10 most desirable colleges of Psychology

We hand-picked few educational institutions that are doing remarkably well in imparting education through Psychology institutions, in the latest edition of The Knowledge Review_10 Most Desirable Colleges of Psychology 2021

We hand-picked few educational institutions that are doing remarkably well in imparting education through Psychology institutions, in the latest edition of The Knowledge Review_10 Most Desirable Colleges of Psychology 2021


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Brain Hacks

kind of psychology that combines a number of

Adistinct psychological techniques is called

'Practical Psychology'. Essentially, it refers to the

application of psychology to achieve a practical outcome.

Many different psychological methods can be utilised at the

same time to achieve the desired outcome if someone is

experiencing an uncomfortable mental state such as that

produced by ADHD or if they are bipolar.

Prof. R. Sreevalsa Kumar, Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth,

states – “Psychology has enormous application in

managing the effectiveness of digital experiences. Even

though issues like cybersecurity, consumer data analysis,

online trade, etc. are technological in nature, since it is

confronting human systems and behaviours, incorporating

psychological knowledge in the design and usage of

cyberspaces will enhance the effective usage of


For example, let us consider the requirement of frequent

password change to enhance the security of online banking.

All banks and financial institutions insist their customers

follow this practice. The customers are also aware of the

threat of potential password breach and its related

consequences, yet many are reluctant to do this.

Pondering on this topic, Prof. R. Sreevalsa Kumar remarks,

“The issue is more psychological as the customer is

resistant to changing the password because of many

cognitive reasons. The human brain tends to follow a topdown

processing approach to save its resources. If a person

has multiple accounts, it is difficult for him to memorise

multiple passwords and probably he may get it mixed up.

This creates a thought of resistance in the mind towards

frequent password updates. So, if the system can work out a

solution and make it more brain-friendly, the expected

behaviours will happen.”

“Consumer data analysis may generate better options for

customers if the data is infused with a wide variety of

human behaviours, traits, and requirements,” said Prof. R.

Sreevalsa. “There is a distinction between raw and

processed data once again. The expertise of a psychologist

can go a long way in processing raw data and find out the

underlying trends in it,” he added.

Many have a presumption that psychology is related only to

mental health and the application of it is limited to

therapeutically processes and counselling. But Dr Archana

Surana, HOD – PG Department of Psychology, Surana

College, notes that this conception is very erroneous. She

states: “The applications of psychology are multitudinous,

from determining what font size and style of packaging will

entice customers to buy a product to determining the

personality and behaviour patterns of persons who engage

in cyberbullying.”

“What type of people make good entrepreneurs? What is the

configuration of Indian learning? How should astronauts be

prepared psychologically for space travel? What do e-

commerce sites do to make people buy expensive clothes?

Well, all this and more are applications of Psychology,”

concluded Dr Archana Surana.

- By Aditya Umale

The subject of cyberpsychology has expanded as a result of

increased research and analysis on the interplay of

technology and human behaviour through the lens of

psychology. Future directions in cyberpsychology are

explored in terms of ethics, clinical practise, age and

disability, education and training, and research. Because

cyberpsychology is still in its early stages, psychologists are

ideally positioned to contribute to this novel subject through

multidisciplinary cooperation.

27 | MAY 2021 | www.theknowledgereview.com

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