Newsletter 2 - 1.10.21

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LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>1.10.21</strong><br />


NEWSLETTER<strong>1.10.21</strong><br />

LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>1.10.21</strong>

A word from the Principal...<br />

Welcome,<br />

What a busy two weeks it has been.<br />

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your continued cooperation since the start of term. We are<br />

constantly treading the fine line between returning to full provision as quickly as possible whilst still<br />

ensuring that everyone is as safe as possible. This remains a huge challenge in the current climate<br />

of ever changing infection rates, positive cases and official guidance, but through the measures we<br />

have in place, we have been able to restart a full programme of clubs which have been superbly attended<br />

in their first week and form one of the key areas of provision that we are so proud of.<br />

Today, we returned to Ludgvan Church for the first time in almost two years! It was lovely to be part<br />

of a Harvest Festival service with Canon Nigel again and whilst we could only take out Y3/4 bubble,<br />

it was another step on our road to normality returning. Thank you so much for your donations, they<br />

will be helping our community through the local foodbank and Cheshire Homes.<br />

Please take some time to look at the important dates section overleaf as we have provisionally<br />

booked in some of our exciting whole school events such as FLS discos and Christmas Christingles at<br />

the Church. Obviously these events are subject to continued improvements in our local area so keep<br />

your eyes peeled for further updates and announcements.<br />

Kind regards,<br />

Mr Adam Anderson<br />


Useful information...<br />

Music Lessons<br />

Thank you to all who watched the online string demonstration last Thursday, we<br />

have received several lovely comments.<br />

The recording is available to watch on demand at https://www.youtube.com/<br />

watch?v=ZVHNqc_Ii38<br />

If you have interest from parents on these or any instruments, they can sign up for<br />

lessons at https://www.cornwallmusicservicetrust.org/signup<br />

Details on fees can be found at https://www.cornwallmusicservicetrust.org/fees<br />

Many thanks.<br />

Yours sincerely<br />

Cornwall Music Service Trust Administration<br />

Class Dojo<br />

We will be using Class Dojo as our main means of communication this year. If you<br />

have not set up your account and linked to your child’s class, please contact their<br />

class teacher who will help you.<br />

Important Dates<br />

Christingles at Ludgvan Church<br />

- 15th December @ 6pm EYFS and KS1<br />

- 16th December @ 6pm KS2<br />

FLS Disco<br />

21st October<br />

KS1 3pm - 3:45pm<br />

Y3/4 4pm - 5pm<br />

Y5/6 5:15pm - 6:30pm<br />

£3 including a drink and snack<br />

Term Dates 21-22<br />

Autumn Term 6 Sep - 17 Dec (Half term 25-29 Oct)<br />

Spring Term 4 Jan - 8 Apr (Half term 21-25 Feb)<br />

Summer Term 25 April - 26 July (Half term 30 May - 3 June)<br />

A Former Student is an Author!<br />

Tal Macey, a former student has written his first book which is now available to buy<br />

on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Beacon-Farm-Tal-Macey/dp/B09GCWZ2P6/<br />


Useful information...<br />

Child Health Programme<br />

This year Public Health are trying to help reduce the impact we are having on climate<br />

change. This means that this year we will be sending out digital booklets<br />

which will include the opt out form.<br />

Please take a look at the video below from Shelley Jamieson NCMP Lead who explains<br />

the process for this year.<br />

https://vimeo.com/606545830<br />

Below are the official links to our new digital Health Information booklets for families.<br />

These digital booklets will replace the paper version sent out in previous<br />

years, and contains many useful links including how to ‘opt out’ of school health<br />

screening.<br />

• Reception Year - https://mailchi.mp/18026a07be64/child-health-programme-health-information-reception-year<br />

• Year 6 - https://mailchi.mp/cc99221a9df0/child-health-programme-health-information-year6<br />

Please get in touch if you have any questions regarding school health screening this<br />

year.<br />

Breakfast Club<br />

Please see below for times and charges for breakfast club. Places at breakfast club<br />

must be booked in advance via the schoolmoney portal.<br />

0730 - 0845 £5<br />

0800 - 0845 £3.50<br />

All include breakfast and a drink.<br />

Discounts available for siblings and those eligible for FSM.<br />

Contacting Teachers<br />

Please be respectful of our teachers workloads and try to contact class teachers<br />

during their usual working hours. Electronic communication does mean we are able<br />

to send messages 24 hours a day, but I do not expect staff to be replying to questions,<br />

queries or messages in the evenings or weekends. In an emergency, please<br />

send your communications to me. Thank you, Mr Anderson.

Would you like to be a Governor?<br />

Would you like to help ensure the continued success of Ludgvan School by becoming<br />

a Governor?<br />

We would like all families to be aware of an opportunity to be involved in shaping<br />

the strategic direction of our school. Our Local Academy Committee (LAC)<br />

is looking for new members. In more traditional terms, this is the Board of<br />

Governors.<br />

Would you be interested in becoming a member of the LAC? It involves six<br />

meetings per year with some keeping in touch work in between. We are looking<br />

for members of our community with a range of skills and abilities who can<br />

have an overview of School policy and strategic direction. Previous experience<br />

in an educational setting is not required for this role and we would welcome<br />

applications from all sectors of our community.<br />

If you would like to help us make a difference to children’s lives we would love<br />

to hear from you. For an informal conversation about what the role entails and<br />

how you can help move Ludgvan School on to even greater success, please get<br />

in touch with our Chairperson, Michael Payne by email: m.payne@ludgvan.<br />


Uniform...<br />

This year, we have made some slight changes to our uniform expectations. Because<br />

children wearing their PE kit to school has resulted in much less PE time being lost<br />

to changing, lost PE kit etc, we will be continuing with this next year. We will also be<br />

increasing the profile of our farm learning and forest school provision, both of which<br />

will be led by Mr Richards. We appreciate that for days that your children will be doing<br />

much of their learning outside, with a greater likelihood of getting muddy etc, our traditional<br />

uniform may not be the best option. Therefore, our uniform expectations from<br />

September, will be as follows:<br />

Normal School Days<br />

PE Days<br />

Forest School/ Farm<br />

Days<br />

Ludgvan School sweatshirt/cardigan<br />

White Polo shirt (with or without logo)<br />

Grey trousers/shorts/skirt/dress<br />

Blue/White gingham dress<br />

Black shoes<br />

Ludgvan School sweatshirt/cardigan or hoodie<br />

Ludgvan School PE t-shirt (in team colour)<br />

Black shorts/jogging bottoms (with or without school logo)<br />

Trainers (not plimsolls)<br />

Ludgvan School sweatshirt/cardigan or hoodie<br />

Ludgvan School PE t-shirt (in team colour)<br />

Black shorts/jogging bottoms (with or without school logo)<br />

Sensible shoes<br />

All uniform is available from our supplier https://www.exhibit1clothing.com/ludgvan-school.html

Learning Outdoors...<br />

The past two weeks have seen lots of action happening in our forest school area.<br />

In KS1, the children have explored the story of Blow Your Nose Big Bad Wolf, where<br />

the wolf has accidentally sneezed and knocked down the houses of the little pigs.<br />

The children discovered that the wolf had actually met lots of other animals and also<br />

sneezed their houses down too so they had to use natural resources to create mini<br />

dens to keep the animals warm and dry. Year 2 had the extra challenge of having to<br />

create tripod shelters.<br />

Years 3, 4 and 5 been learning how to make small fires, working out what works and<br />

what not to do in the process. Of course this was followed by toasting marshmallows<br />

and making smores. We have been really impressed with their determination and persistence,<br />

especially as the fire steels can be very tricky to get used to using.<br />

Year 6 have been learning to use a range of tools including bow saws, mallets, splitters<br />

and whittling knives. Some children chose to whittle their own butter knives using<br />

the whittling knives - there were some impressive first attempts. Others chose to<br />

put their skills to the test by using all of the tools to make their very own mallet.

Exciting and Engaging...<br />

EYFS<br />

What a busy few weeks it has been in the early years class!<br />

Last week a surprise fairy visited the class and left some sunflower heads and<br />

lots of glitter! We read a story and a non-fiction book about growing sunflowers,<br />

learnt about the life cycle of a sunflower and picked the seeds out of the<br />

sunflower head to take home and plant next spring. The children wrote notes<br />

for the fairy, made her a bed and looked for clues to find her hiding place. They<br />

can’t wait for her to come back soon!<br />

This week, the children have had lots of fun creating pictures of themselves<br />

in different ways such as: making pictures of their faces using natural objects<br />

in the forest school area; using the iPads to take funny photos of their faces;<br />

drawing a self portrait using a video from ‘Draw with Rob’. We have enjoyed<br />

looking at all of their creations! The children enjoyed listening to the story ‘Paper<br />

Dolls’, lots of them then went on to make their own paper dolls and take<br />

them on adventures around the classroom. We have also been learning all<br />

about the number 1; the children have been busy searching for the number 1<br />

around the classroom, they also were great at finding lots of 1 sided shapes. In<br />

phonics, we have been lucky enough to have Fred the frog helping the children<br />

to learn their sounds! He has taught them the sounds ‘m’ and ‘a’ so far and has<br />

challenged them to see what other sounds they already know. Well done for<br />

another brilliant two weeks everyone!

Exciting and Engaging...<br />

Y1<br />

The children have been learning all about Medieval round-houses and Tudor<br />

houses. We even had a go at making our own but we soon discovered that this<br />

was not as easy as we thought!!<br />

In science the children found lots of different materials and sorted them into<br />

different categories. They have enjoyed learning about a Christian wedding ceremony<br />

this week.<br />

Our art focus for this half term is sketching and the children have produced<br />

some beautiful pictures of Autumn leaves and flowers.

Exciting and Engaging...<br />

Y2<br />

Year 2 have begun their learning all about The Great Fire of London. The children<br />

have loved learning about all of the events that took place and the people<br />

that were involved. During English, they wrote some fantastic sentences about<br />

the fire including very powerful verbs and adverbs. In Science, they have also<br />

started learning about the properties of different materials. This week, we also<br />

read On Sudden Hill by Benji Davies and discussed possible issues in friendships<br />

and how we might overcome these issues. Finally, they have been very<br />

excited to start incubating some duck eggs with the hope of raising ducklings.<br />

Each day they have been carefully turning the eggs and observing for any<br />

changes. We will keep you updated on any progress!

Exciting and Engaging...<br />

Y3<br />

Year 3 have continued to work very hard in all areas of the curriculum. They have<br />

been enjoying learning about African animals and have been researching and writing<br />

some facts about an animal of their choice to create an African animal fact file. Next<br />

week we will be publishing these into a class book. In RE with Mrs Peters the class<br />

have been learning about the creation of the world and have had some great discussions<br />

about this. The children are now making their own 3D worlds!

Exciting and Engaging...<br />

Y4<br />

Year 4 really are enjoying a broad and balanced curriculum with many fun activities.<br />

All the pupils in our class can now proudly say they are able to light a fire using steel<br />

and flint (or steel and steel to be completely accurate). It took some perseverance<br />

and help from their classmates but they all achieved it in time for toasted marshmallows<br />

and s’mores! Our topic is in full swing as children are discovering the myths and<br />

legends of the Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses. Last week, they created some<br />

lovely drawings of Zeus and this week we have debated whether Hera was right to<br />

behave in such a way to Zeus’ other wives and children. Tennis is also being enjoyed<br />

every Thursday with many keen competitors!

Exciting and Engaging...<br />

Y5<br />

This week, Class 5 have been creating non-chronological reports based on their<br />

chosen planets. They have been responsible for their own research and content<br />

for their work and have been really proud of their final pieces.<br />

In art, the class have been busy making view finders to help focus their sketching<br />

to create more detailed images of the moon. They have also been exploring<br />

tints and shading skills, as well as primary, secondary and tertiary colours.<br />

In PE, Class 5 have been developing their dribbling and passing skills, building<br />

up to a game of basketball.<br />

Well done Class 5

Exciting and Engaging...<br />

Y6<br />

The past 2 weeks has seen a hive of activity in year 6 with a mixture of in<br />

school and remote learning. We have been focusing on our WW1 topic, exploring<br />

what life was like for soldiers in the trenches. We particularly focused on<br />

the young soldiers of the war and how so many lied about their age to join the<br />

war effort. Art has seen the children exploring perspective drawing, combining<br />

the skills they have learnt over the past few weeks. In PE, we have started<br />

a unit of Hockey, and already skills are improving. There are some promising<br />

hockey players in the class! Well done Year 6!

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