Task 2 - The nature of linguistics and language

What is Linguistics?

Linguistics is the study of language, how it is put

together and how it functions. It is the study of

human speech including the units, nature, structure

and modification of language. The main of

linguistics is to increase our knowledge and

understanding the world. Since language is

universal and fundamental to all human

interactions, the knowledge arraigned in linguistics

has many practical applications.

What is the relation between Linguistics with

the sociolinguistics' study object?

As said before linguistics studies the language;

sociolinguists study the relationship between

language and society, this field combines

knowledge principally from two fields: linguistics

and sociology. Sociologists are interested in how

we speak differently in varying social contexts, and

also the use of specific functions of language to

convey social meaning or aspects of our identity.

How does language or the

use of the “word” become

a source of social and

political power?

Individuals use language as means to construct

their power and as a way to maintain it. Those

who possess political power and control media

can influence language and determine

discourses in society. Language also reflects

the collective or historical power of the

community that uses it, allowing to share ideas

with others and with this comes the power to

build societies, but also tear them down.

Why is it important to carry out

Socio-linguistics studies?

Sociolinguistics is very important because by examining the

way in which people use language can also explain how

language works in social relationships and in communities.

Sociolinguistics teaches us about real-life attitudes and social


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