10 most desirable colleges of Psychology

We hand-picked few educational institutions that are doing remarkably well in imparting education through Psychology institutions, in the latest edition of The Knowledge Review_10 Most Desirable Colleges of Psychology 2021

We hand-picked few educational institutions that are doing remarkably well in imparting education through Psychology institutions, in the latest edition of The Knowledge Review_10 Most Desirable Colleges of Psychology 2021


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Hold Your Breadth





About IQ

he US army deems it illegal to induct anyone with

Tan IQ of less than 83. The US army has been

conducting IQ tests since such tests began, because

they want everybody they can possibly get into the army. In

peacetime, they use it as a way of moving people up the

socioeconomic ladder; In wartime, they need as many

soldiers as they can get their hands on. With such priorities,

they will not be any pickier than they have to be. So, when

the US army says that it's illegal to induct anyone with an

IQ of less than 83, then you know that they have done so

out of absolute necessity.

This is probably a discussion no one wants to have. But

IQ is a major factor in how successful a person can be in

his/her life. For example, the SAT, GRE, and LSAT are all

IQ tests, although they focus more on assessing

crystalized intelligence than fluid intelligence.

Psychology professors David Hambrick and Elisabeth

Meinz once wrote an Op-Ed named “Sorry Strivers,

Talent Matters” where they cited a collection of scientific

studies that point to innate talent – not practice – that

separates the great from the good. As it happens, many

18 | MAY 2021 | www.theknowledgereview.com

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