10 most desirable colleges of Psychology

We hand-picked few educational institutions that are doing remarkably well in imparting education through Psychology institutions, in the latest edition of The Knowledge Review_10 Most Desirable Colleges of Psychology 2021

We hand-picked few educational institutions that are doing remarkably well in imparting education through Psychology institutions, in the latest edition of The Knowledge Review_10 Most Desirable Colleges of Psychology 2021


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factors in our lives affect our IQ scores, and conversely, our

IQ scores can greatly affect the outcome of our lives.

Here are a few facts about IQ that might take you by


1. If you have an IQ of at least 115, you can do any job

(source: University of Delaware)

People with a wide range of IQs may work in nearly any

job at any level. With a lower IQ, however, doing

successfully in extremely complicated or fluid occupations

(such as management in ambiguous, changeable,

unexpected sectors) becomes increasingly challenging.

With an IQ of over 115, there are no limitations to what you

may do. Meanwhile, unskilled work doesn't require a high

IQ, as only simple decisions need to be made.

2. Genetics make up approximately 40 – 80 % of a

person's IQ (source: University of Delaware, and McGill


The nature v/s nurture debate is still alive and well.

Although IQ is inevitably affected by environmental

factors, heritability plays a far more important role in

determining overall IQ. Environmental factors determine

the loss or gain of a few points here and there, but that is

overshadowed by one's genetic makeup.

3. Junk food diet for kids can lead to lower IQs (source:

National Post)

By the time they were eight years old, children who ate

processed junk foods before the age of three had a lower IQ

than their classmates. A vitamin and mineral-rich diet has

been proven to have the opposite effect.

4. People with a lower-than-average IQ (between 75 –

90), are more likely to drop out, go to jail and live in

poverty (source: Mega Foundation)

A staggeringly uncomfortable fact: Individuals with an IQ

of 75 to 90 are 88 times more likely to drop out of high

school, seven times more likely to go to prison, and five

times more likely to live in poverty than people with an IQ

of 110 or above.

5. IQ is significantly affected by your school attendance

A study conducted by James D. Paige, published in The

Journal of Psychology, found that IQ levels decrease when

access to formal schooling is limited. Missing out on school

in general means a lower overall score. A research

conducted in Sweden showed that for each year the students

had dropped out of school prematurely, showed 1.8 IQ

points less on average. According to a research conducted

in South Africa, a child's IQ drops by five points for every

year of delayed schooling. Separate studies have found that

following summer break, a student's end-of-year IQ score


6. The higher your IQ, the more likely you're socially

smart (source: University of Delaware)

This may seem counterintuitive, but IQ is strongly

correlated to success or failure in educational, professional,

economic, and more surprisingly – social aspects. Surely

correlation does not prove causation. Also, it is often hard

to point out what IQ tests measure beyond 'general

intelligence'. But since individuals with higher scores see

more positive outcomes in social and educational

competence, those tests can't be too bad.

Also, higher IQ can make you more confident. Confidence

is half the battle, according to successful people in business,

sports, and life. Although having a specific IQ does not

reveal the full story, the prevalent belief is that it does, and

depending on your number, this may be heart-breaking or


7. Lower IQ scores are linked to more suicidal feelings

(source: Scientific American)

Despite the fact that there are several factors at play,

Swedish researchers have discovered a relationship between

lower IQ scores and suicide thoughts. Low IQs can lead to

poor problem-solving skills, making people less able to

cope with stress in stressful situations.

8. Creativity is also measured in an IQ test (source:

Psychology Today)

An IQ test might show your creative potential. "Thoughtful

thinking, divergent production, pattern identification, and

learning" are all elements of the creative process, according

to Dr. Scott Kaufman, and are all assessed in an IQ test.

Test administrators can identify problem-solving methods

and exam interpretation in their topic, which can help

explain why a creative kid can struggle with the

standardised IQ test.

- By Aditya Umale

20 | MAY 2021 | www.theknowledgereview.com

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