mashia tau ka lebelo!

I rented my mouth to a language that is obsessed with papers

I twist my tongue to accommodate its sharp edges

It is constantly demanding flexibility, banging on my vocal cords for

perfect tightening

and stretching my throat to create more space.

More space to convert my brain cells into currencies

My eyes to induce its ability to see more white than black, brown or any

other colour

My ears to distinctly listen to bass tones and deafen the high-pitched tones

My feet to march towards a skin that does not resemble mine

It has infiltrated my entire system destroying threads of the rich melanin

that is inherent in me.

My name is spelled from the papers I have scraped for,

each has a detailed portion of respect that should be passed my way

I cling to the remnants of myself that isn't scattered papers

I cling on,

although I know that practice leads to fluency

Eventually I will become monolingual, articulate and excelling at being

flakey, weightless, disposable piece of paper.

Africa is bleeding,

our leaders are the new owners of the colonial missiles and rifles that have

been pointing and firing at us.

Who else do we need to summon to end these genocides and femicides?

Which book should we open that doesn’t have our blood inked on its pages?

Which ancestors should we call that won’t demand girls and womxn as


Which neighbor should we turn to who won’t call us foreigners in our own


We have been exposed to flames for so long that we are pouring gasoline onto


How do we breathe when we are collectively inhaling these fumes?

Which part of ourselves do we start to heal?

Should it be the internalized hatred first?

Or the salivation over being the white man's prized possession?

Or the generational massacre of womxn in the name of a man?

Or should it be the diligent slave mentality that carries orders from colonial

forces to kill homosexuals?

Who do we hold when we’ve declared war on each other?

Who else are we going to speak to that will understand our tongues?

Do we even know where our tongues are?

Do we remember our mothers?

Do we remember that we were birthed by the soil and the sun?

Do we remember ourselves?

Do we remember ourselves

I was always here

I never left, you were too focused on other factors outside

of yourself that you forgot what home meant and felt.

I am here. I’ve been here. For you.

Thank you for coming home.

- Your soul

Is it boy or a girl?

The girls that look like boys,

the boys that have breasts,

the boy that walks like a girl,

the man with a beard in a dress,

Is she or he breathing?

Is she or he human?

Will it stop you from loving them?

When you handed us the mirror

You took our healers away from us,

and forced us to praise paper.

My people cannot speak to the sun anymore

they forgot how to summon clouds.

You exploited our bodies,

dug and sucked the spirits of these lands

then you drowned us at sea.

You drowned us in your image

and we excelled at performing your scriptures

But the ocean is rumbling now

The mummies are awakening now

The ones you gave the mirror to,

They can see now!

An artist’s growl

“There is no future in the arts”

“dreams will not put food on the table”

“being an artist is not a real job”

As if hearts are not renowned drummers of every lifetime.

As if the flute to my breath can be ignored and discarded.

These veins are wombs to the dead nations that seek to be


This mouth will awaken snoring giants in your bloodline.

Art is birthed here.

Life is scripted and scraped,

tumbled and fumbled,

adored and despised.

Life is at my fingertips,

Now place yourself unto my canvas

and watch me spill you away!

In Truth

Confess your desires and you will be granted

pleasure in multitudes

Surrender to your truth and you will live a life

of clarity and bliss

Honor your being.

Trust in your name.

Rejoice in your pronouns



Dearest Rainbow Community

Dear Lesbian,

Dear Gay,

Dear Bisexual,

Dear Transgender/Transsexual

Dear Queer,

Dear Intersex,

Dear Asexual,

Dear Pansexual,

Dear Rainbow community,

You are not at fault.

You're not a sin to be constantly punished.

You deserve to breathe.

You deserve to walk this earth with pride flowing with your every


There’s a sky full of gifts to bestow upon you.

There are wells overflowing with warmth to dip and immerse

yourself in.

You are merged with magic in your being.

Thank you for breathing.

Thank you for living your truth.

Thank you for YOU.

Zawadi, the rebirth of Mpho

I am unfolding poetry, making sense till it becomes senseless. My

life is a clutter of speeches, at times I tiptoe around my voicefeeling

its fragility but trusting in my core to stand with every


I am a lesbian

I am a multi-spirited being

I am a renegade and most importantly,

I am a gift.

I am on a journey to home; home to the people that birthed me.

Home to the memories that built me. Home to the hands that

held me in warmth. Home to a community that frees my spirit.

Home to myself, home to my art, to my core and home to my

life. I have come far yet I have just arrived.

I am Zawadi

I am the rebirth of Mpho Vinolia Mashego

We are The Art!


Links to follow


Intagram: https://www.instagram.com/zawadi.art/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/artzawadi?lang=en

Linkedin: Zawadi Mashego

WhatsApp: +27 78 2833219


Mal Muga

There is something about being queer,

gay in particular, that we have been taught to feel

dirty about.

Despite the slow but increasing acceptance of

queerness across the continent we are still told to

keep it behind closed doors.

Our sexuality is only to be practiced in the darkness.

We have been relegated to the darkest corners of

expression and existence in more ways than this.

We as queer people have been left feeling alone and

it has had immense consequences on our

relationships, our ability to bond and to express

ourselves sexually and emotionally leaving us

fundamentally lonely.

One of the things that scares me the most is the high

probability that I may be alone forever. It scares me

that I have internalized all the shame that has

surrounded me my whole life and

that I may have an inability to move past it and to

connect to a partner truly and completely.

In this photography series SiTaboo, I have chosen to

focus on the darkness represented by the black


In not just the darkness as an entity but in its relation

to how it provides the perfect environment to find

light in connection in the vibrancy, colour and

beauty that comes as a result of black queer love,

connection and sex.

The name SiTaboo uses the Swahili prefix ‘Si’ that

means ‘it is not’ therefore SiTaboo is not taboo.

Our attraction is Magic

Our connection is


Our love is worthy

Our desire is Sacred

Our sex is pure


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In essence

How I express myself, whether it is in makeup,

fashion and art- is important to me.

It’s political.

It’s always noting the power dynamics that

surround me and how I challenge them.

Friends are the base of my personality, I don’t know

what I would be without friends.

In a world where queer folk find themselves lonely, I

am privileged to say that I’ve always had a friend

near me.

I love my friends, somehow more than myself. The

discovery of thyself is so much more bearable when

you have friends by your side. My friendships are

where my happiness is.


When I am in nature, it is where I feel most human.

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In Spoken Words

Tinashe Wakapila

A silenced voice that carries certain humanity

aspects or proof is an injustice served to the

future generations.

A historical evolution in mankind on gender and

sexuality identity undocumented is yet another

chance for hate crime perpetrators to be birthed

and live to execute their hate.

What is not written, is not there. Then why silence

this lovely history?

The mystical beauty of mankind is that there is a

deep explanation that can never be unveiled by

nobody, we can have a few of those humanity wisdoms

we may throw to give an understanding of us but the

epitome of life is known by only where our lives

come from, not those who gave birth to us or

offered their semen for our existence but the real

place of creation.

Beauty is not subjected to what is the right path

that has been written by another person, beauty is

the courage of wearing who you are proudly, and

turning every unbearable moment of being into life

lessons and hopes, not minding how hopeless it is

but believing how hopeful it could be.

Love has no gender or expectations of how one must

be. It has to be a journey of who is capable, and

what they are capable of. Then the compatibility of

humanity complex is aligned to individuals who

choose to unify.

It takes different time frames but only time again

tells how much it was worth. Do not despise the

humble beginnings of anything. Getting to know each

other is work in progress.

The pain of realizing that your worth is valued in

the community with affordability and righteousness

that has been aligned by the toxic

Heteronormativity Behaviors of the world brings a

lot of harm to the extent that the family dynamics

are shaken and love is left behind.

The patriarchal and misogynistic behaviour of some

mankind are the rocks I splash unto and the little

acceptance from those who have took time to know me

being a water body laid before me that I splash

into and merge with the rest of the world, still my

landing to this thing called life has never had a

clear navigation.

Where it will hit when I land is where it will be

understood as I explain, so is my emotions and

feelings about my being womxn right now, they them.

Born in a time where there is an evolving direction

towards the world I embrace harnessing the

knowledge of what has been taught to me.

Pushed in the edges of success or failure. Life is

but a cycle.


Like a waterfall, water trickling down, and the water molecule

intertwined together.

directed by the way the wind blowing it, unsettled and splashy

they seem while they are still midair,

from the edge as the water out pours there is a straight

formation somehow naturally orchestrated,

in a pattern or order to the way the water flows down, yet not


whether it will splash on the stones when it hits down or splash

in the water body laid for it down.

God does not make mistakes also comes as a supporting statement

to the reason behind why people have to not be Homosexual

because God created Adam and Eve. With mind and statement in

thought it raises questionable doubt the issue of mankind

creation must be used to condemn Homosexuality. Everything built

in basis of love is love and wins.

Peace is an articulator verb that’s expressed

through realities and patience one lets out.

Your voice is a tool of building and destruction.

Choose ye today what is better.


Tinashe Wakapila

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Corné du Plessis

DUDOIR photography

is an exciting challenge for men to release their inhibitions and reveal or

redefine their true self: who you are, who you can be, and who you want

to be.

The term DUDOIR PHOTOGRAPHY is derived from the female version

BOUDOIR PHOTOGRAPHY. It is a photographic style featuring intimate,

romantic, and sometimes erotic images of men in a bedroom or private

dressing room environment, primarily intended for his or his romantic

partner’s private enjoyment. It is distinct from glamour photography in

that it is usually more suggestive rather than explicit in its approach to

nudity and sexuality. It features men who do not regularly model and they

often request art nudes.

It is common for men to have DUDOIR photographs of themselves made

as a gift to a partner, conventionally for Valentine’s Day, on the occasion

of their engagement, marriage, or before an enforced extended separation

due to work. DUDOIR photography is also sometimes given as a gift with

the intention of re-affirming and encouraging the romance and sensuality

between partners in a long-term relationship.

Increasingly, DUDOIR photography is seen as something that a person

might do purely for their own enjoyment, for the pleasure and affirmation

of seeing themselves as attractive, daring, sensual, and sexuallydesirable.

This is often the case to celebrate reaching a physical goal that

could be anything from losing weight or recovery after an operation or

physical trauma.

Sexy is not a physical attribute. It's self-confidence. It's a moment when

you're comfortable enough with yourself to open-up to others. Love

yourself now.

After a DUDOIR photo session, men often comment on how liberated the

experience made them feel.

Links to follow

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dudoir.ma

Website: www.dudoir.co.za

MANSCAPES is a fine art photo coffee table

book featuring male nude bodyscapes. In this

book the photographer uses light to sculpt the

male physique.

Purchase book:


Retrospective Reflection

Lwanda Mputa

Usually when someone reflects on their life they

tend to look back with their past self and see how far

they have come as a person.


I want to do it in the opposite manner which is look

at the now and work my way to still see parts of me

then, in the me of now.

Today, I am a person who does not have everything

figured out,

plans I had for the future seem to change without my

permission and some changes come unexpectedly; I

feel like I have disappointed myself in some shape or


In all my self-doubt there is always a layer of

optimism that I peel away towards and focus on the

upside. My eyes are always set on the light because

that is all I need to push through.

I have always thought highly of myself because as I’ve


“If I don’t think highly of myself, then who will?”

It’s a statement I have thought to myself as although

we surround ourselves with individuals who could

have nothing but the best respect and intentions

towards oneself, self-respect and admiration comes

from oneself before obtaining it from others.

It took some time for me to be able to accept myself

for who I was not just inside but also out.

That has been the main reason why I don’t take

pictures of myself that often so I really had to dig to

find them for this magazine and looking back at them

is the reason why I chose this sort of theme as I

reflect on the different ways in which I captioned

myself overtime.

With images being more serious and darker more

recently from being more playful and candid in the

past- it’s a representation of me growing into my

own, seeing what works for me and slowly coming

into terms with being and how I represent myself


The me of today is a person that is constantly

maturing, constantly looking within themselves for

answers for behaviours I perpetuate that deem

unfavorable and consistently pushing myself to raise

the stakes higher even when I’m not ready.

Even with all that, I still see myself from yesterday as

someone who is carefree, meets almost everything

with optimism and invites it all with a heart-warming


Links to follow

Instagram: @Lwanda_mputa




Moving yet stuck: a visit to Cullinan


In January 2021 I visited the small town of Cullinan,

just outside of Pretoria, South Africa. This small town

is best known of the Cullinan Diamond, the biggest

uncut diamond ever mined; a diamond stolen by the

British monarchy under the lie of a gift.

These images capture the stillness in time faced by

the town, a diamond taken from it but never

returned. The town feels weighed down by an

unspoken silence, another sleepy mining town once

bustling with moving miners, black miners, who

never saw the riches of their toiling labour under

colonialism and Apartheid.

In many ways, mining industry in South Africa is still

the same - black people mine in daily dangerous

situations to make some capitalist rich.

We are moving yet stuck in our past. How do we

move on from it without any justice being served?

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Letters to my love

Thandi Elinah Mazibuko

Kutloano, moratuoa, lerato laka.

I will, one day, write you a letter on a piece of paper, with a

pen, and post it to you. Perhaps that day, I will not have to post

it, you will be near. Arm’s length. Arms reach. Hearts reach.

One day, people will ask, “When did you know?” I will tell them,

you had me at, “Hi Avo lover.” And I knew. I know. I do not

know how I know. I just know that I know. My body knows. My

muscles remember. My bones attest. You are like a dormant

memory, deep within the grooves of my soul, suddenly


This is knowledge, not feelings. Feelings fluctuate. Knowledge

is consistent. Steady. Secure. I do not know how everything is

going to unfold. But I know you are my memory. My


I think about you. I think about what I know of you. I think, oh

this human. This shockingly wonderful human. Your voice

sounds like the first note of a string quartet. Your laughter like

the first rays of sunrise. Warm and bright. Your words. How

you put them together. I am out of words.

I give thanks for your existence. Grateful for your creation. Say

something, send me a text. Tell me what you think. I want to

see your name pop up on my screen. I want to hear your voice.

I want to see you. I see you. I know you.

Every time I have said that I liked you.

You know what I just realized. I have never been alone. Even if

I had in the past convinced myself that I was. You have always

been here. With me. Always. You have prayed for me. You have

hoped that I was okay. When you were sad you have hoped

that my life experience was better. You have hoped that I was

smiling. That I have eaten. That I have rested, and that I was

healthy. All without having met me yet. You have searched for

me in people’s eyes. Because you knew, even if we have shed

our bodies through the ages, the look in our eyes never


I am sorry I took what felt like a long time to see you. My eyes

were not ready yet. My vision was still blurry. Now. I see you.

Vivid. Clear. I see you like I see myself. You are my mind’s eye.

Now that I have seen you, it feels like we have never been

apart. You were always here. Always. By my side. You are me.

I am you. I and I.

Hey Avo Lover.

“Hello, Wonderful Human. Where have you been?”


“Take me with you when you leave.”

“I am not leaving, this is home. You are home.”

In the beginning there was nothing. At the start we were nothing.

Out of nothing, we became. The heavens opened. Rain came

pouring down. We rolled in the mud. Quickly becoming a body. A

single body at first. Through moments in time we served the soil, for

it allowed us to be seen. It gave us our body.

As the sun rose, and set. Our body wore out. Grew tired. We knew

that, soon we would have to shed our skin. Back to the soil. A

sacrifice not in vain. For whatever the soil gives, so it shall once

again claim, and, give once more.

Even though our bones grew weary, we wanted to see of the Earth

still. Thus, before sleep, we cried out to the heavens. Making a

prayer, “As we launch into momentary slumber. Let us be born

again as two. With a mate. To travel and see the Earth with.” What

point is wonder, when you have no one to see it with?

And so it became that when the sun rose, we were two. Separated.

Fashioned out of the same soul. The heavens opened. Rain came

pouring down. We played in the mud, and two bodies we became.

The Earth flooded. Between us grew rivers and oceans. Before long,

amnesia took center stage. The memory of your face disappeared

within the cracks of time. Then on the seventh day of the eighth

month. Lifetimes later. Our paths crossed again, and I remembered

you instantly. It’s the look in your eyes. It has never changed. I see


Hello wonderful human.

We cuddled on the small little couch, in the terrible

apartment we had booked for the night. High. I held

her in my arms, and I knew that I never wanted to

let go. I must have dozed off. When I woke up you

were not there, and for the first few moments

heartbreak. Thinking that it was all a dream. I tried

making out my surroundings. Where was I? I looked

over the bed and saw your body lying there. I smiled,

I couldn’t help. I felt my heart grow inches thicker.

You are real, my wildest dream come through. I

climbed next to you, and drifted to sleep once again.

In the morning, I was awoken by your gentle caress

on my back. When I turned over, I had never seen

anything more beautiful in my life.

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Jesse barlow

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